Members of Congress divided on impeachment, censure Censuring is discussed as an alternative to impeachment By Jim Abrams The Associated Press WASHINGTON — President Clinton must state clearly that he lied in the Monica Lewinsky affair before the House Judiciary Com mittee can consider any alterna tive to impeachment, Republican members said Sunday. But other lawmakers warned not to ignore momentum for the lesser action of censuring the president. One Republican who has come out against impeachment, Rep. r Peter King of New York, predict ed that a vote to impeach would fall short in the House and pursu ing that course could perpetuate the image that Republicans put the scandal ahead of the nation’s legislative needs. “It’s going to make it harder to get our agenda across. We have to show that we can lead, that we can bring an end to this,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” But the move to censure was complicated last week by GOP dis satisfaction with what they said were Clinton’s evasive answers to 81 questions on the affair present ed to him by Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, R-Ill. “This censure idea without an admission on the president’s part is a political cop-out,” committee member Rep. Lindsey Graham, R S.C., told NBC. “I do not want to have an unrepentant perjurer leading the nation into the 21st century.” House Majority Whip Tom De Lay, R-Texas, on CNN’s “Late Edi tion,” said, “The Congress and the House have no other option but to vote impeachment or not.” Clinton has a chance to directly confront the committee on Dec. 8 when he or his representatives have been invited to testify. White House spokesman Jim Kennedy said the White House is Student Season Passes WILLAMETTE Now Only $199 $399 Value Must provide registrars office statement showing minimum of 6 credit hours enrollment and photo ID Available at ULLR ^ SPORT SHOP y 207 Coburg Road 687-ULLR or 345-SNOW still evaluating how to respond to the invitation. Already, he said, “We’ve made a good faith effort to respond to the questions despite the fact that they were designed more for a partisan purpose than a constitutional one.” One Senate Republican, Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, said Clinton should personally ap pear to defend himself. “I think he ought to have to answer questions and be subject to examination be cause the answers that he gave were evasive,” he said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Let’s bring the president in.” After that, the committee would decide whether to recom mend articles of impeachment to the full House, which could take up the matter the following week. If 218 House members vote to impeach, action would move to the Senate where a two-thirds ma jority is needed to convict and re move the president from office. With opinions split down party lines, there is little chance of that happening. Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Con necticut, one of the first Democ rats to openly condemn Clinton’s behavior, wrote in the New York Times Sunday that with impeach ment unlikely, Congress must cen sure the president. Dual portraits emerge of bus shooting suspect By John M. Hubbell The Associated Press SEATTLE —The hunched-over man at the bus stop made Chad Reilly nervous. He ripped away the paper bag that cradled his liquor with a flourish, .looking Reilly in the eye as he approached. "He was talking to himself, ob viously kind of out of it,” said Reil ly, who decided not to linger and made his way to another bus stop. Reilly’s description of the man matches that of Steven Gary Coole, considered a possible suspect in the shooting death of a city bus driver Friday. The bus, carrying 35 people, fell 50 feet off a bridge. Three people — including the gunman — died, and 32 people were injured. Seventeen remained hospitalized Sunday, with one man in critical condition. Reilly, who got on the bus at a later stop, escaped theprash with minor cuts and bruises. Police would not confirm that Coole shot the driver. Ballistics re sults, expected Monday, could identify the gun that killed driver Mark McLaughlin, 44, who died of several gunshot wounds to the ab domen, police spokeswoman Christie-Lynne Bonner said. Police said the possible gunman was found near the bus with an ap parent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head and a fired gun nearby. A second handgun — un fired — was recovered from the dead passenger’s body at Har borview Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead Friday. 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