Call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Suite 300 EMU to place t our ad today 095 PERSONALS SPRING BREAK '99- MAZATLAN and CANCUN. Early signup get $30 off t4 meals, 20 to 32 hours free drinks. "COLLEGE TOURS" Call free 1-800-395-4896 ext. 127. Website Now Departing out of Portland. 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN Is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Tuesdays & Saturdays are Gaming Nights from 6pm to 9pm at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. FOR SALE! 2 sm. bookshelves, full size black bed frame, black night stands, women's hutty mt. bike, 3 desk lamps, computer desk, computer chair, futon couch and chair, and misc. household items. For prices call 343-2183. Yakima locking canoe rack, $144, 4-drawer desk, $252, computer/ printer/monitor, $297, Halogen floor lamp, $27, Sue 741-0319. 1 necu a place to live? Check out Sections 210-250 190 OPPORTUNITIES r 130 CARS/TRUCKS CARS FOR $100 Upcoming sales of gov't seized, and surplus sports cars, trucks, 4x4s. 1-800-863-9868, ext. 1552 '85 Olds R.B. Only 94K, 23mi/gal. Power everything, comfy ride, AC/ heat. $999 obo. 349-9947. Cars $100-$500 Police impounds. Hondas, Toyo tas, Nissans, Mustangs, Acuras, Chevys, Jeeps and Sport Utility ve hicles MUST SELL! 1-800-772 7470 Extension 6237. '89 Honda Accord LX. Fully load ed, alarm, new tires w/ warranty, tinted windows. $6,000/obo. Ask (or Brian, 543-3695. 1985 MAZDA 626 S850 2 door, auto, air, needs minor repair. 344-0573 140 BICYCLES GRANDMA'S SCHIWINN BIKE Sturdy, quality, old-fashioned utili ty. Just $35. Call 688-6686 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Mac Prf 6360, CD ROM, Yam spkrs, 15 in. NEC/dig mon. HP 320 printer. Call 461-8899. Mac Performa 631-CD 16MB RAM 800 MB HD, internet ready w/ tons of software, Printer, Zip drive. $600/obo. Reed 686-9802 Smith Corona typewriter/ word pro cessor. 5 years old w/manual & discs & ribbon. $100. 484-5248. 190 OPPORTUNITIES Need Real World experience? Now hiring for winter and spring term Public Relations Coordinator Mentorship Division Head Community Internship Program is looking for motivated undergraduate leaders. These are stipend positions. Applications Due December 2, 1998. Now Registering for winter courses. Gain skills, experience and upper-division credits with an internship through Community Internship Program, come to the CIP office across from the Buzz or call 346-4351. HorOSCOpC by Frances Drake For Tuesday, Nov. 24, 1998 ARIES Surround yourself with good friends, and the niggling worries which have been plaguing you will miraculously disappear You may notice a subtle improvement in vision or hearing. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) A project which got off to a very slow start suddenly gains momentum. If you don’t keep your eyes open, you may miss meeting a very special someone. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Plan to make a difference, and it’s most certain that you will be able to do so. A common experience feels quite unique when it’s happening to you. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Remember that you don't always have to echo the opinions of those whom you admire. In this case, someone will greatly respect you for speaking your own mind. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Relationship issues arise, but you are able to defuse the tension with your enor mous charm. The worst thing you can do at the moment is to lose your temper. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept 22) You surprise yourself with how much delight you find in pleasing others. Make it a priority to prioritize, and you’ll fed a whole lot more efficient LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Y ou win the prize for originality, whether it comes to career or love. Keep using your charm like this, and the world will soon be your oyster. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) The people you surround yourself with will make all the difference during a trying period. You will soon discover that you have more friends than you realized. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) ^ \ Indulge your need for peace and quiet By scheduling a solitary journey. Along the way, be sure to keep your sense of humor CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) All those back-burner projects suddenly come sharply into focus. You will sud denly recognize a soul mate in a most unexpected place. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) You are at the center of an incredible whirl of transformation Don’t be afraid to follow the wonderful whims of the mo PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) A personal or professional relationship suddenly takes on a whole new direction. Just be careful that you are being honest with yourself about your intentions. YOU BORN TODAY Given your ex treme drive, self-confidence, and ambi tions, it is highly likely that you’ll go far in life. You are a passionate and sensitive individual who always roots for the under dog. In affairs of the heart, you tend to be a little more fickle. Birthdate of: William F. Buckley, writer. Marlin Fitzwater, politician; A1 Cohn, jazz musician. O INI Kuif Feature! Syndicate Inc. 150 TV & SOUND SYSTEMS CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR's and Stereos. Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 155INSTRUMENTS/MUSIC EQUIP. New Hammer electric guitar with amp and hardcase. $400. Jell 988-5831 or 520-0623 Early afternoon openings guitar, piano/synth, bass lessons. All styles. John Sharkey 342-9543. 165 SPORTS EQUIPMENT SKI SALE •KASTLE GS Speed Machines 195cm. New, unmounted! $200 •LANGE X09 race boots size 8 $45 •SPVDER Lady's jacket (new) $55 Call Karen 465-9635 170 PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT Black & White Omega Darkroom Enlarger with accessories $75. 688-3762 180 TRAVEL & LODGING MAZATLAN SPRING BREAK '99 $579 package includes: round trip air lair. 7 nights hotel, 14 free meals, 20 hours all you can drink parties. Guy & girl suntan contest. College tours $150 mega bucks, call lor dates 1 -800-244-4463. 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IBU'yiM iB!£WA(R!S The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. Breakthrough Announcement 8.9 cpm Ph Cards + 1 wk FREE L.D. Every Month Call 1+800-948-1011 10=0206851 or SIGN-UP on-line at Job Opportunities in Japan (Yokohama). Seeking child care teachers. Knowledge in Japanese not necessary. Salary is negoti able. 3 months minimum position. Students majoring in Japanese welcome. 346-7561. 190 OPPORTUNITIES At-Large Position on EMU Board open. Apps. in ASUO office, due Wednesday, Nov. 25th. Middle/Secondary Special Educa tion and Transition Program: Limit ed number of tuition waivers avail able to qualified persons interested in earning Middle/Secondary Spe cial Education License and Mas ter's degree. For information and application materials contact Clau dia Vincent, 275 Education, Col lege ot Education (541) 346-5521. 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS TWO WORKSTUDY QUALIFIED STUDENTS NEEDED. Research Services and Administration is looking for two students to make deliveries on campus, run errands, do simple typing and office work. Qualified? Interested? Stop by our office at Suite 106 at the Riverfront Research Park and speak to Michelle or call 346-5133. Get rid of all your unwanted stuflf Cali the Emerald Classifieds 346-4343 205 HELP WANTED Caregiver/housekeeper for fe male with MS. Excellent facilities and close in location. $8 per hour, email to or Ima or fax 686 9633. Eugene Kaplan Education Center is seeking instructors qualified to teach Physics, Biology and Chem istry for well-paying part-time job. Please bring resume and referenc es to 720 E. 13th or call 345^420. STUDENT CURATOR EMU Permanent Art Collection Responsibilities include: catalog, create a database, maintain and rotate permanent art in the EMU. UO student stipend position, $150/ month. December 1998-June 1999. Apply at the Cultural Forum, Suite 2, EMU (346-4373). Dead line: Nov. 24th, 5pm. The CF is an equal opportunity, affirmative ac tion employer. CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT Workers earn up to $2000+/month (w/tips & benefits). World Travel! Land-Tour jobs up to $5,000 $7,000/summer. Ask us how! 517 336-4235 Ext. C60692 205 HELP WANTED Busy medical office looking for part-time reception/ filing/ computer good people/ phone skills required. 8-12 MTWF. $8 per hour. Respond to or Ima or fax 344 6176. HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed. $45,000 income potential. Call 1-800-513^1343 Ext. B-9642 POSTAL JOBS TO S18.35/HR INC. BENEFITS, NO EXPERI ENCE, FOR APP. AND EXAM INFO, CALL 1 800-813-3585, EXT 6624,8AM-7PM, 7 DAYS NOW ACCEPTING SUMMER APPLICATIONS. SEEKING MARY POPPINS Career salaries up to $3200/ month with living expenses paid. Call Oregon Nannies 343-3755 web site: WANTED: Student to index and write abstracts of documents for inclusion in the ERIC database. Requires excellent command of the English language, analytic skills, and lamiliarity with text editing styles. Work-study pre ferred (not required). Starting wage $7/hr. Applicants will be asked to write a sample summary of document that is available in room 100 Agate Hall, 8am-5pm, M-F. Check out Section 1 25 for FURNITURE & APPLIANCES. |220 APARTMENTS 205 HELP WANTED WILDLIFE JOBS TO S21.60/HR INC. BENEFITS. GAME WAR DENS, SECURITY, MAIN TENANCE, PARK RANGERS. NO EXP NEEDED. FOR APP. AND EXAM INFO, CALL 1 800-813 3585, EXT 6625, 8AM-7PM, 7 DAYS Ids Inc. r Part Time Work for the EARLY BIRD The Oregon Daily Emerald is now hiring for winter term morning newspaper delivery. Approximately 6-8 am everyday the Emerald is published. Some afternoon work. Requires your own RELIABLE vehicle. Apply NOW. Work study ok. Apply in person. Mon-Fri, 8-5. 300 EMU. Tbe Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer committed to a culturally diverse workplace I V v Send your LOVE w in the ODE Personals ~' 220 APARTMENTS Month to Month or Lease The Most Peaceful Setting Around Campus! 2-Minute Walk to UO ^ * th, MILLRACE APARTMENTS weoff,r. 1 • Private BALCONIES OVERLOOKING the RIPPLING STREAM • Large 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES and FLATS available • SEPARATE STUDY/DINING ROOM floor plan • FREE, RESERVED PARKING • LOVELY, clean, WELL-LIT, landscaped SURROUNDINGS t • Located right behind Track Town Pizza, I block off Franklin Blvd. 1 • Private LAUNDRY FACILITY • Rates begin at s575! CONVENIENT QUIET AFFORDABLE Behind Track Town Pizza, 1 block off Franklin Blvd. JENNINGS & CO. 683-2271 24 hour information line 911 Country Club Rd., Suite 150 Lome By or Call Anytime 180S Garden Ave., Eugene office: 344-5695 cell: 729-2766 Dilbert By Scott Adams I'M FEEL IMG MUCH HEALTHIER SINCE I STRAPPED ALL OF THESE MAGNETS TO MV "I BODV. f r~P .IT r E 8 ® - 2 | Hi E o o THAT'S FASCINATING."' TOU SHOULD SHOCJ THEIA TO COALLY. IT UJOULD HAVE A BIG I CAP ACT ON HI (A. v ,_ J soo