0regou%<£meralii NEWSROOM: (541)346-5511 E-MAIL ode<2 Oregon. uwegon.edu ON-LINE EDITION: www.uoregoaedu/--ode EDITOR IN CHIEF Ryan Frank EDITORIAL EDITORS Kameron Cole Stefanie Knowlton YOU MAY HAVE VPH QuT X CAh) still K/CK THE CMP 0^r or yo^j 7 J It's been fun, but we sure are glad that the madness of football season is over Y: ou win some, you lose some. That adage, so old that its origins can not be traced, has been quot ed by innumerable teams and individuals - almost all of them losers - throughout his tory. On behalf of the Universi ty, we would like to suggest the coining of a new phrase: sometimes, even when you lose, you come out looking better than the winners. Such was the case this past Saturday when a group of over enthusiastic Beaver fans showed, in textbook fashion, why we’re glad that football season comes but once a year. We all understand the par ticular madness that infects people during football sea son. It is, after all, a strange, magical time. When else can you see otherwise rational, even reserved people go out in public with foam duck feet on their heads? What other time of year embold ens the least athletic among us to fling obscenities at 250 lb. football players or say unspeakable things about their mothers? Ah, football season. It is because so many can relate to these emotions that some of the antics that took place throughout the Civil War game didn’t seem all that unreasonable. Sure, the Oregon State University mascot’s harass ment of the Oregon Marching Band may have been taking things a smidge too far, but it’s all part of the big game, right? We even got a chuckle from reports of the scuffle between the two mascots, which by all accounts was something to behold. But there is a such thing as going too far. After securing an admit tedly thrilling double over time victory over the Ducks, a pack of rabid Beavers rushed the field. Once they got there, a group of fans decided that the best way to express their joy would be to tear down the goal posts. Naturally, someone got hurt. An OSU student was struck in the head by a falling upright remains in serious condition. One of the jokers who fell from the goal post was treated for mi nor injuries and released the same night. Arrests were made after the game for charges ranging from alcohol possession to criminal mischief, and ap proximately 12 people were arrested for driving under the influence. Now, University students are no strangers to mass stu pidity, but Saturday’s events gave even us something to feel smug about. Win or lose, bowl game or no, it’s been a good season. It’s been nice to actually see some school spirit around here. To the 1998 Ducks and all the fans: Thank you for one hell of a year. This editorial represents the opinion of the editorial ixxird Responses may he sent to ode@oregon. uoregon.edu. Thumbs Z) TO THE STANFORD BOOKSTORE: A recent ruling in the store’s tavor mandates that uni versities receive the same discount from publishers that chains like Borders and Barnes and Noble do. TO FALLING RENT RATES: Recent statistics show that rent the average Eu gene-areaapart ment has dropped 20 percent during the past couple of years. V/ TO MICHIGAN: In the wake of alco hol-related rioting on college campus around the state, the Legislature is settopassalaw that will temporarily revoke the driver li censes of minors citedfor alcohol possession. Does n't this sound an awful lot like being grounded? TO SMOKING: A studied released last week shows the number of college students who smoke is rising. Jog Camel Joe Counsel AND H£, lIKE, Wu KNOW.. BETRANED Mfc 0W_. j ' k /« r XXJ CAN 5AV THAT AGAIN.. k