Call (541) 346-4313 or stop by Suite 300 EMC to place your ad today 085 GREEK ANNOUNCEMENTS KA KA Congratulations to our new pledges. Lots ot tun times to come. Lindsey Annie Emily Julie Love in AOT Your New Sisters KA KA KA Congratulations to our tiates. We are so excited Shanna Emily Sarah Mandy Kelly Nicole Rachael Rebecca Erin Delta Brittany Nikki Krissy Love in AOT Your Sisters KA new ini tor you. Liz Tiffany Mila Marissa Rebecca Ali Alyssa Kainoa Erin Tiflany Courtney Addie Ellen KA KA 100 LOST & FOUND FOUND Saturday morning on 11/ 14 by Downtown U Lane O. CD case plus CD’s. 345-3476. 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! Dial-A-Typist 683-3066 Wish someone Happy Birthday with an ad in the ODE -^classifieds! /CALL L 346-4343. 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FOR SALE! 2 sm. bookshelves, full size black bed frame, black night stands, women's huffy mt. bike, 3 desk lamps, computer desk, computer chair, futon couch and chair, and misc. household items. For prices call 343-2183. Yakima locking canoe rack, $144, 4-drawer desk, $252, computer/ printer/monitor, $297, Halogen floor lamp, $27, Sue 741-0319. Monday Is Magic: Arena Night at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. 130 CARS/TRUCKS Cars $100-S500 Police impounds. Hondas, Toyo tas, Nissans, Mustangs, Acuras, Chevys, Jeeps and Sport Utility ve hicles MUST SELL! 1-800-772 7470 Extension 6237. 1985 MAZDA 626 $850 2 door, auto, air, needs minor repair. 344-0573 '85 Olds R.B Only 94K, 23mi/gal. Power everything, comfy ride, AC/ heat. $999 obo. 349-9947. CARS FOR $100 Upcoming sales of gov't seized, and surplus sports cars, trucks, 4x4s. 1-800-863-9868, ext. 1552 '89 Honda Accord LX. Fully load ed, alarm, new tires w/ warranty, tinted windows. $6,000/obo. Ask for Brian, 543-3695. 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Mac powerbook 145B, $199. Mac SE $50. 689-9930 150 TV & SOUND SYSTEMS CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR's and Stereos Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 155 INSTRUMENTS/MUSIC EQUIP. Early afternoon openings guitar, piano/synth, bass lessons. All styles. John Sharkey 342-9543. 165 SPORTS EQUIPMENT SKI SALE •KASTLE GS Speed Machines 195cm. New, unmounted! $200 •LANGE X09 race boots size 8 $45 •SPYDER Lady's jacket (new) $55 Call Karen 465-9635 HorOSCOpC by Frances Drake For Monday, Nov. 23, 1998 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A shortcut may become more labor intensive than you could have imag ined. As frustrating as it might seem, doing things by the book will be easier in the long run. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) There seems to be a big gap be tween who you are and what you want. The question is whether all the changes you wish to effect are really in your best interests. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Don’t get too discouraged by what seems like a minor rejection. Your ideas are brilliant, and soon those around you will come to realize it. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) The world will begin to look a whole lot more pleasant once you allow yourself a little breathing room. You are in an excellent position to articulate your desires. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Make the most of a serious mood that strikes you to get 6ome impor tant tasks accomplished. A friend has insight into a personal dilemma. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept 22) Don’t be dismayed if you fail to get the answers you are looking for right away. With a little more patience and perseverance they will become glaringly obvious. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) While you might be having a great time, make sure that you’re not be ing insensitive to the needs ofa loved one Have your ears open when they ask for a heart-to-heart. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Someone who you never dreamed would see things your way will sud denly be on the same wavelength. Romance may biossom in the most unexpected of places. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Your eyes are currently much big ger than your stomach, so resist the temptation to be greedy. You prove yourself to a co-worker or acquain tance who has been skeptical. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Join forces with a partner, and you’ll fmd that there’s little that the two of you can’t accomplish — par ticularly when it comes to creative endeavors. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Take the time to appreciate the things that really matter in your life, and you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve been neglecting close friends or a partner lately. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) You’re feeling disillusioned in re gards to your goals. Stay on track for just a little longer and you'll find that dream fulfillment is close at YOU BORN TODAY Despite your tendency to be a little too rigid when it comes to financial affairs, you have a tremendously adaptable na ture. People trust you, as you are loyal, honest, hard-working and dedi cated to yourmany passionate inter Birthdate of: Bruce Hornsby, rock musician; Steve Landesberg, actor; Susan Anspach, actress. v iwo rung features oynuicaie tut. 170 PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT Black & White Omega Darkroom Enlarger with accessories $75. 688-3762. 180TRAVELS LODGING MAZATLAN SPRING BREAK '99. $579 package includes: round trip air lair. 7 nights hotel, 14 tree meals, 20 hours all you can drink parties. Guy & girl suntan contest. College tours $150 mega bucks, call for dates 1-800-244-4463. 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of Item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. Do You Need Income? Short on time? Now You Can Earn Commis sions by Handing Out Free Phone Cards! Easy Call 1-888-333-8353 ID#0206851 Or Sign Up At Job Opportunities in Japan (Yokohama). Seeking child care teachers. Knowledge in Japanese not necessary. Salary is negoti able. 3 months minimum position. Students majoring in Japanese welcome. 346-7561. 190 OPPORTUNITIES At-Large Position on EMU Board open. Apps. in ASUO office, due Wednesday, Nov. 25th. 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS TWO WORKSTUDY QUALIFIED STUDENTS NEEDED. Research Services and Administration is looking for two students to make deliveries on campus, run errands, do simple typing and office work. Qualified? Interested? Stop by our office at Suite 106 at the Riverfront Research Park and speak to Michelle or call 346-5133. Need to get away? Check the Travel and Lodging section in the ODE Classifieds 205 HELP WANTED Busy medical office looking for parf-time reception/ filing/ computer good people/ phone skills required. 8-12 MTWF. $8 per hour. Respond to or Ima or fax 344 6176. Caregiver/housekeeper for fe male with MS. Excellent facilities and close in location. $8 per hour, email to or Ima or fax 686 9633. Models needed tor Chocolate Postcard website. Send headsheet or photo with hourly fee to box 1444, Eugene, Or. 897440 or via email to models@virtuaicho Santa look-alike, mi norities encouraged to apply. Eugene Kaplan Education Center is seeking instructors qualilied to teach Physics, Biology and Chem istry for well-paying part-time job. Please bring resume and referenc es to 720 E. 13th or call 345-4420. NOW ACCEPTING SUMMER APPLICATIONS. SEEKING MARY POPPINS Career salaries up to $3200/ month with living expenses paid. Call Oregon Nannies 343-3755 web site: WILDLIFE JOBS TO S21.60/HR INC. BENEFITS. GAME WAR DENS, SECURITY, MAIN TENANCE, PARK RANGERS. NO EXP NEEDED. FOR APP. AND EXAM INFO, CALL 1 800-813 3585, EXT 6625, 8AM-7PM, 7 DAYS Ids inc. |220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED 205 HELP WANTED Mature student wanted to dog sit in my home lor vacation. Fee ne gotiable. Prefer someone who likes to walk or run. Deborah, 344-9933. CRUISE SHIP EMPLOYMENT Workers earn up to $2000+/month (w/tips & benefits). World Travel! Land-Tour jobs up to $5,000 $7,000/summer. Ask us how! 517 336-4235 Ext. C60692 r Part Time Work for the EARLY BIRD The Oregon Daily Emerald is now hiring for winter term morning newspaper delivery. Approximately 6-8 am everyday the Emerald is published. Some afternoon work. Requires your own RELIABLE vehicle. Apply NOW. Work study ok. Apply in person. Mon-Fri, 8-5. 300 EMU. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer commuted to a culturally diverse workplace 1220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED 205 HELP WANTED TEACHING POSITIONS lor gradu ates (BA or above) to teach Eng lish in Korea. Salary, housing plus airfare. Send resume to: Dr. Ben Kwak, 61-5 Samduk 3-Ga, Joong Gu, Taegu 700-413, S. Korea; Fax: 011-82-53-423-6526; E-mail: Benkwak@choLLian.NET The Emerald is seeking a Universi ty student interested in joining its stall as an illustrator. Applicants must be enrolled in classes at the University and be available to work about 15 hours a week. Macintosh and/or Quark experience is pre ferred. Applications and job de scriptions can be picked up in the Emerald office in Suite 300 of the EMU on the third floor. Deadline for applications is Dec. 4. Please include a resume and work sam ples. STUDENT CURATOR EMU Permanent Art Collection Responsibilities include: catalog, create a database, maintain and rotate permanent art in the EMU. UO student stipend position, $150/ month. December 1998-June 1999. Apply at the Cultural Forum, Suite 2, EMU (346-4373). Dead line: Nov. 24th, 5pm. The CF is an equal opportunity, affirmative ac tion employer. POSTAL JOBS TO S18.35/HR INC. BENEFITS, NO EXPERI ENCE, FOR APP. AND EXAM INFO, CALL 1 800-813-3585, EXT 6624,8AM-7 PM, 7 DAYS RECYCLE 220 APARTMENTS Month to Month or Lease The Most Peaceful Setting Around Campus! r 2-Minute Walk to UO ^ at the MILLRACE APARTMENTS ** offer: * • Private BALCONIES OVERLOOKING the RIPPLING STREAM • Large 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES and FLATS available • SEPARATE STUDY/DINING ROOM floor plan • FREE, RESERVED PARKING r • LOVELY, clean, WELL-LIT, landscaped SURROUNDINGS * • Located right behind Track Town Pizza, I block off Franklin Blvd. \ • Private LAUNDRY FACILITY • Rates begin at ’575! r CONVENIENT QUIET AFFORDABLE Behind Track Town Pizza, 1 block off Franklin Blvd. * JENNINGS & CO. 683-2271 24 hour information line I 911 Country Club Rd., Suite 150 Come By or Cali Anytime 180S Garden Ave., Eugene office: 344-5695 cell: 729-2766 Dilbert By Scott Adams I'D LOVE IAY TOB IF NOT FOR IAY SLOW- WITTED CO-WORKERS. U You're A DRINKING IAV SODA AGMN ! V-- I '