0regon$$'£meraltr NEWSROOM: (541)346-5511 E-MAIL ode@oregon. uoregon.edu ON-LINE EDITION: www.uoregon.edu/~ode EDITOR IN CHIEF Ryan Frank EDITORIAL EDITORS Kameron Cole Stefanie Knowlton University action needed In light of recent riots, the University needs to reconsider its approach to student behavior off campus Out of control parties, underage drinking and riots demand the University’s at tention. Although the Universi ty claims to have its hands tied when governing student behav ior off campus, community members are demanding the University take a more active role in curbing students’ vio lent behavior, such as the Hal loween riots. Nearly half of the 12 people arrested by police during the riot were University students. In addition, last weekend alone there was a stabbing and more than 100 citations for offenses ranging from minor in posses sion to drinking and driving. With that track record in the last two weeks, concern for stu dents’ and the community’s safety should prompt the Uni versity to take action. The University brings thou sands of new students into the community from all over the world. It is ridiculous to think the University should simply take the “let the authorities handle it” approach to student behavior when it is obviously a University problem. It is difficult to imagine that if the University did not exist, events like the Halloween riots would still happen. Because the majority of students live off campus the University should see itself as spilling over into the community. And the Uni versity should punish student behavior, such as rioting, both on and off campus. This is not to say that every time a student gets into trouble with the law the University needs to respond; however, when public health comes into the equation — such as with ri ots, drinking and driving and violence— the University needs to take action. The Eugene Police Depart ment has already looked into cracking down to send a mes sage that rioting is not accept able. It is time for the Universi ty to join the po lice and send the same message. One solution may be to include rioting and vio lent behavior in the University’s Student Conduct Code. Although most of the regu lations in the conduct code speak exclusively to students’ be havior on cam pus, the Universi ty has jurisdiction off campus when the offense involves sexual miscon duct. This leaves a window open for discussion to in clude other off campus offenses. The conduct code allows the Student Conduct Committee to vote on and im plement new vio lations. The inclusion of rioting in the Conduct Code would allow the University to punish violators by expulsion, suspension and various lesser penalties. This would send a clear mes sage to students that this behavior is not acceptable and would send a message to the community that the University takes responsi bility for students’ actions. As it stands now, rioting on campus is forbidden under conduct codes. Yet are these acts any less offensive to the University when students are participating in them three blocks from campus? It is clear that simply passing Gioi mini Salimena/Ememld the buck to local authorities or blaming social institutions like campus media is not working. Proactive measures such as sponsoring on-campus events that deter students away from drinking and rioting help, but they didn’t stop this year’s riots nor can they continue to dis tract students from destructive behavior off campus. The University needs to make it clear to students that their behavior on campus is just as important and punish able as their behavior off cam pus. i This editorial represents the opin ion of the Emerald editorial board. Responses may be sent to ode@oregon. uorepon.edu. NtWT G'NGR'CW SAYS ME MAY TAKE Six months off to STUDY DINOSAURS. -- NEWS ITfA* • NEWT, I KNOW THIS IS A BAD TIME, BUT... ill Hi 1 Thumbs TO FRANCE On the 80th an niversary of the end of World War I, the French are awarding WWI American Veterans the Legion of Hon or for their brav ery. TO SCOTT SPAAN The Ducks’ most vigorous fan who returned to beating the opposition’s mascot against a bench for every point the Ducks scored against Washington last Saturday. Whether it was special for the Dawgs or will continue for the rest of the season, it was a welcomed return. TO AIACK OF RE MEMBRANCE To whomever de cided that we had to go to school on Veterans Day, a federal holiday. TOUOSTUOENTS For a game that was supposedly sold out, the top of the student sec tion was conspic uously empty for most of Satur day’s football game. If you are afraid of the rain, next time forego taking a ticket from someone who may actually show up. CORRECTION In the story “Akili Smith reflects on his career, future” (ODE, Nov. 6), Reggie Ogburn should have been named as Oregon's first African-Ameri can quarterback. The Emerald re grets the error.