Call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Suite 300 EMU to place } our ad today 095 PERSONALS SPRING BREAK '99- MAZATLAN and CANCUN. Early signup get $30 off 14 meals, 20 to 32 hours free drinks. "COLLEGE TOURS" Call free 1-800-395-4896 ext. 127. Website Now Departing Out of Podland. To the cutie in my math class Where have you gone? I was hoping we could talk exponents. *, your math admirer 180 TRAVEL & LODGING 100 LOST & FOUND LOST: Blue North Face fleece in Gerlinger Anx. on 11/2-Girls Bath room. Important Paper in Pocket. Call Akiyo @ 485-5392_ 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. 180 TRAVEL & LODGING Australia/New Zealand j this winter • Scuba, Rafting, Rock Climbing, Sky Diving... • Cultural Environmental Awareness • 52-Day Adventure • 9th Successful Year/ Credit Available • Info. Session Tuesdays 7-8 pm Alpha Omega House (by Taylors on 13th) Pacific Challenge Adventure Travel Study contact: phone: 541-343-4124 Dr. Pete Diffendefer, Dr. Dave Wright, or Council Travel, EMU/13th 190 OPPORTUNITIES 190 OPPORTUNITIES The International Student Advisory Committee (ISAC) is looking for new members. ISAC is an advisory committee to the Office of International Education & Exchange (OIEE). It helps build bridges among international students, faculty and administration on issues of concern to the campus international community.' Applications available at--OIEE • 3.10 Oregon Hall International Student Association - 206 EMU Application deadline: 4:30 p.m., Monday, November I 1998, OIEE For more information: or The Office of International Education & Exchange HorOSCOpC by Frances Drake For Thursday, Nov. 12, 1998 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) An unquenchable need for order will drive you to organizing every thing in sight — your closets, your workplace and every other aspect of your life. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Romance is on the rise, whether you're involved now in a romantic relationship or a single Bull looking for love. Do something delightfully romantic and it’ll pay off almost im mediately. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) If you’re not paying careful atten tion, you may miss the deeper mean ing of a message. Look beyond the obvious and try to figure out more subtle nuances. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You feel a bit enervated from re cent events and are not yet ready to take on major responsibilities. At tending to the final details of past endeavors suits you now. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Another's indiscretion may tempt you into allowing your true feelings to emerge, but remember that hon esty is not always the best policy. Tact is your watchword. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Virgo finds it difficult to ask for recognition and praise, but this time you deserve it. You’ve done impres sive things lately; don’t be afraid to let others recognize that. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) There may be some truth to the rumors swirling around the office now, but listening to gossip will only upset your normal calm. Ignore any disputes. SCORPIO * (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) You cut an impressive figure at an important meeting and higher-ups are closely watching your progress. Modesty becomes you at this time. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Your strong opinions may cause resentment all around, so be sure to gently introduce any controversial plans. A willingness to shoulder re sponsibility is key. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Instead of moving ahead with fu ture plans, take the time to discover why former efforts have failed. There is an important message in recent ^AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) While others stall on decisions and projects, you forge ahead coura geously, impressing everyone who witnesses your admirable strength of purpose. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Plans may be stalled by poor com munication, so listen carefully to what another is trying to tell you — even if the emotion is not expressed in words. YOU BORN TODAY Not for you a supportive background presence — you're a ruler on the throne, a four star general in any army, the person to listen to wherever you go. Others seem to accede to your charming force quite naturally; you seldom have to fight to get what you want. However, when you do have to struggle, you wisely use your tact and wiles rather than confronting those who oppose you directly. Some may accuse you of being sneaky and manipulative, but those people are likely just jealous of your continual Birthdate of: Stephanie Powers, actress; Tonya Harding, ice skater; Neil Young, musician. C 1W8 Km( features Syndicate Inc. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. Japanese Animation: Largest rental selection in town at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. 130 CARS/TRUCKS CARS FOR $100 Upcoming sales of gov't seized, and surplus sports cars, trucks, 4x4s. 1-800-863-9868, ext. 1552 '85 Olds R.B Only 94K, 23mi/gal. Power everything, comty ride, AC/ heat. $999 obo. 349-9947. 140 BICYCLES Trek 730. 1997 bike, forest green, great condition/hardly used, 17 inch frame. $250. 343-7404. 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS (Word) Perfect lor struggling stud ent. Windows 3.1, 386, WP 6.0, 33.6, printer. $250. 741-3020._ 150TV & SOUND SYSTEMS CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR's and Stereos Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 175 WANTED Desperately seeking a beta (PAL) system player. Buy, rent or trade. Leave message 345-2277. 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES [BUVtEK OBEWAKE The Oregon Daily Fmerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. Job Opportunities in Japan (Yokohama). Seeking child care teachers. Knowledge in Japanese not necessary. Salary is negoti able. 3 months minimum position. Students majoring in Japanese welcome. 346-7561. 190 OPPORTUNITIES Soar to your potential with an internship in these exciting fields: •Grant Writing ‘Graphics •Public Relations ‘Marketing •Teaching •Law/Legal •Youth Education •Events Planning •Athletic T raining •Group Facilitation •Program Development •Art Exhibit Coordinator •Human & Social Services •Environmental Education Full descriptions are available in 244 Hendricks Hall. Sign-up tor in terviews on Nov. 10 at 2:00 or Nov. 13 at 1:00 in Room 12 ot Hen dricks. Or call 346-6011 lor more information. Read the ODE Classifieds •' v htlp://www.uoregon.e