©regonSKCmeralfc Classified fall (541)346-4343 or slop by Suite 3110 Ellli to place jour ad today 085 GREEK ANNOUNCEMENTS AXQ AXS2 Congrats to our New initiates! Rachel A. Katherine B Kirsten Bj. Carrie G. Morgan J. Sarah L. Alexis M. Bronwyn P. Desi R. A XU Amy S. Kirsten B. Angie B. Brenna D. Heather G. Janessa L Katie M Tara P. Allison P. Allison R. axu 100 LOST & FOUND LOST: Blue North Face fleece in Gerlinger Anx. on 11/2-Girls Bath room. Important Paper in Pocket. Call Akiyo @ 485-5392 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! Dial-A-Typist 683-3066 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Wednesday is New Comic Day at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. Take a break, have fun ! Check out section 310! 180 TRAVEL & LODGING 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $$Give Me Five!55 Run your “FOR SALE" ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! ^Student/Private Party Ads Only * No Refunds 125 FURNITURE/APPLIANCES Drafting/Art Tables. Adjustable height and angle. Folds and stores easily. $25.00 Each. 689-9930. 130 CARS/TRUCKS SEIZED CARS from $175. Porsch es, Cadillacs, Chevys, BMW's, Corvettes. Also Jeeps, 4WD's. Your Area. Toll free 1-800-218 9000 ext. A-2063 tor current list ings. CARS FOR S100 Upcoming sales of gov't seized, and surplus sports cars, trucks, 4x4s. 1-800-863-9868, ext. 1552 140 BICYCLES Trek 730. 1997 bike, forest green, great condition/hardly used, 17 inch trame. $250. 343-7404. 1996 Trek 930. 19.5 inches, "Single Track”, Shi mano components, new brakes. $210 includes U-lock and chain. Call Syd, 345-9208. 180 TRAVEL & LODGING Australia/New Zealand thisjwinter • Scuba, Rafting, Rock Climbing, Sky Diving... • Cultural Environmental Awareness • 52-Day Adventure • 9th Successful Year/ Credit Available • Info. Session Tuesdays 7-8 pm Alpha Omega House Iby Taylors on 13th) Pacific Challenge Adventure Travel Study contact: phone. 541-343-4124 Dr. Pete Diffendefer, Dr. Dave Wright, or Council Travel, EMU/13th HorOSCOpC by Frances Drake For Wednesday, Nov. 11, 1998 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) The feeling that you have more tasks to complete than time may leave you feeling a bit frazzled, but it’s you who’s putting on the pres sure. Try to relax and work steadily, instead. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Taurus is not driven by the emo tional upsets that haunt others, but now you’re particularly content and pleased with each aspect of your life. Enjoy yourself! GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Someone close to you may make a casual remark that hurts you deeply. Pouting will get you nowhere; you’d be wiser to pass if off as your own oversensitivity. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Discussions that require tact and care are a cinch, as now is the time when your words will come easily and those around you will under stand your meaning. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Leo’s generosity takes a hit as you realize that your plans are beyond your resources. Some careful bud geting will get you through this time. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) An old friend may suddenly pop into your mind, perhaps after having a nostalgic dream. Spend time catch ing up with this friend, as he or she may have something to tell you. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) You may be tempted to try a radi al new approach to a problem but taking chances is unwise now. Better instead to listen to the wise counsel of an old friend. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Though you are tempted to work alone on a prestigious project you will only frustrate yourself by taking on the responsibility. Let another help and share the glory. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Work just isn’t capturing your at tention and you feel dreamy and frivo lous. Spend time working on less onerous projects, you’ll be back to normal soon. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) Important people from your past may suddenly reappear, perhaps a sign that their influence on your life is not truly over. Be ready for unex pected phone calls. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) A co-worker may be nursing hid den resentments, which could thwart your ultimate goals. Ask associates for input on your plans and work PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Pisces will be bowled over by unex pected romantic attention from a partner or someone new. Enjoy the flattery but don't let it turn your head from your goals. YOU BORN TODAY No one who knows you would be surprised to hear you described as pragmatic, ef ficient and totally dedicated; what they’d no doubt want to point out is that you are also quite kind and lov ing if not sentimental and “mushy." You are more interested in action than in communication and get quite annoyed at those who would rather talk about moving ahead than actu ally charging forward. This assertive attitude will ensure your success in any undertaking and you will rise to the head of any group you choose to Birthdate of: Demi Moore, actress; Jonathan Winters, comedian; Kurt Vonnegut Jr., author. C 1998 King Features Syndicate Inc. L 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS (Word) Perfect for struggling stud ent. Windows 3.1, 386, WP 6.0, 33.6, printer. $250. 741-3020. 150 TV & SOUND SYSTEMS CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR's and Stereos Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 170 PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT Pentax spotmatic 35mm camera. Very good condition. 3 lenses, ex tras, $150. 349-0335. message. 175 WANTED Desperately seeking a beta (PAL) system player. Buy, rent or trade. Leave message 345-2277. 185 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Job Opportunities in Japan (Yokohama). Seeking child care teachers who don’t need to know how to speak Japanese. Salary is negotiable. 3 months minimum po sition. Students majoring in Ja panese welcome. 346-7561. IB IE WARE The Oregon Daily Emerald assumes no liability for ad content or response. Ads are screened for illegal content and mail order ads must provide a sample of item for sale. Otherwise, ads that appear too good to be true, probably are. Respond at your own risk. |220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED 190 OPPORTUNITIES FREE CASH GRANTS! College. Scholarships. Business. Medical Bills. Never Repay. Toll Free 1-800-218-9000 Ext. G 2063 Middle/Secondary Special Educa tion and Transition Program: Limit ed number of tuition waivers avail able to qualified persons interested in earning Middle/Secondary Spe cial Education License and Mas ter's degree. For information and application materials contact Clau dia Vincent, 275 Education, Col lege of Education (541) 346-5521. Soar to your potential with an internship in these exciting fields: •Grant Writing ^Graphics •Public Relations ‘Marketing •Teaching «Law/Legal •Youth Education •Events Planning •Athletic Training •Group Facilitation •Program Development •Art Exhibit Coordinator •Human & Social Services •Environmental Education Full descriptions are available in 244 Hendricks Hall. Sign-up for in terviews on Nov. 10 at 2:00 or Nov. 13 at 1:00 in Room 12 of Hen dricks. Or call 346-6011 for more information. RECYCLE 111111 |220 APARTMENTS RESERVE NOW FOR WINTER TERM 1/2 month free • Ask for details 1-2 Bedroom PATTERSON MANOR 611 E. 11th/1085 Patterson $395-5525 Cull Bill 485-7312 GARDEN TERRACE 1893 Garden Avenue $425-5545 Call Larry 344-6861 2 Bedrooms UNIVERSITY MANOR 745 E. 15th $595-5695 Courtyard setting Call Collin 485-9773 FLINTRIDGE 500 E. 18th $595/includes basic cable T.V. & dishwashers Call Chuck 687-9789 FIRCREST 630 E. 14th $595/some with new carpet Call 485-7776 For more information call 485-7776 or 687-0684 VON kl.KIN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, Inc 485-7776 • 1301 FERRY 205 HELP WANTED Get Paid to Exercise The Oregon Daily Emerald is now hiring for morning newspaper delivery. Starts at 6:15 a.m. everyday the Emerald is published. 2 to 2/ hours per day (varies with the size of the paper). Some afternoon work. Requires your own RELIABLE vehicle. Work Study OK. Apply in person, Mon-Fri, 8-5,300 EMU. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer committed to a culturally diverse workplace Apply now for ASUO Elections Board. Help run ASUO Elections, Spring '99. Pick up application at ASUO, Suite 4, EMU. Application deadline, Nov. 16, 5 p.m. For questions, please call 346-0611. Check out Section 1 25 for FURNITURE & APPLIANCES. [220 APARTMENTS 205 HELP WANTED The Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds e re looking for friendly, dependable, detail oriented people who work well with the public and can learn new thing** cjuickly. If you love variety, are self motivated and want the opportunity to uk basic layout and design skills, as well as gain sales and customer service experience, then this job may he perfect for you! Applicants must he currently enrolled UO students. ^/orb 8-12 hrs. a week, M-F between 8am and 5pm. Applications an available at Suite 800, EMU. Applications dues Nov. 10,1006 The Oregon Daily Emerald is an eaol.com 220 APARTMENTS MliUlHiHffl University Housing is currently accepting applications for the Family Housing waiting list UO Students and student families can access a variety of affordable apartments and houses which could include the following amenities: • close to campus • on-site child care • on-site assigned parking • free ethernet to UO network • laundry facilities • playgrounds • community activities • UO telecommunication service* One to three bedroom apartments and houses are available with a variety of rental rates, ranging from $270 for a t bedroom, to $&25 for a 5 bedroom house. Information and applications are available at the Office of University Housing in the Walton Complex or by caliing: 346-4230 Visit our website at http://darkwin0.uoregon,edu/~houslng/An AA/EEO/ADA Institution committed to cultural diversity Dilbert By Scott Adams I 00N'T UNDERSTAND 'VOUR TECHNICAL RECOMMENDATION, ‘ \ ALICE. (• JX, E I WILL P-E.LY ON IAY KEEN INSIGHTS ABOUT VOU AS AN ENGINEER. THAT TOO WOULD REQUIRE KNOWLEDGE ON YOUR PART. /