Call (541) 346-4343 or stop by Suite 300 EMU to place vour ad today 085 GREEK ANNOUNCEMENTS KA KA Congratulations to our sisters on the newly elected Panhellenic executive counsel! We are proud ol you. Kari Skoog President Emily Luther VP Educational Dev. Good Luck Love in AOT, your sisters KA KA 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE wGive Me Five!$$ Run your "FOR SALE” ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we ll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! Studenl/Private Parly AOs Only • No Relunds ^ Tuesdays & Saturdays are Gaming Nights Irom 6pm to 9pm at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. 180TRAVELS LODGING 125 FURNITURE/APPLIANCES Drafting/Art Tables. Adjustable height and angle. Folds and stores easily. $25.00 Each. 689-9930. 130 CARS/TRUCKS CARS FOR $100 Upcoming sales ol gov't seized, and surplus sports cars, trucks, 4x4s. 1-800-863-9868, ext. 1552 140 BICYCLES 1996 Trek 930 19.5 inches, "Single Track", Shi mano components, new brakes. $210 includes U-lock and chain. Call Syd, 345-9208. 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS (Word) Pertect tor struggling stud ent. Windows 3.1, 386, WP 6.0, 33.6, printer. S250. 741-3020. 150TV & SOUND SYSTEMS CASH! We Buy. Sell & Service VHS VCR's and Stereos Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 Get Personal. Place a personal ad in the ODE classifieds today! 180 TRAVEL & LODGING Australia/New Zealand | this winter • Scuba, Rafting, Rock Climbing, Sky Diving... • Cultural Environmental Awareness • 52-Day Adventure • 9th Successful Year/ Credit Available • Info. Session Tuesdays 7-8 pm Alpha Omega House (by Taylors on 13th) Pacific Challenge Adventure Travel Study contact: phone: 541-343-4124 Dr. Pete Diffendefer, Dr. Dave Wright, or Council Travel, EMU/13th HorOSCOpC by Frances Drake For Tuesday, Nov. 10, 1998 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Others may remark that you’re unstoppable as you plow through work and tedious tasks with admi rable energy and aplomb, with plenty of go-power left over for nightlife. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) That famedTaureanstubbomness will serve you well now, when it seems that others are dumping their prob lems and work on your shoulders. Learn to say no to unreasonable de mands. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Dotting i’s and crossing t’s has never been your favorite task — the Gemini spirit is more inclined toward sweep ing change and big ideas. Watch small details at this time. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) Your supervisor at work or some one else in an authority position may pick you out of a group to tap you for an important or distinguished project. Enjoy the recognition and compliments. LEO (July 23 to Aug. 22) Leo is in top form and finding suc cess in every aspect of life. Your work is running smoothly, your romantic partner is blissfully content and for tune seems to be smiling on you. VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) Small disagreements and irritat ing reversals may be your lot, but rest assured you’ll sail through with that unflappable Virgo calm. Others will look to you in times of crisis. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct. 22) Some attention paid to planning your next move will pay off; don’t be tempted to rush blindly into your next project or relationship. Better to calmly evaluate your options. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 to Nov. 21) Home and work life may seem somewhat unsettled and you may get the distinct feeling that someone is getting ready to tell you something you don't want to hear. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) Errands, paperwork and taking care of details is no one’s idea of a good time, but take advantage of downtime at work and home to smooth over future problems. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan. 19) An annoying friend or relative may tempt you into losing your temper. Laughing it ofT is your best bet; it's difficult to take issue with one so sunny as you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) What you want may not be what’s best. Remember that your choices affect others. See if you can find a middle ground that is the best situa tion for you and your loved ones. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) A co-worker or associate may be wishing to clear up conflicts and prob lems in your relationship. Make it easy by being approachable and un derstanding. YOU BORN TODAY An unusually perceptive mind and extraordinarily clear vision will get you far in life; in fact, it may have already! You are a leader at work, at home and in your community, with others delighted to lean on your strengths and capabili ties. Suitors are attracted to you in droves; you're in the lucky situation of having more invitations than time. Popularity is also your birthright at work, where co-workers and super visors both enjoy your company and Applaud your work. Your downfalls are tendencies to be somewhat cold and egotistical. Birthdate of: Roy Scheider. actor; Mackenzie Phillips, actress; Ann Reinking, actress. v i;r»o ran* reaiurti syndicate Inc 170 PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT Pentax spotmatic 35mm camera. Very good condition. 3 lenses, ex tras, $150. 349-0335. message. Job Opportunities in Japan (Yokohama). Seeking child care teach's who don’t need to know how to speak Japanese. Salary is negotiable. 3 months minimum po sition. Students majoring in Ja panese welcome. 346-7561. 190 OPPORTUNITIES 190 OPPORTUNITIES Soar to your potential with an internship in these exciting fields: •Grant Writing ^Graphics •Public Relations ^Marketing •Teaching •Law/Legal •Youth Education •Events Planning •Athletic Training •Group Facilitation •Program Development •Art Exhibit Coordinator •Human & Social Services •Environmental Education Full descriptions are available in 244 Hendricks Hall. Sign-up tor in terviews on Nov. 10 at 2:00 or Nov. 13 at 1:00 in Room 12 ol Hen dricks. Or call 346-6011 for more inlormation. 190 OPPORTUNITIES in Austria, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Russia, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand and Vietnam. • Receive UO resident credit • Attend 1, 2 or 3 terms • Most forms of financial aid may be applied Application deadlines are drawing near For more information contact: The Office of International Education & Exchange 330 Oregon Hall • (541) 346-3207 190 OPPORTUNITIES The UO Bookstore is seeking applicants to fill a vacant board position on our Board of Directors through June 1999. Applicants must be a currently enrolled full time senior(12 credits or more). The Board meets once a month and members serve on 2 com mittees. Members receive a $50.00 monthly stipend. Pick up applications in the Bookstore ad ministrative office. Applications are due on Wednesday, Novem ber 11. For additional information contact Jim Williams or Natalie Eggert at 346-4331. Middle/Secondary Special Educa tion and Transition Program: Limit ed number of tuition waivers avail able to qualified persons interested in earning Middle/Secondary Spe cial Education License and Mas ter's degree. For information and application materials contact Clau dia Vincent, 275 Education, Col lege of Education (541) 346-5521. RECYCLE |220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED 205 HELP WANTED STUDENT CURATOR EMU Permanent Art Collection Responsibilities include: catalog, create a database, maintain and rotate permanent art in the EMU. UO student stipend position, $150/ month. December 1998-June 1999. Apply at the Cultural Forum, Suite 2, EMU (346-4373). Dead line: Nov. 24th, 5pm. The CF is an equal opportunity, allirmative ac tion employer. _ Looking to learn more about the ASUO? The ASUO Programs Finance Committee is accepting applications (or an Administrative Assistant. Job descriptions and applications are available in Room 319 EMU or outside the ASUO, Suite 4, EMU. 346-0623 for more info. AA/EOE/ADA. Deadline to Apply November 18. The Specialized Training Pro gram, College ot Education, is looking tor a student to provide computer/soltware support to our program. Hardware primarily PC's wA/Vin95. Work schedule flexible, 10-20 hrs/wk, $7.50/hr. Contact Billy Ard @ 346-2468 or billya@or to apply. |220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED RESERVE NOW FOR WINTER TERM 1/2 month free • Ask for details 1-2 Bedroom PATTERSON MANOR 611 E. 11 th/1085 Patterson $395-5525 Call Bill 485-7312 GARDEN TERRACE 1893 Garden Avenue $425-5545 Call Larry 344-6861 2 Bedrooms UNIVERSITY MANOR 745 E. 15th $595-5695 Courtyard setting Call Collin 485-9773 FLINTRIDGE 500 E. 18th $595/includes basic cable T.V. & dishwashers Call Chuck 687-9789 FIRCREST 630 E. 14th $595/some with new carpet Call 485-7776 ror more information call 485-7776 or 687-0684 VON KLEIN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. Inc 485-7776 • 1301 FERRY Dilbert By Scott Adams I'LL NEED A PROTECT PLAN TO JUSTIFY THE RESOURCES WE NEEO TO CHANGE OUR SOFTWARE. - I CAN fAAKE THOSE SOFTWARE CHANGES IN TEN SECONDS. (good ioorxT) ^nogo ml goe need is that PLAN. (-— From Cars to Computers, find what you need in the ODE Classifieds. Call 346-4343 to place an ad. J