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Twenty million Americans snore nightly, according to the Co lumbia University Health Educa tion Program. Snoring is produced by vibrations of the soft palate in the mouth and is caused by multi ple conditions that interfere with a normal breathing pattern. Colds, allergies, really dry air, swelling of the nasal passages, in juries to the nose that cause a break in the nasal path or tonsil enlargements from infections are all possible causes for snoring, Siemsen said. Snoring is most common while sleeping on your back. Columbia University recom mends a number of options to help snorers with their situation: To discourage sleeping on your back, try sewing a tennis ball to your pajamas near the small of your back. To prevent muscle re laxation in the mouth and throat, do not drink alcohol, take sleeping pills, antihistamines or tranquiliz ers before bed. To prevent a dry throat, add humidity to your room. To align your airway, use extra pillows. To reduce a build up of mucus, do not eat dairy products before bedtime. You can also try taking a couple spoonfuls of honey daily for a few weeks. Ask a roommate or bedmate to turn you on your side when you begin to snore. Siemsen recommends a profes sional medical evaluation if a stu dent is not having restful sleep, if their snoring is getting progres sively worse or there are periods when they cease breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea is a condition which causes a person to cease breathing for short periods during sleep. This condition is most com mon in obese, middle-aged men with hypertension and is not a pri mary concern for students, Siem sen said. MRI scans may help predict strokes Daniel Q. Haney The Associated Press DALLAS — MRI scans are helping doctors predict whether plaque, the fatty gunk that clogs the arteries, is likely to break open and trigger a heart attack or stroke. Doctors have long known that heart attacks and strokes typically occur when a lump of plaque on an artery walls bursts. In a mis guided attempt at repair, the body forms a clot over the plaque that chokes off the blood supply com pletely. Researchers have been delving into what makes some plaque harmless while other bits are prone to breaking. Now, they are taking steps toward technology that will let them peek inside the plaque to reveal whether it is vulnerable to disaster. At Sunday’s opening of the an nual scientific meeting of the American Heart Association, doc tors described two new uses of magnetic resonance imaging scans that may at last allow them to distinguish benign plaque from the dangerous. “Many of us think that the most significant clinical advance in the next five to 10 years will be the noninvasive imaging of plaque,” commented Dr. Jan Breslow of Rockefeller University. The noninvasive technique in volves souping up an ordinary MRI machine to snap super-fast cross-sectional pictures of the beating heart. Ordinarily, doctors make im ages of the blood vessels using ul trasound or X-rays that tell them whether they are narrow. But this offers no clue to what the block ages are made of. The MRI pic tures reveal the composition of plaque, which is key to predicting whether it is likely to break. Affordable Technology ""1 m we build computers your way all systems standard with limlowsge OREGON’S LARGEST WHOLESALE COMPUTER MANUFACTURER IS NOW IN EUGENE visit r 1142 WILLEGILLESPIE RD SUITE 25 6S5.1 3D2 hours: Mon-Fri 9-6 / Sat & Sun 1 0-4 surf WWW We are an authorized Microsoft OEM © 1998 Affordable Technology. Inc. 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