WITH , HE RIGHT RESOURCES, YOUR IDEAS REALLY CAN CHANGE TH1: WORLD. N At Active voice, our software is making communications easier and taster for *■ virtually every type of business worldwide. We're the leading provider of PC-based voice processing systems. And we're committed to staying out in front for years to come. Repartee* TeLANophy* and Lingo™ are just the beginning. What's next is in your hands. Software Quality Assurance Engineers We are looking for people with the ability to analyze problems, communicate and lead in a team environment. Experience with PC hardware and C/C++ programming are a plus. Students of all majors with a desire to learn about and garj^cjpate in the software development process are encouraged to apply. You will develop and maintain quality standards for communications software and coordinate with multiple disciplines to define requirements and features for Active Voice software products. This is a great full time opportunity for new grads who are looking to get into the software industry. Co-op and summer internship opportunities are also available. For more information, please check out our website, or come visit us at the Career Fair on campus on Tuesday, November 3rd. We offer competitive salary and a stimulating and dynamic work place with opportunities for personal challenge and growth. To apply, send your cover letter and resume to Active Voice, Attn: SQA-710UO, 2901 Third Avenue, Seattle, WA 98121, or email it to personnel@activevoice.com. Active Voice is an equal opportunity employer. AnewWAY A C T I V iE •.VOICE tocommunicate, A betterway to WO RK www.activevoice.com get real experience AND HELP OTHERS. AmeriCorps*VISTA has thousands of positions available NOW. When you join AmeriCorps*ViSTA, you'll not only improve your resume—you'll improve the community you serve. As an AmeriCorps*VISTA member, you might help start a youth center, establish a job bank in a homeless shelter, set up a literacy project or organize a domestic violence program... and the list goes on. In return, you'll get a living and relocation allowance, health care, money for school, and the satisfaction of helping others. Interested in Americorps? Come by to the following events: November 4th, 1998 Career Fair EMU Ball Room 11:00AM-4:00PM Information Session EMU Coquille Room 6:OOPM-8:OOPM Ameri Corps*VISTA Getting Things Don*. TIME TO MAKE THE A CAREER FAIR WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM EMU BALLROOM INFORMATION SESSION WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM DESCHUTES HALL COME JOIN THE NEXT GREAT SOFTWARE COMPANY. Founded by five college students in 1989, the company has grown to more than 500 employees by hiring graduates from the best schools in the country. We're revolutionizing the way products are bought and sold for Fortune 500 companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Chrysler, Boeing, AT8.T and Ernest and Julio Gallo. We are looking for top candidates from around the country to join our re-engineering revolution. Candidates should be extremely aggressive and creative. Strong communication and presentation skills are required along with the desire for con tinuous development. We are looking for bright and talented people from varied backgrounds. Only the best need apply. For more information, check out our website at www.trilogy.com. CS, Math, and Physics students, we are looking for you and students who are interested in building the next great soft ware company! For more information about this event or about Trilogy, please contact raymond.gross@trilogy.com or call directly at 512.685.3970. TRILOGY 6034 West Courtyard Drive Austin. Texas 78730 USA f 512.425.3400 / 512.685.3960 e recruiting@trilogy.coni www.trilogy.com/recruiting Trilogy is an equal opportunity employer