TABLE 55 71 U 70 47 54 50 24 52 16 To 25 37 63 59 29 30 3_1_ 46 66 48 22 58 64 69 72 49 28 8 44 COMPANY OR ORGANIZATON Oregon Special Olympics Oregon State Police PacifiCare Pacific Office Automation, Palm Harbor Homes Pier 1 Imports Premium Management Corporation/ Guardian Prudential Preferred Financial Services Rogue Wave Software, Inc Sears, Roebuck and Company Sherwin-Williams Sprint Business Servies Group State Farm Insurance Co. State of Oregon Department of Administrative Services State of Oregon Secretary of State Audits Division State of Oregon Services to Children and Families Target Target (security) Teach For America Tosco Marketing Trilogy Software Inc. United Parcel Service United States Marine Corps. US Air Force US Army US Navy US West Communications Walgreens Wallace Computer Services, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank PROFILE Provides year-round sports training and athletic competitions in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with mental disabilities. Enforces all state laws governing criminal, motor vehicle, fish/ wildlife statutes. One of the largest managed-care companies in the US; rated one of the Best 100 companies to work for in Oregon by Oregon Business Magazine A Portland-based company selling copiers, printers and fax machines The nation's leading retailer of home furnishings, accessories and related items. Provides financial planning to upwardly mobile, mid-upper income, professionals, executives, business owners and employees A leading provider of object-oriented software components and tools for C++, Java, and Visual Basic developers. Ranked among the Fortune 500 companies; core business is the manufacture, sale and distribution of coatings and related products; revenues exceed $4 billion. Offers professional and technical job openings. Carries out the Secretary of State constitutional authority to conduct financial, performance and fraud audits of state agency and state funded programs. Child welfare/ social work agency serving Oregon's abused and neglected children. The largest division of Dayton Hudson Corporation, the 5'“ largest retailer operating over 800 stores in 39 states. Assests protection. National corps of college grads committed to 2 yrs in teaching under-resourced urban and rural public schools. Largest independent oil refiner in the country. Largest convenience store chain. A Fortune 500 company. A privately held, 300 person, software company, forging a commerce revolution; building the next great software company. Volunteer, professional army; careers range from medical specialist to auto mechanics Let today be the start of a new tomorrow. Let the journey begin! Provides smart communications solutions to more than 25 million people in 14 states. Leads nation in sales, store growth and technology use in chain drugstore industry; strategy is to be nation's most convenient health care provider. Nationwide manufacturer of information processing materials; includes business forms, labels and office supplies. RECRUITING FOR: Internships: F/T, P/T, Summer Employment: F/T Employment: F/T, P/T Employment: F/T Employment: F/T Employment: F/T Internships: Summer Employment: F/T Internships: P/T Employment: F/T Employment: F/T, P/T, Summer Internships: F/T, P/T Summer Employment: F/T Employment: F/T Employment: F/T Internships: Summer Employment: F/T, P/T, Temp, Summer Internships: F/T. P/T, Summer Employment: F/T Employment: F/T Employment: F/T, P/T Employment: F/T Employment: F/T Employment: P/T Employment: F/T Employment: F/T Employment: F/T Internships: Summer Employment: F/T PROVIDING INFORMATION ON/ SFKK1NG SKILLS AN1) MAJORS IN: All areas apply Customer service; Windows 95; accounting Marketing, Communications; need competitive, outgoing, sales people Sales. Marketing and Management C++, Object-oriented development, Java, Relational Databases. Degree in business-related field with sales, customer service or paint experience All areas Accounting, Management, Research and information gathering statistics, computer literate, oral communication skills Criminal justice, law, business Development, consulting, corporate marketing, industry analysis, modeling and corporate recruiting Seeking qualified officer candidates; skills in leadership, academics, physical fitness No skills required; just an aptitude to learn Business/ management, liberal arts Business with some sales experience How to Get the Most From the Career Fair * • • Before the Fair *Review the list of companies and representatives attending * Identify those you would like to talk to or that you want to lear more about * Conduct research on the organization * Create a list of questions to ask * • • Going to the Fair * Bring 10 -15 copies of your current resume * Dress professionally. Wear clothes that are appropriate for the profession * Organize your resumes, questions note pad and pen in a folder areer Center's Graduate School & Career Fair Guide — Paid Advertisement * • • During the Fair * Greet each employer with a handshake * Make good eye contact * Pick up brochures/applications ^Gather information about their mission, what skills they are seeking in a candidate, what makes their company unique, etc. * Ask for business cards * Maintain a positive attitude • • • After the Fair * Send follow up thank you notes Tuesdav. Nover o iber 3 1998 5b