©regou^fCmeraltJ 'iEFykf/M st.; y(>-5511 E-MAIL ■ftfe'm!*. srset ifl. r/mSf. EMTIO1* XtKQtvJUkJ-id* EDITOR IN CHIEF Ryan Frank EDITORIAL EDITOR KameronCole Stefanie Knowiton Riots disgrace Students .and the. University Gicnanni Soli mem /Emerald tut Recent student ri(>ts across the country’ are prompted by intoxication and stupidity The University is known for its athletic program, top re search facilities and Hal loween riots. The first two attributes enable students to feel a sense of pride; the last characteristic should not. Yet another Halloween has passed with students taking to the streets throwing stop signs, lighting lamp posts on fire and generally behaving like idiots on Alder Street between 16th and 20th avenues. And what is the point to all the ri oting? Has there been an infringe ment on students’ rights that every one but the handful of rioters is unaware of? Unfortunately alcohol-induced student riots are not unique to the University or the nation. This is the third Halloween riot here in three years, and riots at universities na tionally are a growing trend that ac counts for eight this year. These riots seem to be prompted by little more than drunk students becom ing violent. The Oregonian wrote on Oct. 31 that recent student riots are "the 1990s version of anti-war protests.” But what social injustice are stu dents rioting against? Unlike anti war protests that stood for ending the Vietnam war, these riots are prompted by intoxicated losers who could not find anything better to do on a Saturday night. As students in the '90s, is this what we want to be known for? Is this our cause? We think not. There is no cause behind these riots. It’s blind stupidity, and that’s not some thing we hope to be remembered for. Before you decide for yourself, let us quote some of the members of the riot-for-the sake-of-rioting movement. “It all boils down to fun,” claims Josh Connoloy, a visiting Portland Community College student. Well, if tear gas and getting arrest ed is his idea of fun, then he certain ly had a lot of it Saturday night. Leroy Jenkins explains, “The cops are just house Nazis. They think that just because they wear a badge they can do anything.” Yeah, students throwing stop signs at police officers is no reason to get all upset. Are these the chosen leaders of our generation? As a student body we should be outraged at this behav ior. It degrades the name of the Uni versity and all who attend. We need to collectively take a stand against rioting. It is embarrassing to the Uni versity, the city and the state. Although a number of students have chosen to blame the police and publications such as the Oregon Dai ly Emerald and The Register-Guard for their riot coverage that may have given people ideas for rioting, this sorry claim tries to excuse the rioters from their behav ior and shift the blame. It’s a scape goat. While the Emer ald or Guard's coverage may have brought back the memories of last year’s riot, it can’t take the blame. The Emer ald is not a pup peteer for rioters. Sato &Done “Last year every one was pissed at the cops, this year everyone is pissed at each other... This year it’s about students’ stupidi ty." Ron Weaver, University senior “It all boils down to fun.” Josh Connoloy, Portland Commu nity College student “It’sall of 0tradi tion. It's a part of Halloween. We like to have a good time." | Grant Blume, | University sophomore “We're not making too much noise. They're looking for an excuse. I mean, this is how they justify their pay checks." Matthew Putman, University junior ‘The cops are just house Nazis. They think that just be cause they wear a badge they can do anything.” Leroy Jenkins, unknown i ne proDiem lies L__ in the actors. It’s time to take responsibility for your actions and stop embarrassing the rest of us. This editorial represents the opinion of the Emerald editorial txxird. Responses may be sent to ode@owg,on.uoregon. edit. ELECTION PREDICTIONS VOTERS will send MtSSWSrS THAT NO ONE WILL UNDERSTAND NO ONE Will CARE ABOUT THE OUTCOME Of -iwt NEBRASKA GOVERNORS RACE A JL.t W OpfONCWT *«OWS NOTHIW0 CORN “*Sorghum1 1 vot£d Republican to $(nv a MC$5A6€ to CunTOM, whom i frpbNtW *uPPORTt TO Teu DEMOCRATS td force Republicans to vot* aaorc likx pr/^ocRAr5/ *A*' I VfAH 1 r-. vfA«' K»\. ./ THE OUTCOME Of THE ELECTION Will 8c PROJECTED EAR IT n the NETWORKS... Wf HAVE A VV/MNER.. Senators we'd LIKE To SEC irvi SPACE... AL D’AAAATO CONDUCTING THE’CAN I SHUT UP FOR MORE THAN "TEN SECONDS 7** EXPERIMENT.. nots TED KENNEDY CONDUCTING THE VVEI6HTUW GOVERNMENT SPENDING' Experiment... TRENT LOTT | COMOUCT1N6 TV« -pcj My MOVI in 2EB0-C f- EXPERIMENT. Houston, W/6 WAV* A TOUPt*... / | <3,i [wfl Strom Thurmond CONDUCTING TVtt 'EFFECT OF 5PACE ON AGING IDEAS * nrPERIMeNT He 5tiu THINK4 'r> 1903. I V*' ° BOB KEAPFY conducting tv* v running in flACf EXPERIMENT. PREjlPENT VET?