Notification Continued from Page 1A quickly, Williams said. “It really didn’t require a lot of discussion," he said. “It was pret ty clear that the Oregon law went against the amendment. There will be no reason for us to change these laws. It seems to have worked well so far and didn’t re quire changing.” The amendment, which passed into federal law early in October, was sparked by a string of alco hol-related deaths on Virginia campuses last fall. A Virginia task force on college drinking recom mended in July that Congress ex empt drug and alcohol records from the privacy requirement. According to the 1997 Oregon Revised Statutes, “Whenever a student has attained 18 years of age or is attending an institution of post-secondary education, the permission or consent required of and the rights accorded to a par ent of the student regarding edu cation records shall thereafter be required of and accorded to only the student.” In the 1998 Compilation of the Oregon Administrative Rules, it also states everything in a stu dent’s file must remain personal and confidential except for direc tory information and objective ev idence of a student’s academic achievement. “For a tiling like the business of the state, including universities, the state should tend to these mat ters and be left in the hands of the state, not the federal govern ment," Williams said. “Washing ton is a long way from here.” Students will probably be re lieved and happy that the Univer sity didn’t uphold the amend ment, ASUO Vice President Morgan Cowling said. “I think it’s a great thing this didn't happen," she said. “It’s not necessary for colleges to take a parental role and rat on their stu dents. I would have been very up set and so would have many oth ers at the University for overstepping the boundaries. “College is a time for growing up and making your own deci sions and not having parents, the University or someone else inter fere.” = Hill For example, there's college football. |[ Now Duc ks Ians have something else lo c lieei about — their own section on ( h c^on l,ive. You can follow the 1’ of () season, take jabs at the competition in the Duc ks forum and wet the scoop on other bit* campus happenings. So check out (lu- new Ducks handout — the l ol () section on Oregon I ,i\e. fM OregonLive Discover the state you're in. U of 0 Page Ducks Forum Concert Listings Movies Jobs in alliance with (l^ttgOman Jt going overseas? catch the Oregon daily emerald on the world wide web: SEN ADMISSION Th Sa $6 • DISCOUNT SHOWS Su Wc S4 50 Matinees S3 • Seniors S3 50 • kids 12 A under S2 50 • BARGAIN PASSES ON SAIF NOW 5 MOVIES FOR S20.00, 10 FOR S35 • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAI1.ABLF! 5:15 S 9:15 Nightly tnifaD FIAlOUC- t CH*I.S1ZhA WCl Z;, ."Oh1A' I vAt£«5 PEC/ mqniiy SAT & SUN MAT @2:30 A Film by JAMES !VORY\ A MERCHANT IVORY » Production KRIS -KRISTOFFERSO* Never Cries Barbara SOON A TOUCH OF EVIL HFRSHEYj MEL BROOKS’ YOUNG MNKNISrcf* School of MUSIC & Department of DANCE NOVEMBER CONCERTS Clip and Save this Calendar! For more information on School of Music events, call 346-5678, or call Guardline at 485-2000, ext. 2533 for a taped message. Sun. CHORAL DELIGHTS 11/1 UO Choral Ensembles 4 p.m., Beall Hall $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Tue. OREGON COMPOSERS FORUM 11/3 UO Chamber Music Series 8 p.m., Beall Hall FREE Admission Thu. CHICAGO STRING QUARTET 11/5 UO Chamber Music Series 8 p.m., Beall Hall Reserved seats $8, $18, $22, available at the Hult Center (682-5000); student rush $9, $5 at the door. Sat. MUSIC & DANCE OF KENYA 11/7 UO Children's Concert Series 10:30 a.m., Beall Hall $3 adults, $2 students & children, or $5 for a family Sun. WAYNE BENNETT, Clarinet 11/8 GREGORY MASON, Piano UO Faculty Artist Series 4 p.m., Beall Hall $7 General Admission, $4 students & senior citizens Thu. UNIVERSITY GOSPEL CHOIR 11/12 UO Ensemble 7 p.m., First Baptist Church $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Sat. TALUJON PERCUSSION QUARTET 11/14 UO Vanguard Series 8 p.m., Beall Hall $7 General Admission, $4 students & senior citizens Mon. OREGON VOCAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE 11/16 UO Ensemble 8 p.m., Beall Hall $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Tue. UO CAMPUS BAND 11/17 UO Ensembles 8 p.m., Beall Hall FREE Admission Wed. OREGON WIND ENSEMBLE 11/18 UO Ensemble 8 p.m., Beall Hall $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Thu. UNIVERSITY GOSPEL ENSEMBLE 11/19 UO Ensemble 8 p.m., Beall Hall $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Fri. THE JAZZ CAFE with DAN BALMER, Guitar 11/20 UO Jazz Combos & Guest Artist 8 p.m., Gerlinger Lounge $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Sun. UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY 11/22 UO Ensemble 2:30 p.m., Beall Hall $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Mon. OREGON PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE 11/23 UO Ensemble 8 p.m., Beall Hall $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens Sun. CHAMBER MUSICALE 11/29 UO Chamber Ensembles 3 p.m., Beall Hall $5 General Admission, $3 students & senior citizens