Candidates focus on tuition cost Three U.S. Senate contenders have different ideas on how to lower the price of education By David Ryan Oregon Daily Emerald U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, his Re publican challenger John Lim and Pacific Party U.S. Senate candidate Karyn Moskowitz share plans to lower the cost of college tuition. But after Lim and Moskowitz’s promises and after Wyden’s record of fighting for student grants and loans in Washington, D.C., the candidates’ ideas start heading different directions. Lim said he wants more feder al grants and student loans made available to college students. He wants to ease the cost of tuition. As an indicator of how expensive college tuition is, he points to the Consumer Price Index, which measures the cost of living. “Since 1980, tuition went up 300 percent while the Consumer Price Index went up 100 per cent,” he said. Lim said he is worried that stu dents who may want to go to col lege are kept out because of the cost of tuition. To help students out, he wants to increase the amount of money parents can place in educational IRAs. Moskowitz said she supports federal grants to college campus es and higher education in gener al. “I’m very highly educated,” she said. “Of course I support higher ed." Moskowitz also said she wants students to be able to write off the interest due on their students loans. “It instills us with fear,” she said, “the fear of not having a high-paying enough job to pay our loans back.” Moskowitz said with smaller post-graduate debts more stu dents would be able to work for social service organizations. Wyden said he has supported scholarships and loans, some of which passed in the 1997 federal budget. He also helped to pass the Hope Scholar ship Program, a tax credit available to students pay ing for tuition. But that ends the similarities between Wyden, Lim and Moskowitz. When the issue of what they plan to do beyond grants and loans comes up, the candidates start speculating differently. Wyden said he is working with Republican U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith (R) on the issue of higher education. “We’ve been talking about our ideas to lower college tuition,” he said. The cost of living has in creased disproportionately to the cost of living, he said. Wyden said he and Smith have been talking to higher education officials around the state, includ ing University President Dave Frohnmayer. NATIONAL ELECTIONS Lim said he is opposed to fed eral mandates that might change the management of college ad ministrations because of his be liefs about the function of the federal government. "The U.S. government should n’t micro-manage,” he said. Instead of micro-managing, Lim wants government to use scholarship incentives to lure high school seniors into careers in high technology. “We should support students to develop their own talent, espe cially in high technology so we don’t have to import high tech nology workers,” he said. "To me, in our country, we need to have more engineers and techni cians.” Higher education is key to the nation’s competitive economic heath, Lim said. “Without the proper invest ment in higher education, our country will not survive,” he said. Moskowitz expressed concerns about corporate donations to Universities, saying the Universi ty of Washington did not use the new private money to replace state funds in certain programs. “The environmental manage ment program at Washington was demolished after state fund ing was reduced,” she said. Corporate funding rushed and filled the void in funds, she said, but the environmental manage ment program was not reinstated. David Ryan covers the Eugene City Council, community groups and politics for the Emerald. 1 WE AGREE! We need Mike Lewis on the Eugene City Council! Bobby Green Lane County Commissioner. "Together we represented Ward 4 for eight years, and we agree Mike Lewis is the best candidate for the job." -Rob Bennett -Dick Hansen Authorized by Mike Lewis for City Council Ward 4. "Mike Lewis is knowledgeable, with a proven record of involvement. The community needs Mike on City Council!" — Jeff Miller former Mayor of Eugene Joyce Schiro Leslie Renken Tom Renken Cretchen Pierce Glen Renken Cheril Renken Dennis Carlson Marlie Crist Ken Saxon Howard Feinman Emilio Bandiero Fred Hutchinson Terry Gough Scott Williams Ted Schilling Tom Herrmann Bob Mattson Sandra Mattson Steve Wildish Jim Strickland Geoff Simmons Gary Marcus Stephanie Harris Robin Saxon Joan Arnold Tom Chapman Sallie Torres Dorothy Morey Dan Barkovic Jack Reynolds Ellen Reynolds Wayne Harger Harry Rubenstein Jean Rubenstein Bob Crist Lynn Carlson Sue Miller Michael Wells Jeff Johnson George Derr Ed Hill Michael Roberts Kathy Bruebaker Cynthia Hart Bob Litton Pat Horton Richard Greene and many more! "Mike Lewis cares about Eugene's Livability.” -Ruth Bascom former Mayor of Eugene "As a councilor, Mike Lewis will focus on the priorities and stick to the basics. He's a strong advocate for public safety and fiscal responsibility." -Gerry Gaydus Eugene Budget Committee Member ' Former Judge ' Jim Hargreaves, (DIKE ★★★★★★★★★★ * * * * City Council • UJorcM I'm running for Eugene City Council because I think as a city, we can do better. We can work together for a better Eugene without the need to waste time fighting over extreme positions. Please call me with questions at 687-2797. My family and I thank you for your support! Get results with Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds! 346-4343 ^CUl&COfb& 1311 Lincoln Willamette Towers Building 345-1810 Haircuts.JlO reg. $15 with shampoo & conditioner Perms. J3295 Loop rods. & spirals. reg. $50-65 w/ conditioners, cut & style. Longer, color treated hair slightly more. Good Through October 31, 1998 The Register Guard and the Eugene Weekly urge you to vote for David Kelly. “Kelly has won a reputation for effective advocacy.” - The Register Guard 10/16/98 Visit David’s web page! 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