0-TrganWjfinr^^Lt >- Vf.-' . i-mL JdK£ffifSL V. EOmci» UifR»*.r5ttv -4*k EDITOR IN CHIEF R}*an Frank EDITORIAL EDITOR Kamercm Gokr Get wet ■I and be merry Don t let the extreme dreary season get you down Rea: in ms paper me other da;, ttiat this waia: is sut posed to be the wettest of me iast couple of years. According to weather forecasters. Novemoer Ibeoemoe: ant January are go ing t: os s: miserable we are going to get mors ram than-those deluged southeastern towns after □eirastating hurricanes from me tropins stop io: a visit It s going to be trumping hardcore m me valle} folhs. Vi em because we are in me middle of fail arm oeuause winter is rust around the cor ner monger, mis would oe wr/ie about E :S tniS vro lamp, horrible weaiher L wgys comes followed by c radical change in the oena'aor of many oeonie in oui cam dc.5 one As the firs* .eaves star to yell ow or Opinion Vince Medeiros ie: and thick, dark clouds shrouc tut whole town, sending endless nouns o: rem pouring down on our heads, a io: of people are affected by. you know. A... those relentless downpours make many students stumble into the bottomless depths of depression and melancholy, ""nose once nappy smily faces turn grim, arm tear, wistful eyes are all over our cam pus. It's a pretty sad scene, you've got to 3ut you. dear reader, you shouldn't let this moist weather put you down like that. No. You can do better than that. Don't come to school sporting that grumpy, whining face, and leave that exaggerated, bile-dripping hatred of rain at home. It doesn't pay. Honest Let's make this horrid, gray fall and win ter days of love and jov instead. How does that sound? Let us? Well, first of all. you gotta make sure you break that numbing silence that envelops our rainy campus between classes (usually at 10 to top of the hour) and start saying "hi." Humanize our inhumanely soaked lives by smiling at every bastard you walk by. Crack a beam even when you walk past one of those "aggro" baseball-capped kids. (Odds are he'll never reply to your kind gesture, but give it a try', anyway.) •Also, sell your used textbooks to those freshmen grommets cheap Don't get ripped of}, that’s not what I mean, but don't try to clean up the kiddie, either. Wave to that nice OPS officer who issued you a S40 ticket last week after your metier had onlv just expired — after all, “he/she was just doing his/her job.” And don’t forget to be a courteous driver and let the other guy score your parking spot {even though vou had the blinker on first). You have to keep in mind that giving is more fulfilling than taking. Therefore, help losers clamber out of their eternal geekiness teaching them how to be cool and stuff— the grateful nerd will remember you for the rest of his life. Give your teacher a flower as an appreciation for that nice-looking C Tip the Subway chick at the EMU. and remem ber to pick up a flier from that keen activist who spent hours in the rain trying to get his political message across. .And, really important, show gratitude to vour friend’s friendliness and buy him/her a pint of one of those savory microbrews. Two pints would make an even better im pression. Make sure you hit the slopes, too. Ac companied by a top bourbon to keep you warm and a bunch of hooting friends, noth ing beats the thrill of drawing insane lines, snapping off the top of deep bowls and busting all sorts of coo! jumps. .And vou can’t forget the coast A day of surf will most definitely make you happy. Winter is when the biggest swells stalk the Oregon coast. So while wimpy kooks stay at home suckling their mother’s bosom, you're left with a clean, giant line-up empty for you. Ah, winter... .And, most important, make love. Nothing tops love on a drizziv cold night. It doesn't get better than engaging in some losing to the sound of rain tapping on your roof. Eventually you get past that last cotton barrier to un\ eil a beautiful, delicate silken ... Oh, Jesus! So be a nice person in the coming months. Never mind the fact that the heav ens will be constantly dumping water on our heads, and be a good, happv individ ual. Let’s keep our school a pleasant place. It's possible and most desirable and will make us feel good. Nothing like a solid spirit of camaraderie and friendship to maintain our campus surrounded by good \ibes in this wet. frosty season. I triceMecieirvs is it columnist for the Emeraki. His eieus Jo nor ritvessarlh represent those ctf the netusfkiper AfV/1 "'T -I KNEW THIS WOU.D HAPPEN f WE LAUNCHED A SENATOR