Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 30, 1998, Page 11A, Image 11

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Continued from PagelOA
tween 1994’s “Monster” and
1992’s “Automatic for the Peo
ple,” “Up” rocks with an all-too
familiar, aggressive style. This ro
bust style is blended with some
darker lyrics and melodies that are
fused throughout the album.
“This could be a really good
late-night, by-yourself, in-the-dark
kind of record to listen to,” said
band member Mike Mills in a re
cent press release.
The album certainly doesn’t
lend itself to one particular song
or style. For fans who have been
around since “Murmur" or “Reck
oning” of the early 1980s, this re
lease will be similar to what listen
ers have experienced with each
successive album: R.E.M. is never
the band you think it is. Each al
bum sounds different as the band
continues to evolve and explore.
“Up,” like all the other albums,
includes the distinctive R.E.M.
features: Michael Stipe’s voice,
Peter Buck’s inspiring and riveting
guitar playing and a musical
soundscape that paints pictures of
wherever R.E.M. wants to take
“Up” leaves the listener asking:
“What issues does the band put
before me this time?”
“I was really excited about ex
ploring the place where two big
bullies in the opposite corners, re
ligion-spirituality and science
technology, come clashing togeth
er,” said Stipe during a recent
“At the
same time,
some of
the stuff
on the
record is
the most
I’ve ever
seen —
which I’m
proud of. 1
TYPE: Rock
was able to
pull that off and not be really senti
mental and cheese-ball about it.
'At my most beautiful’ is an exam
ple of that.”
And it truly is. "At my most
beautiful” is an honest and eye
opening picture of the stupid and
funny things people do when they
love somebody—and these things
make people the objects of an af
fectionate smile.
The best song of the album,
however, would have to be “Lo
tus.” It’s a rockish number and one
of the more upbeat on the album. It
retains some darker qualities
while still having a presence that
makes you want to play it on those
long, winding Oregon highways.
It’s a great driving tune. And, over
all, “Up” is a great album.
With yet another distinctive re
lease by R.E.M., “Up” is sure to be
one of the best-selling albums in
the months to come.
Courtesy photo
This untitled painting of horses gathered by a river reflects one of Price’s frontier themes.
Continued from Page 7A
he met modernist painters who in
spired his 1918 move to Monterey,
Calif., to paint full-time.
His art reflects his experimental
period in the 1920s, when he
struggled to understand modernist
concepts. Saydack said Price
viewed painting as a learning
“He kept searching for a way to
express himself,” Saydack said,
"so his art was always young and
Price’s paintings are often rough
textured, with multilayered paints
and colors associated with North
west nature such as greens and
browns. But his juxtaposition of
soft pinks and yellows provides a
very rich effect.
Several paintings feature rough
frames that Price hand-made. Say
dack said Price felt the rugged
frames added to the integrity of his
Lawrence Fong, associate direc
tor of the University Museum of
Art, said Price suggests “what is to
come” within the modernist style.
“He could’ve stayed in one style
and painted the same type of land
(( His art really does
deal with things that are
beyond the day to
day. »
Roger Saydack
guest curator, University Museum of Art
scape,” Fong said, “but he didn’t.”
Saydack said Price believed an
artist could get closer to emotion
and experience by capturing the
essence of it rather than just look
ing at appearance.
“His art really does deal with
things that are beyond the day-to
day matters of the soul,” Saydack
said. “It’s the kind of work people
will value 1,000 years from now
because it will tell them about us
and also about themselves. ”
The museum is open from noon
to 8 p.m. on Wednesday and noon
to 5 p.m. Thursday through Sun
day. Admission is free for faculty,
students and staff. The suggested
admission price for non-Universi
ty visitors is $9.
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UO School of Music World Music Series presents
Arte Flanento Dance Theater
CLARITA is a dancer, teacher, and choreographer who
performs a wide range of Spanish dance: Zarzuelas,
regional folk dance, reconstructed historical choreog
raphy, flamenco, and escuela bolera. She has per
formed at festivals and private flamenco clubs
throughout Spain and Europe as a solo artist with
Spain’s finest flamenco artists. In 1989 she created the
Arte Flamenco Dance Theater, a company of 15 danc
ers, singers, and musicians who have performed at
many concert halls and festivals throughout the U.S.
Friday, Oct. 30 • 8:00 p.m.
TICKETS: $10 General Admission,
$8 Students & Seniors, available at the door.
For more info, call Mark Levy at 346-2852
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