Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1998, Page 12, Image 12

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He's a teacher, an athletic trainer, a
graduate student and an athlete.
And chances are pretty good that 22
year-old Trevor Davies has run through
your neighborhood. Trevor, a native of
Johannesburg, South Africa, began his
amateur running career during his
sophomore year of high school and has
participated in more than 35 10Ks and 5Ks.
He also teaches three running classes at the
UO, including Jog/Run and Running II and
is a student athletic trainer at North Eugene
High School where he works closely with
injuries of all types. He plans to use this
experience along with his Master's in
Exercise and Movement Science (Sports
Medicine emphasis) to bring Athletic
Training home to South Africa. "Currently,
South Africa has no athletic trainers," he
When he's not working,
Trevor runs 6 to 7 miles per day
and rides his bike 14 miles per
day to and from work. What
keeps him motivated to log all
those miles? His running
friends. Trevor's advice to
anyone taking up running: Find
people who run at the same
pace, and go together. Not
only is it safer, but it can really
help you stick with it!
For more information on
registering tor a class taught by the ^
master, check the fall schedule of classes.
Calling All Women Runners:
Nike will be holding a Women's
Night Run, a group run around
campus, on Thursday, November
19th at 7 p.m. It's a non-com
petitive, informal gathering of
women to raise awareness of
campus safety issues. Runners of
all levels are welcome! Nike is organ
izing similar Women's Runs on cam
puses throughout the country, so don't
miss it! Email me at the address below
for details on where to meet.
Attention club team
athletes‘ Think your team has a great
story to tell? Nike is looking to support one
club team this year. You'll not only receive
some Nike product, but you'll also be
featured on SportsPage If your team is
up to the challenge and wants to be
considered, email me at the address
below to find out more. Q J
■S Run of the Month: Want to know one
JB of Eugene's hottest spots? Read on.
HP Take Fairmont Street up to Hendricks
r Park. Take a right on Spring and follow
the road to Capitol up and around the right
side of the mountain. (Pause for a moment
I to admire the awesome view of Eugene.)
■ Follow the path down into Hendricks Park
P between the trees on the trail to Birch
Street. Follow Birch down to Fairmont.
Remember to bring water. After those 5 miles, you'll need it.
The course difficulty rating is 7 out of 10, so this one's for more
experienced runners.
ike invites all Men's, Women's, and Co-Rec teams to
compete in the ultimate flag football experience.
Regional tournaments are open to all intramural flag
football teams, and regional champs will win an
all-expenses-paid trip to the national championships at the
Sugar Bowl in New Orleans over New Year's! For more
information and to find the regio.nal tournament closest to
Oregon, visit www.CampusSpbrts.com.
Hi, I'm Megan Thayer, your Nike student rep at
Oregon. Check out SportsPage for the latest on
sports and Nike events around campus. Are you
or your team setting records? Breaking new
ground? I'm here to support non-varsity athletes,
weekend warriors, intramural addicts and serious
club competitors. If you're a hidden athlete who
deserves some recognition, I want to hear from you. Drop me an email
at megan.thayer@nike.com. You just might end up in the next issue.
Can you be a Hero?
Nike P.L.A.Y.CORPS trains college students to coach in local
youth leagues. It's a great way to use your skills and become a
role model and mentor to kids who really need your help. After the
season, coaches receive $500 towards their tuition. Interested?
Email me at the address below to find out more. Hurry up! The
application deadline is November 1st for winter and spring sports.
What are you waiting for? You can be a hero.
296 East 5th Avenue
Saturdays 10:15AM - 11:45AM