Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 28, 1998, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
been working on a business plan
while I have been working on a
new Landsailor,” Maris said.
The program, called the Brad
dock Education Success Team,
has been combining graduate
student know-how with the
needs of undergraduate entrepre
“We saw that Robert had a
need, and it fit into the our phi
losophy of helping undergradu
ate business students,” said
Randy Nelson, director of the
With a product line that now
includes five longboard and
three Landsailor designs, Maris
(( We saw that Robert
had a need, and it fit
into our philosophy of
helping undergraduate
business students. >>
Randy Nelson
Director, Braddock Education Success
is hoping that a new business
plan will catapult the company
further into the limelight.
At this year’s AWIA trade
show he premiered his latest de
sign for the Landsailor. Unlike a
conventional longboard, the new
design has larger wheels and a
carbon fiber body designed by an
engineer at Boeing.
“The engineer saw my prod
uct, and he liked the idea,” Maris
said. “He took on the project just
for fun, and I have been working
with him ever since.”
The latest Landsailor design is
highly maneuverable and is ca
pable of speeds in excess of 30
“It takes very little wind to
power the Landsailor because it
doesn’t have nearly the resis
tance of water,” Maris said.
News Briefs
Wyden, Alexakis
to visit Amphitheater
U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden and Art
Alexakis, the lead singer of Ever
clear, will be at the EMU Am
phitheater from 1 to 2:30 p.m. to
encourage students to vote in the
upcoming Nov. 3 election. Two
bands, Flynn and Paradigm Dri
ven, will also perform in the Am
Outdoor Program holds
equipment swap
Students can buy used tents,
camping supplies and sports
equipment at the Outdoor Pro
gram’s annual Fall Equipment
Swap Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in
the EMU Ballroom. General ad
mission is $1, but the swap is
free to students and Outdoor Pro
gram Co-op members. For more
information please call the Out
door Program at 346-4365.
Ballroom Club hosts
Masquerade Ball
The Ballroom Dance Club is
holding its Masquerade Ball Fri
day at Gerlinger 220 from 8:30
p.m. to midnight. An hourlong
lesson in ballroom dancing will
begin at 7:30 p.m. The cost of the
ball is $5 for students and $7 for
community members. Guests can
dress up in their costumes and
boogie-down all night long.
Greek groups collect
food for hungry
The Lambda Chi Alpha frater
nity will hold its sixth annual
North American Food Drive on
Nov. 7 in connection with 215
chapters nationwide. The frater
nity hopes to raise one million
pounds of food to donate to a lo
cal food banks at each chapter.
Last year the fraternity raised
over 1,127,845 pounds of food
The Lambda Chi Alpha frater
nity is the third largest men’s fra
ternity and was founded at
Boston University in 1909.
Another food drive is taking
place through Nov. 5 and is
sponsored by Kappa Delta and
Delta Sigma Phi sororities.
Greek system holds
introductory event
Greek 101, an introduction for
all new members of the Greek
community, will be held in the
EMU Ballroom Saturday from
9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The orienta
tion is designed to acquaint new
fraternity and sorority members
to the greek system and its val
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