Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 27, 1998, Page 6A, Image 6

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    News Digest
Grizzly that attacked
couple to be left alone
PARK, Mont. — No action is
planned against a grizzly bear that
attacked a couple after they ap
parently surprised the animal on
a trail in Glacier National Park,
the park’s chief ranger said Mon
Matt Pelland, 26, and his wife
Tracy, 23, of East Glacier encoun
tered the bear on a trail about a
mile from Cracker Lake, in the
Many Glacier region, about 2 p.m.
Saturday. Both hiked out after the
attack. They were treated and re
leased at a Browning hospital.
“Everything we know at this
point, it was a surprise encounter,”
chief ranger Steve Frye said. “The
bear left the area as soon as it felt
that whatever threat it perceived
was no longer a factor.”
Frye said the bear already was
charging when the couple saw it
from about 50 feet away. It at
tacked Tracy Pelland first, knock
ing her to the ground and biting
her thigh. Matt Pelland moved be
low the trail and tried to distract
the bear.
The bear then charged him,
chomping his calf. He emptied a
can of pepper spray in the bear’s
face, and the bear backed off. But
then it returned to Tracy Pelland,
who was trying to escape. The
bear knocked her down, bit and
clawed her and rolled her over a
couple of times.
Matt Pelland, confused about
Tracy’s location or condition,
started for help, hiking four or five
miles to Many Glacier. Tracy Pel
land emerged about 15 to 30 min
utes later.
Hitler’s pilot’s movies
surface in basement
Amateur movies shot by
Adolf Hitler’s pilot showing him
touring occupied Paris and con
soling war wounded have sur
faced in the basement of a former
Army sergeant.
Herbert St. Goar headed an in
telligence branch of the U.S. mili
tary government in Germany
when he learned of 16 cans of
Hitler’s home movies in 1945 and
St. Goar said he kept four cans
constitutions bars the president
from succeeding himself.
Torrijos, 35, is a lawyer and
economist, a graduate of Texas
A&M University, and the son of
Gen. Omar Torrijos.
His biggest rival in the May elec
tion is Mireya Moscoso, widow of
former President Arnulfo Arias.
She was recently nominated by
the Amulfista Party, Panama’s
second-largest political group.
In 1968, Omar Torrijos headed
a military coup that deposed Arias
11 days after he took office. The
general remained in power until
he died in a 1981 airplane crash.
Weakened storm heads
toward China
5 HONG KONG — A weak
ened tropical storm, no
longer packing the typhoon
strength winds that slammed the
Philippines and Taiwan last
week, moved Monday toward
mainland China.
Babs, which killed at least 156
people in the Philippines, trig
gered flooding and landslides in
Taiwan and lashed Hong Kong
with strong winds before it head
ed across the Taiwan Strait.
Philippine officials said Mon
day the storm damaged $73 mil
lion in crops and property. At
least 11 people were missing, in
cluding two Taiwanese fisher
men who fell off their boat.
A landslide swamped a house
in suburban Taipei late Monday,
police reported. They said res
cuers were trying to locate two
people believed buried in the de
Babs, which packed winds of
87 mph at its height, was down
graded to a tropical storm Sunday
night by the Hong Kong Observa
The storm was 185 miles east
of Hong Kong on Monday night,
the Hong Kong Observatory re
ported. The observatory canceled
a typhoon warning in Hong Kong
Monday night.
Strong winds and rain hit
Hong Kong late Sunday and ear
ly Monday, but no serious storm
related injuries were reported.
In Taiwan, Babs’ brought heavy
rains to the whole island, with
eastern Hualien recording 28 inch
es of rain in a 36-hour period.
— The Associated Press
as a war souvenir and showed
them to friends and civic groups
over the years before stashing
them in his basement and forget
ting about them.
A visitor from Switzerland re
cently convinced him to turn over
the film to Der Spiegel magazine
for an undisclosed price.
The movies show Hitler’s trav
els around Europe, from meetings
with Benito Mussolini in Rome in
1938 to a quick tour of newly oc
cupied Paris on June 28,1940.
The Paris trip includes the only
known color shots of Hitler visit
ing with German war wounded,
Der Spiegel reported Monday.
Hans Guenther Voigt from the
Berlin Federal Film Archive
called the reels "authentic” and
“extremely interesting as contem
poraneous documentation.” The
Munich Institute for Contempo
rary History called them an im
portant addition to film material
about Hitler.
St. Goar told WTVC-TV he was
in Munich in late 1945 or early
1946 interviewing German army
officers and soldiers to learn their
involvement in Nazi atrocities
when a man revealed he had been
one of Hitler’s personal pilots.
“He said, ‘Well, I tell you a
thing I also did. I took movies of
Hitler,”’ St. Goar recalled. “I said,
‘What happened to those
movies?’ He said, ‘I hid them in
my back yard in Munich.’”
They drove to the pilot’s home
and dug up the reels. No film pro
jector was available in the mili
tary office, so St. Goar did not see
the movies until he returned to
Chattanooga in October 1946.
Real George Costanza
sues Jerry Seinfeld
3 NEW YORK — A man who
says he was the model for
nutty George Costanza on “Sein
feld” has filed a $100 million law
suit alleging that Jerry Seinfeld
and the show’s producers stole
his identity.
Michael Costanza, a real estate
agent from Holtsville, accused Se
infeld and others of violating his
civil rights by “using his name,
likeness and persona” without his
permission in creating George.
In papers filed in Manhattan’s
state Supreme Court, Costanza,
43, charges that every episode,
from 1989 until May 1998, “por
trays (him) in a negative light”
while using many of his physical
and personality traits.
Costanza has known Seinfeld
for 24 years, since they were stu
dents at Queens College, his
lawyer Jonathan Fisher said Mon
day. Much of the obnoxious sit
com character accurately reflects
Costanza but much does not, Fish
er said.
“George is a jerk,” Fisher said.
“This has had a negative effect on
the man’s (Costanza’s) life. If you
looked at him you would say,
'You’ve got to be George Costanza. ’”
Costanza's papers do not detail
the similarities between him and
the loutish George, played by Ja
son Alexander, but in interviews
he has noted that he and George
are bald and stocky, went to
Queens College with Seinfeld, and
have quirks about bathrooms and
parking spaces.
Costanza, author of a book
called "The Real Seinfeld,” also
says his high school gym teacher
called him "Can’t-Stand-Ya,” as
George’s does.
The “Seinfeld” publicists have
said that George Costanza was a
character based on the show’s co
creator, Larry David.
Strongman’s son to face
widow of father’s rival
4 PANAMA CITY, Panama —
Next year’s presidential elec
tion in Panama will pit the son of
a ruling-party strongman against
the widow of the man his father
Martin Torrijos won 57 percent
of the vote in the Revolutionary
Democratic Party primary, returns
showed Monday. Alfredo Or
anges, a veterinarian and former
agriculture minister, had 26 per
cent of the vote and the rest were
split among eight other candidates
in Sunday’s vote.
The party’s first primary election
ever came after voters overwhelm
ingly rejected President Ernesto
Balladares’ proposed referendum
for a second five-year term. The
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