Measure 59 Continued from Page 1A their opinions about politics. Even the candidates would not be able to express themselves politically, she said. “We feel this is very unfair,” Esty said. The AARP has a lot of retired government officials in the orga nization, she said. Esty said it is important to speak with students about this issue be cause there are many times that students and seniors see eye to eye. “I think it’s important for stu dents to realize that we can get to gether on the issues that are of common concern,” she said. The AARP is against the mea sure because it feels that the mea sure limits freedom of speech and freedom of expression, Esty said. “Measure 59 is a constitutional amendment,” she said, adding it can’t be changed easily like a law. People in favor of the measure feel it will have a huge impact on the people of Oregon if it passes. "We put the measure on the bal lot because we don’t think it's right,” said Becky Miller, execu tive assistant of Oregon Taxpayers United. The government should be neu tral in the election process, she said. If Measure 59 passes, instead of having money taken from pay checks, people can still voluntarily give as much money as they want to political campaigns, Miller said. "Measure 59 does not stop pub lic employees from participating in politics,” she said. Miller also said there will be no change to the voter’s pamphlet. Under Measure 59, people who want to put an argument in the voter’s pamphlet would have to go straight to the printer, instead of giving their money to the govern ment first. Mews Bnels Discussion addresses ethics in journalism Five leaders in West Coast me dia and public relations will dis cuss media ethics and practices at 10 a.m. today in Room 221 of Allen Hall. The panel discussion, called r “Feeding Frenzy, Sound Bite and Responsible Journalism in the ‘90s,” is part of a four-day Home coming celebration for the School of Journalism and Communica tion. Panel members include: Joann Byrd, editorial editor for the Seat tle Post-Intelligencer; Mike Fancher, executive editor and se nior vice-president of the Seattle Times; Dan Weiden of Weiden and Kennedy, Inc. of Portland; Patsy Smullin, president of the California - Oregon Broadcasting Inc., Medford; and Neal Rosen of Kalt, Rosen & Associates of San Francisco. For example, there's college football. |[ www.oregon/7> Now Ducks hms have somethin”' else to cheer about — their own section on ()i e”on Live. You can follow the l' ol () season, take jalis at tin- competition in the Dinks locum and ”'c I the scoop on other hi” campus happenings. So check out the new Ducks handout — the l ol () section on Oregon I.ivi*. Orego nLive* Discover the state you're in. U of D Page Ducks Forum Concert Listings Movies Jobs in alliance with gfo #rC$Oniatt JADE PALACE CANTONESE & SZECHUAN CUISINE Professional Wok Cooking Regular Lunch & Dinner Buffet served everyday. 004025 RhhuI /Ve*i 'UayetasiiaH. Menu JbaiLf Lots of tofu & vegetable dishes, veggie egg rolls, pot stickers & more. 906 W 7th, Eugene • 344-9523 • Closed Mondays «/ "34 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen • Audi German Auto Service • MERCEDES • BMW • VOLKSWAGEN • 001721 jm-zyrz • 2U25 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 Ball bikes on... Haro - Ross Barracuda - GT - Dyno Robinson - Redline ED BIKES • We take TRADES Professional Service on all Brands Open 9:30-6:00 — Sun. 11:00 5:00 004312 F©pp©mn\ ©r Cb©&m© Extra toppings $1.15 Hot and ready to go all day, Willamette Location only 1711 Willamette 343-3330 ® Little Caesars'