ODE to a Centu Fridas. October 23. 1098 Volume 100. Issue 30 T ■his Homecoming weekend marks a JL different sort of return for alumni from the Oregon Daily Emerald. Those who gave hours of their college careers to the newspaper are coming to the University to celebrate our 100th year of publication. We at the Emerald wanted to share w ith you. our readers, a bit of the new spaper's history and its place in the University and Eugene communities during the past 100 years. rgaining plan ok, 1 '"1 lll.UK '%****.«/ w?-. :Hn''nen*t/; student; "V'-< ifefwjsr Xjffo>>.: ; ' * JS-Wv.-.* 5 1; a 2^**%£*>* s&tsgisaa ^*‘rss**CT "Wiiahttar-t. ,4,^*S*5