Allard and Casev Memorial Safety I Jhrarv On November 5, 1995, U of 0 students Frank Allard and Michael Casey failed to return to camp after a summit attempt on the North Sister on a private outing. The Allard and Casey Memorial Safety Library was created by the UO Outdoor Program and the ASUO in response to this tragic accident. This Library makes a variety of wilderness safety gear and resources available for any UO student or Outdoor Program co-op member for wil derness outings. There is no charge for any of the gear, although any cell phone use must be reimbursed. Users are also responsible for anv loss or damage. r* Cell phones: Ultra small Sony cell phones are available for emergency gf,'. communications. The phones are for emergency use only, and the user hi* is responsible for all phone company charges. l/HF radios: VHF radios are for use while on open water and are useful '!» for obtaining marine weather forecasts and for communicating with the Coast Guard and other boats. £^?G?S units: GPS units are available for use as navigational aids in cy wilderness travel. Its most common use in backcountry travel is to aid a traveler in returning to a particular point, such as camp or the car. They are also used extensively in sailing. Avalanche transceivers: Ortovox F1 transceivers are available to aid in locating persons buried by avalanches. Effective use requires practice! Avalanche probes and shovels are also available. O.P. Resource Center Whether initiating an O.P. trip or planning one on your own, the Outdoor Froqram serves as Eugene’s b^ckcountry information center with librar ies, boards, maps, and lots mojre to assist with trip planning and preparation. If we don’t have the answer to your outdoor question, we know how to find it. Come by ar|d visit our EMU office. You’ll be amazed at the array of cool outdoor Information we have on handl Resources Trip Board Safety Equipment Library Used Equipment 3oard Events Newsletter Outdoor Video Library Environmental Action Board Guide Book Library Trip Planning Resources Equipment Catalog File Outdoor Magazine Library River Permit Information Map Library Safety and Rescue Handouts Outdoor Book Lending Library Transportation Opportunities Outdoor Equipment Library History of the O.P. World Wide Web Page Resource Staff and Volunteers I Workshops Avalanche Awareness Equipment Repair Initiating Trips Introduction to Whitewater Whitewater Rescue Paddle Captain Clinic Rowing Clinic Sea Kayak Navigation Introduction to Sea Kayaking Kayak Pool Sessions River Permits Night Ski Skill Clinics Interpretive Outings Environmental Action Projects Events Guest Lectures Equipment Swaps Movies & Slideshows Environmental Presentations Lunchtime Videos O.P. Cooperative Trips Hiking, kayaking, biking, backpacking, sea kayaking, skiing...gotta love fall outdoors! There will be dozens of cooperative trips posted on the OP trip board this season. Our philosophical format is summed up with these words: egalitarian, experiential, low-cost, noncompetitive, self propelled, cooperative, environmentally sound, participant initiated, and open ended. Nothing is more rewarding than learning experientially among friendly peers and creating your own outdoor adventure. Rather than the Outdoor Pro gram offering a series of trip packages, we encourage and help participants create, launch and fulfill their own adventure desires. If you're not into fwhat you see posted by others on the board, and you want to get outdoors, post a trip sheet yourself. The 'trip board is a wilderness ride board. Someone puts up a trip idea and off it goes. Elements^^^ of OP trips: • i rips must i?e open. All trip sheets must be posted on the trip board and be open to any qualified participant to sign up, and must be posted a reasonable time before the trip. When a trip sheet is posted, at least half the spaces must be ■ open to anyone able to participate. ■ ° Cost sharing. All group expenses ■ are shared equally and fully by the group. F Because trips share only actual expenses, r trips can be incredibly inexpensive. • Decision sharing. Everyone is encouraged to give input in a consensus decision. Every one participates in shaping and owning decisions. Decisions are often better and more creative with everyone brainstorming rather than |||Kr a single "leader" dictating. • Work sharing. Each trip requires a fair amount of y group work before, during and after the trip. Every participant is expected to pitch in and help the group effort. WWW Future Trips Calendar: calendar/trips/calendar.cgi Hard to find, bat worth it/ The O.P. is located in the basement on the south side of the Erb Memorial Union next to the loading dock. We’re also accessible through the EMU Outdoor Program Office