Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 06, 1998, Page 8, Image 8

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    Fall 98 Event Calendar
Outdoor Program Open House
^ A casual gathering at the Outdoor Program to introduce you to the
0C many resources and exciting opportunities offered by the “O.P.” The
0 evening will include refreshments, an action packed slide show, a
discussion of resources and the philosophy of Outdoor Program trips.
Great way to meet interesting and outdoorsy folks and plan adven
tures! Free! Thursday, 7:30 pm: EMU Outdoor Frogram
New Hikes in the Central Cascades
^ Join Oregon guidebook author William L. Sullivan on a slide showtourof
0C fifteen newly developed hiking trails in the Cascade Range. Interesting
P new paths lead to massive springs at the source of the Willamette
River, loop around a waterfall high on the flanks of the Newberry
Caldera, and follow an ancient waqon road past a house-sized cave.
Sullivan explored these trails while preparing the completely revised
second edition of his bestselling guidebook, 100 Hikes in the Central
Oregon Caecadee. Sullivan enlivens his slide show with anecdotes of
the plants, animals, history, and geology along the way. Free!
Thursday, 7:30 pm: 110 Willamette Hall
Trip Initiator's Clinic
The most exciting element of Outdoor Program cooperative trips is the
opportunity for anyone to shape their own outdoor adventure. No
specialized skills are required, just a desire to participate and get the
trip process rolling. This event will cover the basic steps of initiating a
common adventure trip as well as O.P. philosophy, liability, and trip
planning. Learn about the economic and spiritual benefits of being a
trip volunteer, such as free equipment rental, access to great toys,
leadership training, opportunity for personal growth, and more. Free!
Wednesday, 7:30 pm: EMU Outdoor Frogram
Raft Trip Initiator’s Clinic
Really!? Access to all that boating and transportation equipment to
do river trips when and where I want!? Yep! Become an OF raft trip
initiator: it’s easy! The first night covers O.P. philosophy, liability, trip
planning, and procedures. Saturday, we'll do a short fun river trip on
the McKenzie and go over equipment, barn, vehicles, safety and more.
Attendance at both sessions is required to become a raft trip
initiator. Cost: $0-10 for river trip.
Wednesday, 7:30 pm: EMU Outdoor Frogram
Saturday, 9:00 am: The Farn
First Descent of Borneo's Limbang River
Borneo, the world's third largest island, holds the oldest rain forest on
earth and is home to a vast diversity of plants and animals. It is also
a land of great confrontation where some of the world's last nomadic
peoples strain for existence against encroaching natural resource
extraction. In an effort to explore what may be the last remaining
pristine river in Borneo, Sprague Ackley and Eric Volk set out in
October, 1997 to kayak the Limbang River, from its source near the
Malaysian/Indonesian border to the South China Sea. Come join Eric
and Sprague as they take you down the river in slides and stories. Free!
Thursday, 7:30 pm: 100 Willamette Hall
Fall Equipment Swap
This renowned equipment swap is undoubtedly Eugene’s largest gath
ering of outdoor enthusiasts. Hundreds of outdoor enthusiasts will be
buying and selling an amazing variety of used backcountry and
whitewater gear at garage sale prices. Tents, boats, bikes, skis,
clothing—everything goes! No registration required. Limited table
space available on a first come basis. Noncommercial sellers only. Free
to students and O.P. Co-op members; $1 general admission. Parking
provided in EMU visitor’s lot.
Thursday, 7:30 fm: EMU Ballroom
The Spirit Of High Places
Whether as abodes of the gods, places of revelation, or the very pillars
of creation, the human race has always looked to the mountains as
a metaphor, a symbol of our greatest mysteries. The Spirit of High
Places is an expression of mountain landscapes and cultures. This
entrancing presentation is a journey through the earth's mountains
and the people they have influenced throughout time. For over six
years, photojournalist Jonathan Duncan has studied and docu
mented the mountain world. Jonathan currently lectures at Western
Washington University and teaches seminars and workshops on
wilderness photography, mountain geography and culture. Free.
Thursday, 7:30 pm: TOO Willamette Hall
Sea Kayaking Safety Clinic
One of the popular aspects of sea kayaking is the ease with which
novices can get in and paddle away to great adventures without
having to learn many technical skills. That allure can be deadly. The
seamanship and safety skills needed to handle dramatically changing
paddling conditions take many ongoing hours of practice. This intro
ductory clinic will touch on several safety areas such as navigation,
hazards, equipment, and decision making. Specific examples such as
kayaking tragedies and near misses will be discussed. Free.
Tuesday, 7:30 pm: EMU Outdoor Program
Exploring the Sea of Cortez
The vivid blue and rich marine life of the Sea of Cortez stand out
against the rugged Baja desert and the Sierra de la Giganta moun
tain range, characterizing one of the most mysterious and dramatic
wild places on earth. The isolated islands along the coast, often
called the "Mexican Galapagos," are protected as wildlife sanctuar
ies, teeming with sea birds, desert animals, and bizarre plants. Dan
Geiger, photographer, sea kayaker and O.P. staffer, will share some
Baja magicthat will leave you eager to pack and head south fora truly
amazing winter adventure. Along with inspirational imagery, Dan will
touch on resources, logistics, and Baja travel tips. Free!
Thursday, 7:30 pm: TOO Willamette Hall
Using Avalanche Tnanceivens
Ortovox avalanche transceivers are one component of the Allard and
Casey Memorial Safety Library (see opposite page for more informa
tion on the library). In a full burial avalanche incident, only immediate
and effective search and rescue by companions offers real chance of
survival. An avalanche beacon, used properly, can be a powerful tool
for rescue. This clinic will cover the basics of avalanche rescue
procedures, including hands-on use of transceivers. Remember, carry
avalanche transceivers to lower your risk profile, not as an excuse to
risks! Free. Tuesday, 7:30 pm: O.P. Bapn
Intro to Telemark Skiing
Bored with the same old ski technique? “Free the Heel, Free the Mind!"
The Telemark turn opens a fun door to amazing backcountry ski trips.
PSIA telemark instuctor Mel Mann from Eugene Parks Outdoor
Program will discuss telemark resources, equipment and technique in
this introductory presentation. A variety this year's new equipment
will be on display. Videos with slow motion tips and inspirational
telemarking will also be shown. Free!
Thursday 7:30 pm: EMU Outdoor Program
O.P. Events E-mail List
To receive a notice of the current week's upcoming on campus
events, send an e-mail to dgeiger@darkwing.uoregon.edu with a
subject message, "add events list" and nothing in the message
Event Info: 346-4365
Web: http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~opvvww