OSPIRG issues estimated budget The organization seeks to improve its image after being defunded last spring By Kristina Rudinskas Oregon Daily Emerald The Committee to Re-establish OSPIRG wants students to know it’s still on campus after the Uni versity chapter of OSPIRG lost student funding last spring. “We need to improve our im age to make people want us back,” said Jereme Grzybowski, a member of the committee. OSPIRG, the Oregon Student Public Interest Research Group, is a statewide student-run organi zation that works to protect the environment, consumers and stu dent interests. There are chapters at Portland State University, Lewis and Clark College and Lane Community College. OSPIRG was founded 27 years ago by University students to get students organized around issues important to them. Today there are 16 states with at least one stu dent PIRG chapter, 70 college campuses with chapters and 46 states with either a citizen or stu dent PIRG. During ASUO elections last spring, a ballot measure renew ing OSPIRG's funding at $147,390 a year, approximately $2.88 per student a term, failed to receive enough student votes. “It made a huge dent in what we can do this year,” said Merri ah Fairchild, committee member. “Not that students made the wrong decision; they made the best decision with the informa tion they had.” The committee was estab OSPIRG’s estimated 1997 expenses Each student pays $2.88 per term. It is broken up approximately as fol lows. 49 cents for the Toxics and Clean Water Program 3 cents for fundraising 20 cents for administration 43 cents for recycling 40 cents for the democracy program, which includes voter reg istration and watchdog government and elections 37 cents for consumer watchdog 35 cents for higher educa tion campaigns like saving student aid and control of the incidental fee 32 cents for service projects like Stream walk and the Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness 29 cents for saving endan gered species SOURCE: OSPIRG lislied after about 200 student leaders and faculty members signed a letter of support to get an OSPIRG chapter back on cam pus. The EMU Board voted to continue to allow the committee to retain office space in Suite 1 in the EMU. “I don’t think we did the best job communicating,” Fairchild said. “I bet money that the major ity of students agree with the work OSPIRG does.” Money was part of the contro versy surrounding OSPIRG. Stu dent groups that receive funding through ballot measure lump sums are not required to submit a line-item budget outlining how ballot measure money is spent. OSPIRG does submit a budget to the Programs Finance Commit tee, but the Honesty Campaign requested that OSPIRG explain where all student money was be ing spent. “They were really extraordi narily unaccountable,” said Jonathan Collegio, who spear headed the Honesty Campaign last spring. The campaign demanded that OSPIRG release a line-item bud get detailing how much money stays on campus. “All other student organiza tions had a line-item budget. That was really their death knoll,” Collegio said. Fairchild said the Committee to Re-Establish OSPIRG is trying to focus on changing its image, educating students about its cam paigns and building student coalitions and support. "Doing all these things is what it takes to get re-established," Fairchild said. Today the committee receives money from the state OSPIRG board, so it can continue to oper ate on campus. “It’s a stretch, but this is the birthplace, and this is a priority,” Fairchild said. The committee will be handing out fliers with the approximate estimate of OSPIRG’s 1997 fiscal year expenses along with infor mation on OSPIRG campaigns. The committee wants to gener ate enough student support to pass another ballot measure in ASUO elections this spring to re new funding.We wouldn’t want to do it any other way,” Fairchild said. 004460 Inatltute for the Development of Educational Achievement College of Edacatlon • Unlveralty of Oregon New Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program •For all majors •Tuition paid for 1 academic year Deadline: October 15,1998 For more information contact Beth at 346-3562 or stop by the Education Annex CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST Come make friends and grow in your faith... ,Non-denominational and casual! Or just check things out... For more information: 345-5799 HBl i Check out the EMU WEB PAGE tor the latest EM^SUO event information http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~emumain/ A.F.I. ! Oct. 9 WOW Hall MARTINA MC BRIDE Oct. 10 Hult Center JOULES GRAVES Oct. 10 WOW Hall TAKAS QUARTET Oct. 13 Beall Hall EMU Ticket Office Your Entertainment Connection! Ticket Outlet for the Hult Center, Fastixx, WOW Hall, University Theatre, Cultural Forum, ASUO and other area venues... Your connection for Student and Friends and Family Home Football game tickets. Order by phone 346-4363 Ticket Office Hours Monday- Friday 9:00 a.m. -7:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Sunday 12:00 p.m.-3:00p.m. | Student parents — I Do you have a night class? ...a study group that meets in the evening? Want to attend a ■„ nighttime lecture or event? | Need some extra uninterrup I ted study time? Or do you just I need a little time off? I 6 If your answer is yes to any of I the above, we can help. The j EMU Child Care and Develop i ment Center is now offering I Evening Child Care \ Monday through Friday nights I from 6:00 to 10:00 for children I from 15 months to 6 years of ■ age. For more information, j stop by the CCDC Office at J 1511 Moss or call 346-4384 The University Lost & Found is located in the EMU Recreation Center, stop by or call 346-3711. The Rec. Center is open late We are open until 11:30 pm Sunday - Wednesday and 2:00 am Thursday - Saturday Come in and check us out! mamm University of Oregon Register today !!! for Fall Workshops & Classes fibers painting drawing stained glass photography jewelry ceramics woodworking bike repair and more... lower level EMU-346-4361 http://darkwing.uoregon.edu~/craftctr