Human anatomy lab receives four new cadavers Dissection provides students with hands-on learning about the human body By Sarah Skidmore Oregon Daily Emerald Kip, fessica, Nicole and Mack just arrived at the University. They will be here for about two years, the duration of which they will spend entirely in the basement of Klamath Hall. Kip, Jessica, Nicole and Mack are the new cadavers for the Exer cise and Movement Science De partment’s Human Anatomy lab. The EMS department usually gets two new cadavers every two years from the Organ Donation Program. Because of a change in professors, no new cadavers were ordered in spring 1997. The new Help create CHOICE for young women Cronins Bar On ladMdaal CMIlaaiat and Eiaerlenca* WE HEED WOMEN IMHO • art Interested In helping teen girts reach their full potential want to make a difference In the lives of ilrts who ntay have na one else • want ta create opportunities lor (Iris le einlere themselves and develop positive connections with ethers • can provide the education, skills, and support necessary lor girls ta flourish In toady's world VOLUNTEER POSITIONS available new ler ireup facilitators ta lead candid discussions and activities ta help girts esplere Issues Impactlm their lives ❖ Family tommies ❖ Nealtii ❖ CftnuMNHtylarareMss «- Creattvtty * Self-AwarQMSS ❖ Substance Abuse ♦ MiMMtaS Indhriduilism <• Sauillty 4 Career anti Future « Vlelence <* Teamwerk s Call tar mare Intimation and an application packet ApplicationsBus Bctebar 15. M8.5Mp.rn. 2292 Ontmont Way lugtne Oregon 07401 Rachel Woods. MPH.CHES CHOICE Program Coordinator Western Rivers Girl Seoul Council 541-485-5911 professor, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Greg Straum, had extra funds to work with and ties at Oregon Health and Sciences University, enabling him to acquire the four new cadavers. “Now we are hoping to recycle all four of them every year so we can have a lot of dissections and involve more students in the process of dissection," said Reed Ferber, the Graduate Teaching Fellow who is facilitating the lab for his fourth year. Ferber said Human Anatomy, a yearlong course taught by Straum, is challenging. Fall term is dedicated to the study of the muscular-skeletal sys tem, winter to systems such as the digestive, nervous and circulato ry, and spring and summer ses sions to dissection. The top students in the class have an unlikely reward. Nicole, Jessica, Kip and Mack are the names of the top two female and top two male students from the previous term, Ferber said. The challenges for most stu dents are primarily academic. However, some students experi ence a few difficulties with the re alities of the cadavers. “You might have one or two stu dents a quarter who need to step outside,” Ferber said. The toenail polish on Jessica’s feet and hair on the scalp or face of a cadaver that is not completely dissected are the more difficult re alities, Ferber said. “The human connection isn’t really made when you first see them because there is no skin on them,” he said. The cadavers are human, how ever, and this type of learning is in valuable for students, Ferber said. “This is a very significant experi ence for a lot of people just to be able to actually touch a cadaver and even feel it, or even dissect them,” he said. “That is when you learn a whole lot about the human body.” Having more than one cadaver offers learning opportunities for more students and also allows stu dents to see differences between the individuals. Nick Medley/Emerald Graduate teaching fellow Reed Ferber points to Jessica.'one of the new cadavers for this year's Biology 311 class. LAZAR'S BAZAR 57 W. Broadway (Downtown Eugene) * 541-687-0139 28 Reasons why thousands of students shop at Eugene's best stocked student Dept. Store: 1. adult novelties 2. army camo 3. backpacks 4. blacklights 5. body jewelry — 3 racks 6. boots - snowboard 7. caps/hats — 1,000's 8. cards - 1,000's 9. earrings — 1,000's 10. flags/tapestries — 100's from $7.99 to $30 11. Grateful Dead 12. hair color 13. incense 14. lava lamps A 15. martial arts 16. pipes — 100's 17. posters- 14 racks 1 ,ooo's of titles 18. scales $6 to $250 19. skateboards — over 160 20. snowboards — over 200 21. skate shoes 22. stickers - 1,000's 23. studded belts 24. t-shirts — 1,000's 25. wallets 26. women's clothes 27. work clothes 28. 1,000's of out of print or hard to find gifts 003944 '••• - i..rJ mL. * m off all shoes 1/1/ *off regular price SHOE-A-HOLIC 857 WILLAMETTE • 687-08S8 Coupon Expires!2/31/98 w ► 2 off everything* LAZAR'S BAZAR 57 W. BROADWAY • 887-0138 ‘Over S10. Excluding skateboards, snowboards, scales and tobacco products. x Coupon Expires 12/31/^8 SHOE-A-HOLIC 957 Willamette (Downtown Eugene) * 541-687-0898 Over