Fall Classes and Seminars i i m Chemical Abuse Tuesday 3:30pm - 5:20pm 342 OIL EDUC 410/510 CRD; 15951/15952 2 credits $66 Drugs Si Society Tue/Th 12:30pm - 1:50pm 301A ALL EDUC 410/510 CRM: 15948/15950 3 credits $90 Families Tue/Th 11:00am - 12:20pm 189 PLC EDUC 410/510 CRM: 15946/15947 3 credits $90 Family Violence Mondays 3:00pm * 5:50pm 154 STB EDUC 410 CRM: 15953 3 credits $90 Street Drugs, Crime, fie The Law Tue/Th 9:30am - 10:50am 260 CON EDUC 410/510 CRN: 15942/15945 3 credits $90 Practicum Variable Days Contact the SAPP office for pre authorization. 180 ESL EDUC 409/609 CRM: 15934/15935 1-8 credits \W?RK6JjOPS: I OZJLPI One and two credit workshops and seminars can be added to class schedules up until the day prior to when the course begins. Addiction St Kids Sat, Oct 10 8:00am 4:50pm 150 COL EDUC 407/507 CRN: 15922/16459 $35 This workshop will focus on youth ond their alcohol and other drug use. It will include aspects of prevention programs and treatment programs for those youth diagnosed as addicted. Sexual Addiction Sat, Oct 24 8:00am - 4:50pm 150 COL EDUC 407/507 CRT1: 15925/15926 $35 This training is designed to take you through the murky world of what is known of sexual addictions and deviances as categorized by diagnostic and addictions criterion. Deborah Franek will relate her own account of her encounter with self-diagnosed pornography-addicted serial killer Ted Bundy. J Trauma Survivors Sun, Oct 25 8:00am - 4:50pm 150 COL EDUC 407/507 CRM: 15927/15928 $35 Ms. Franek is believed to be the only known survivor of mass murderer Theodore 'Ted' Bundy. Since that time, she has dedicated her professional life to the effective treatment of trauma survivors and court mandated sex offenders. Drugs, Sex, & The Media Sun, Nov 15 8:00am 4:50pm 150 COL EDUC 407/507 CRM: 15918/15919 $35 Concepts/ Boundaries Sun, Nov 22 8:00am - 4:50pm 150 COL CDUC 407/507 CRM: 15929/15930 $35 This workshop will introduce itw concept of boundaries os mpie merited in our intro- and inter-personal relationships. Attachment Disorder Sat, Oct 31 8:00am - ^ 4:50pm 150 COL EDUC 407/507 CRT1: 15920/15921 $35 During this workshop you will be introduced to the definition, research findings, development axioms of attachment; Bowlby's Stages of Separation, and leave with a clearer understanding of mourning and grief. Kids Killing Kids Sun, Mov 8 8:00am - x*5**v - EDUC 407/507 CRM: 15931/15932 $35 Presentations will include positive strategies and skills for working with kids including prevention and safety issues. Students will develop insight into the dynamics of a child's success or failure as well as how to make a positive difference. 4:50pm 150 COL MINAE.6, 2 OZLD\ Alternative Highs Sat & Sun, Oct 17-18 8:00am - t 4:50pm ^ 150 COL CDUC 407 CRM: 15925 $80 This workshop wit) *xomim» it* eoncnpl of ofewnatfc* hlgkt botti from ocadotmc and porsonol : pyyfrtjwft Sivdtnti vntl Isorn about amort mootch in tHoAntd of Iniwr* oduca&on and bnhowor ond fww lb.5 information affucts us and ow aoaunuftitin. Spoaltnn will than acMtet that bauntnbancod At* km and cbahn^od lb*n to graw mnnloSy, phyocaftf ond «pirllua»y. 004332 THE ABOVE COURSES CAN BE APPLIED TO THE AREA OF CONCENTRATION CERTIFICATE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION PROGRAM. FOR MORE INFORMATION. CONTACT THE SAPP OFFICE. 346-4135