Wygonowska Continued from Page 15 with his tennis, but with his char acter and his personality. He’s go ing to do some good stuff for us.” Devillers’ game is so strong that he will be one of three Ore gon players who Russell takes to the All American Tournament in Austin, Texas, beginning Oct. 10. The tournament brings to gether the top 250 players in the nation for eight days of compe tition. “It’s a very competitive field,” Russell said. “If someone does well in it, it really gives him a lot of confidence. There are a lot of good players, so it allows us to taste that level. It’s good because it makes us set our sights a little higher.” Navarro and Carter will also represent Oregon at the tourna ment. It will be a return trip for each of them. Last year Carter ad RESUMES: $40 S-U IT: $210 MORE RESUM E S : $ 4 0 HANGING UP YOUR WAITER'S APRON FOR THE LAST TIME: PRICELESS THERE ARE SOME THINGS MONEY CAN'T BUY. FOR EVERYTHING ELSE THERE'S MASTERCARD* TO LEARN MORE,OR APPLY FOR A CARO,VISIT OUR WEB SITE AT WWW.MASTERCARD.COM/COLLEGE vanced past the first round, while Navarro was tripped up in his first match. The women also begin their season at the All-American Tour nament, which runs Oct. 17 throught Oct. 25 in Los Angeles. The Ducks haven’t enjoyed a tremendous amount of success at this tournament in the past, but Griffin believes this year’s team has the ability to hold its own with the nation's best. “It’s a tough tournament,” he said, “but I think the level of our team has also taken a big step.”