Senate confirms Exec appointments The action fills the EMU Board's at-large position and a finance senator seat By Peter Breaden Oregon Daily Emerald The ASUO Student Senate re convened for fall term Wednes day night in the EMU Board Room, confirming two new Exec utive appointments. Sarah Wiley was confirmed to the position of finance senator. She has served on the EMU board, as Panhellenic President and as chapter president of Chi Omega. Robin Nelson was approved unanimously to the EMU board’s at-large position. Nelson also has served as president as Sigma Kap pa. “I’m new,” Nelson said. “I haven’t done a lot as far as ASUO involvement. ... Having fresh ideas is a good thing.” Discussion about appointments to the University Senate was eventually set aside. “Figuring out the process about how to get more senators on the University Senate would be better than making a decision right away,” ASUO Vice President Morgan Cowling said. The Student Senate moved into its new office: Room 319 on the third floor of the EMU, formerly occupied by the Lesbian, Gay, Bi sexual and Transgender Alliance. Senator Wylie Chen said that the third-floor office isn’t visible to students. “It’s close to the EMU Board Room, which is ridiculous be cause we’re not here to serve our selves just because it’s a closer walk,” Chen said. The new office is larger and has windows, though it is farther from most student groups. “I think there’s groups that de serve that room more than us,” Senator Dan Reid said. “We don’t even need an office.” Senators will be staffing a griev ance table on campus in the up coming month. “We try to be visible,” said Michael Olson, Summer Senate president. “Students can air their gripes tous.” The grievances usually draw individual students rather than groups, Senator Selena Brewing ton said. “Groups have a lot more av enues,” Brewington said. "We had some people, but it’s hard to get people super-excited about it unless they want money." Nominations were made for senate offices of president, vice president and ombudsman, who deals with grievances. Selena Brewington and Michael Olson were nominated for president, and Spencer Hamlin and Wylie Chen were nominated for vice president. The nominations for ombudsman included Sarah Wi ley and Jereme Grzybowski. The ASUO Student Senate is made up of 18 elected senators. Nine finance senators serve in di visions of three on the EMU board, the Athletic Department Finance Committee and the Pro grams Finance Committee. The nine remaining Academic Sena tors are chosen to represent de partments by the chosen major of each. The Senate represents students in meetings and committees where students and administra tors co-govern, including student personnel, University housing, campus design and University budgeting. News brief Candidates to take part in forum Oct. 23 State Senate candidates Scott Austin, a University student, and Susan Castillo will participate in a forum Oct. 23 at the Hilyard Com munity Center. Austin and Castil lo will address issues specifically related to their district, Eugene and the University. Zookeepers will play EMU Amphitheater today The ASUO and Interfraternity Council are hosting the Los Ange les-based party rock group the Zookeepers in the EMU Am phitheater today from 5 to 7 p.m. The ASUO is using the concert to bring attention to its voter reg istration drive, and the Interfra temity Council wants to draw at tention to the Rush festivities. People 21 or older can watch the Zookeepers tonight at 10 at Taylor’s. 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