Matt Hankins /Emerald Peter Sirmon, who led the Pac-10 in tackles last season, will be out for the rest of this season, thanks to a tom pectoralis muscle. Injuries Continued from Page 15 are not strong." The outlook could be more promising, however, for true freshman Herman Ho-Ching, a tailback who strained knee liga ments in the Ducks’ win over San Jose State on Sept. 19. Having not yet used a redshirt season, Ho-Ching could apply for medical hardship status after this season if he still qualifies. In order to qualify under nor mal circumstances, an athlete cannot compete in more than 20 percent of his team’s contests, must play that 20 percent or less in the first half of the season and must be unable to return for the remainder of the season, O’Fallon said. Having played less than three full games, all in the season’s first half, Ho-Ching would qualify for redshirt consideration should head coach Mike Bellotti deem him unable to play in the Ducks’ remaining games. “That’s a perfect example,” Williford said. “If he’s unable to come back, we would have to ap ply with the NCAA to get that year back.” But, O’Fallon said, “If he re turns to health, then hardship would not apply.” Should Ho-Ching miss the rest of the season, O’Fallon would file a petition to the Pac-10 detailing the significance of the injury and the circumstances in which it oc curred. The NCAA would then is sue a ruling in the case. Eugene's Downtown Grocers Since 1970 ♦ Fresh Local and Organic Produce ♦ International and Specialty Foods ♦ Fine Wine and Beer ♦ Homeopathic and Herbal Remedies ♦ Bulk and Organic Foods ♦ Cookbooks, Healthbooks and Fine Literature THE KIVA 125 West 11th Avenue, Eugene • 342-8666 J «T KVCKlu m KICKED IN THE TEETH The Band Geek Mafia Also available „ Fir me & Bail? rte Ins Lotos at the wow Hall Thursday, Oct. 1 st CD’s available at these fine stores: Record Garden, Green Noise, Face the Music, House of Records, Record Exchange & Groovacious Platters Available from Nall 004430 Zeke S V©©d@© 6l©w Skulls there are lots of frequent shopper cards.., but there's only one save money get a coupon book with more than s50 in savings when you sign up. each month you'll see a tremendous selection of new specials and great discounts providing Wild Shopper cardholders the lowest prices on the highest-quality products. earn wild miles & build community present your Wild Card every time you shop and accumulate Wild Vk Miles fl spent = 1 Wild Mile}. For every 250 Wild Miles you ^ accumulate by October 15, 1998, you'll receive a 10% off certificate to save additional money or give it to on Oasis-sponsored local non-profit. We'll increase your donation by up to 20%. f SIGN UP TODAY it's last it's easy it's FREE! certificate. You can either use the Oasis North ♦ 2580 WiHakenzie^ 34-638^ Oasis South ♦ 2489 Willamette ♦ 345-1014 ODE CLASSIFIEDS ♦♦♦ worth looking into!