0040701 . TO BE OR NOT TO BE • ■ m A preview of the UO Greek Community men’s rush events week of oct, 1-9 October 1st rush kickoff greek community party, live band @ humpy lumpy (the lawn by the Hamilton Complex) October 2nd sports day @ the lawns by the Carson complex octob 3l*d all greek community service project October 4th - 9th much, much, more For more information contact Greek Life at 346-1146 or visit http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~grkiife Now accepting applications for | RIM flag football, volleyball and indoor soccer officials. 1st general meeting is Sept. 30th 6pm, Room 63 I Esslinger. Apply I at 102 Esslinger | or call 346-4113. Come Out Fall Term 1998 L««gg«Manager's Meetings LocationTime _ Flag FootballOctober 5204 Condon 4:00p.m. Indoor SoccerOctober 12 204 Condon 4:00p.m. VolleyballOctober 13 16 Pacific 4:00p.m. 3-on-5 BasketballOctober 22116 Lawrence 4:00p.m. League Playoff Meetings Location Time FootballOctober 29115 Lawrence 4:00p.m. Indoor Soccer_November 4_204 Condon 4:00p.m. Volleyball_November 9_204 Condon 4:00p.m._ 3-on-3 BasketballNovember 12 118 Lawrence 4:00p.m. Special EventsDatesDeadline Location FaUTennls Classic October23;25 October 20 ~ Covered Courts Cross Country Meet November 4November 3 TournamentsDatesDeadlineLocation 18-hole golf Scramble October 18 October 12 Mlddlefleld Golf Course Racquetball Tournament November 7 November 5 For more Information, stop by 102 EBsllnger Hail or call 346-4113. Check out our Web site: hitp://darkwing.uore«on edu/-pars/ An equal-opportunity, afflrmativeaction Institution committed to cultural diversity and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Accomodations for people with disabilities will be provided if requested In advance. Pick up an Emerald at 03 campus & community locations. Council postpones action on millennium bug issue By David Ryan Oregon Daily Emerald The year 2000 may not bring Armageddon, but a report deliv ered to the City Council last night suggests that it may bring a world wide recession thanks to an ex pected computer glitch known as the Y2K problem. The problem exists because many computer systems read year dates as two digits, causing system failure when the year 2000 arrives and the date reads '‘00.” Councilman Bobby Lee implored the council to tiy to understand the complexity ofthe problem. That complexity was demon strated in a June 2 C-SPAN broad cast shown to council members. In the video, Sen. Robert Bennett of Utah, chairman of the senate subcommittee created to deal with Y2K, addressed a room of business leaders about the deci sions made. Bennett shared an anecdote to illustrate the proportion of the Y2K problem. “I called a guy who had started working on his com pany’s Y2K problem in 1996," Bennett said. “He told me he had every confidence that his compa ny will have solved its Y2K prob lem by the year 2000. “I asked him, ‘What’s going to happen to your organization if you pick up the phone to call one of your branch offices ... and you don’t get a dial tone? There was si lence on the other end of the line,” Bennett said. At worst case, Bennett said, the problem would create recession due to the inability of businesses to operate normally. Bennett outlined seven areas that the government should work on to ease the Y2K problem. Utili ties headed the list, and the last item was handling negligence lawsuits against the government. The council decided to discuss the Y2K problem again Oct. 7. A r* BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL 75