Tie Dyeing Diane Hoffman Create a variety of patterns using different tying and dyeing tech niques. Bring three prewashed 100% cotton items to dye or buy T shirts here. Thu, Oct 1 2:00-5:00pm $5 PLU#00 Pet Tags Laura Gerards Create your own pet (or people) tags. Using copper, stamp out their name & phone number on a shape that you will design and cut out. Wed, Sept 30 6:00-9:00pm $5 PLU#00 Gift Tags & Cards Mary Ellen Weishaar Design and make a variety of color ful hand printed cards & gift tags using found objects and tempera paints. Thurs, Oct 1 ^ $5 6:00-9:00pm PLU#00 Papermaking Denise Gosar Make your own cards and note pa per in this 3-hour introduction to the ancient art of papermaking. Tues, Sept 29 2:00-5:00pm $5 PLU#00 Wheat Paste Paper □yn Robinson Rediscover the fun of finger paint ing with wheat paste. Loosen up your creativity and make lovely pa pers for cards, book covers, and gift wrap. Wed, Sept 30 6:00-9:00pm $5 PLU#00 Beaded Bracelets Erin Neve Make colorful beaded bracelets us ing lace and flower stitches-a good introduction to beadwork and a chance to ask beading questions. Tues, Sept. 29 6:00-9:00pm $5 PLU#00 Bike Doctor Rod Bautista 6 Staff Perk up your bike and avoid repair bills. Instruction will cover lubrica tion, tire problems, brake and gear service, and trouble shooting. Tues, Sept. 29 6:00-9:00pm $5 PLU#00 Wed, Sept 30 6:00-9:00pm $5 PLU#00 Mugs & Bowls Andrea DiPalma Tired of yard sale dishes? You can hand build your own ceramic mugs, tumblers and small bowls in this workshop. Clay and glazes provided. Tues, Sept 29 6:00-9:00pm $5 PLU#00 Wed, Sept 30 3:00-6:00pm $5 PLU#00 35mm Camera Use Valerie Nguyen Discover how your camera works, including discussion of film and com position. Bring empty 35mm camera to class. Thurs, Oct 1 6:00-9:00pm $5 PLU#00 Fall r Tin Ornaments Laura Gerards Using basic tooling and cold joining, create unique Mexican style tin orna ments from tin plated sheet metal. Finished pieces may be painted us ing enamel based paint. Materials provided. 3 hours of instruction. Sun, Nov 15 1:00~4:00pm $20 w/term pass PLU#74 $24 w/out term pass PLU#75 Ukranian Eggs Laura Gerards Create delicate ornaments using the traditional Ukrainian wax-resist method of dyeing eggs. Intricate de signs are drawn on eggs with hot wax before dipping the eggs in dye. In struction will include blowing out eggs and finishing eggs for hanging. Mate rials provided. 3 hours of instruction. Sun, Nov 1 1:00-4:00pm $26 w/term pass PLU#76 $30 w/out term pass PLU#77 V Ceramic Clockfaces Jon Barwood Be creative with your time. Make a flat wall clock out of clay, then deco rate the face and install simple clock works. Clay, firing and clockworks provided. 6 hours of instruction. Wed, Nov 4 & 11 6:00-9:00pm $25 w/term pass PLU#78 $29 w/out term pass PLU#79 Porcelain Ornaments Andrea DiPalma You can deck the halls this year with handmade colored porcelain orna ments. You provide the holiday fun, we provide the materials. 3 hours of instruction. Thurs, Nov 19 3:00-6:00pm $18 w/term pass PLU#80 $22 w/out term pass PLU#81 Pumpkin Carving Jon Barwood Carve a Halloween pumpkin to lurk on the doorstep or shine mysteri ously from your window.Transform a humble squash into a glowing pal with a fantastic, funny, or scarey face. Join a carving party with a ward winning pumpkin carver Jon Barwood. Pumpkins provided. 3 hours of instruction. Sat, Oct 24 12:00-3:00pm $18 w/term pass PLU#82 $22 w/out term pass PLU#83 Kinetic Wooden Toys Pat Greenwell Choose from two simple kinetic toy designs for easy to make gifts for children and adults. Some power tool use involved. Experience helpful. Materials provided. 3 hours of instruction. Tues, Nov 24 6:00-9:00pm $16 w/term pass PLU#84 $20 w/out term pass PLU#85 ---/ Registration Registration for Fall term begins Thursday.Sept. 24th at 10 am and continues until ail workshops are full. Registration is on a first-come basis, so early registration is recommended. You can register in person or by mail. Members of the U of O community purchasing term passes will be required to present University I.D. Mail-in Registration Full payment must accompany all registration forms. University I.D. is required for all UO term passes. Please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope if you would like to receive a confirmation. Make checks payable to EMU Craft Center. Send mail-in registration to: EMU Craft Center • 1228 University of Oregon • Eugene, OR 97403-1228 Cancellation / Refund Policy The Craft Center reserves the right to cancel any workshop with insufficient enrollment on or before the first class meeting. If the Craft Center cancels a workshop, class fees will be fully refunded-it is your option to retain your Craft Center term pass. Workshop fees are 100% refundable 96 hours (4 days) prior to the first class meeting, but nonrefundable thereafter. Term passes are nonrefundable if you drop a class, although community passes will be refunded at our discretion. $5 Specials and Raku are not refundable. Term Passes A Craft Center term pass entitles you to use the Craft Center facilities and tools in the Craft Center for the term for which the pass is purchased. Term passes are not refundable. Participants are required to have basic skills and knowledge for their given area, assume the risk, and have a willingness and ability to work with others in a safe and cooperative manner. We are open to UO students, faculty, staff and UO alumni. In addition, the general public may purchase a Craft Center term pass with enrollment in a Craft Center workshop of $15 or more. Day use passes are available for current UO students, faculty, staff and alumni. Workshops using the Craft Center facilities and equipment require a term pass and are indicated in the class listings. Term pass holders receive a reduced rate in workshops where there is the option to take a class with or without a pass. Term Pass Fees $ 6 UO students and spouses $12 UO faculty, staff and spouses $16 UO alumni $ 18 General public, with enrollment in Craft Center workshop of $15 or more. (If you drop a workshop within the designated limits, your general public term pass will be refunded.) Day Use Fees $1.50 per day UO students $2.50 per day UO faculty/staff $3.50 per day UO alumni r 1 Soaps & Lotions Barbara DeFilippo Select herbs, botanicals and es sential oils to scent your own hand made bath products for luscious gifts. Learn the simple processes of making soap, scented lotions, bath and massage oils, bath salts, and balms. 4 hours of instruction. Two sessions: A. Sat, Oct 24 1:00-5:00pm $34 w/term pass PLU#86 $38 w/out term pass PLU#87 B. Sat, Nov 7 1:00-5:00pm $34 w/term pass PLU#88 $38 w/out term pass PLU#89 V y Beginning Photography Staff Learn to use your camera, develop B&W film, and make B&W contact prints and enlargements. Composi tion, the camera, and darkroom tech niques will be covered. Bring your empty 35mm camera to class. Film, chemicals and some paper provided. 18 hours of instruction. Term pass required. Four sections: A. Sun, Oct 11-Nov 15 5:00-8:00pm Instr: Clements $52 PLU#90 B Mon, Oct 19-Nov 23 2:30-5:30pm Instr: Thompson $52 PLU#91 C Mon, Oct 12-Nov 16 6:00-9:00pm lnstr:Dworakowski $52 PLU#92 D Tues, Oct 13-Nov 17 6:00-9:00pm Instr: Mrazek $52 PLU#93 Polaroid Transfers Jeri Mrazek Explore the artistic possibilities of manipulating photographic images. We will transfer slide imagery onto various art papers and experiment with the flexibility of emulsion transfer.Bring slides to class. Some film and paper provided. 6 hours of instruction. Sun, Nov 8 & 15 12:30-3:30pm $41 w/term pass PLU#94 $45 w/out term pass PLU#95 Handcoloring Photos Valerie Nguyen Explore traditional and contemporary methods of handcoloring black & white photos. Photographic experience not required. Bring B&W photographs printed on matte surfaces. (RC paper will not work) Pencils,oils,and dyes provided. 3 hours of instruction. Wed, Oct 21 & 28 6:00-9:00pm $21 w/term pass PLU#96 $25 w/out term pass PLU#97 Photo Refresher Valerie Nguyen This course is intended for those who have had some darkroom experience but may be rusty on skills from years past. Basic camera use, film development, and printing will be covered. Course is demonstration and lecture based. 6 hours of instruction. Wed, Oct 7 & 14 6:00-9:00pm $20 w/term pass PLU#98 $24 w/out term pass PLU#99 Continuing Photo Jeri Mrazek Explore ways to alter black & white prints an<- negatives through dark room manipulation. Experiment with papers, toners, dyes and multiple imagery. Expand your printing skills and photographic eye. Basic dark room skills required. Bring negatives and fiber based prints to the first class. 9 hours of instruction. Sun, Oct18-Nov1 12:30-3:30pm $38 Term Pass required PLU#00 / *" € Fall 1998 ’Mail-In* Registration Form Registration Begins Thursday. Sept. 21th at 10am Name:__ Address:__ City/State: __Zip:_ Phone (day):_(eve):_ Workshop Title:__ PLU#_ Workshop Fee:_ UO students and spouses $6.00 UO faculty, staff and spouses $12.00 UO alumni, All others $18.00 V — Term Pass Fee: Total amount: