Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, September 28, 1998, Page 6A, Image 6

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Continued from Page 1A
the same, and I think that is a re
flection of both of us.”
Currently, Wyden and Smith
are working together on legislation
that would provide incentives for
state schools to keep tuition in
creases at or below the inflation
"On the bill that Ron Wyden
and I are working on, we are talk
ing with Dave Frohnmayer to
make sure that whatever we do to
incentivize universities to hold
down tuition costs does not in fact
damage Oregon universities in the
mix of federal appropriations,”
said Smith, who graduated with a
history degree from Brigham
Young University in 1976 and a
law degree from Southwestern
three years later.
The legislation is still in draft
form, Smith said, and he expects
to continue working with Wyden
after the September elections.
Wyden is currently running
against John Lim (R-Gresham).
“That’s an assumption I make,”
Smith said of Wyden’s re-election.
And like the two senators, stu
dents need to choose their battles
and choose words over weapons,
Smith said.
“I hope students recognize that
life is politics. Politics is about
making your way with other peo
ple,” he said. “It’s about compro
mising. It’s about cooperation and
occasional confrontation.”
Smith paints a positive picture
of higher education in Oregon and
says he works with a variety of
state leaders.
“I work with student leaders
from all the universities in Ore
gon,” he said. “I work with Dave
Frohnmayer in a regular and re
spectful nature. I work with de
partment heads. My staff reaches
out to them to make sure that Ore
gon is getting its plate at the feder
al table.
“We’ve done really well. And
I’m committed to — for as long as
I’m there — to making sure that
Oregon has a friend in Washing
ton, D.C.”
A college degree equals power,
Smith said, and education is
something he’s been promoting
since his first campaign.
“In this day and age, the income
gap is continuing to widen be
tween those who have an educa
tion and those who don’t,” he said.
According to Gov. John
Kitzhaber, the average college stu
dent in Oregon graduates with an
“unacceptable” $20,000 debt.
Smith said graduating with debt is
worth the investment.
“There are few things in our
lives where debt may be appropri
ate, and I emphasize ‘a few,”’
Smith said. “I can assure you that
the difference between a person
with a college education and with
out a college education is proba
bly more than $20,000 a year. ”
Is that too much debt?
“Well, I wish it was less,” he
said, “but I know that life without
a college education costs a lot
more because you earn a lot less.”
Within state politics, Republi
can challenger Bill Sizemore is at
tempting to take the governorship
from Kitzhaber.
“I’m a Republican,” Smith said,
"and as a consequence, I support
the nominees of my party. My fo
cus in this campaign is to try and
elect Republican legislators. I
know that for some young people
the Republican Party may not be
their first choice.”
Smith said he does not support
all of Sizemore’s ideas on educa
“Some of them are all right,” he
said. “Bill’s never been in elective
office, and yet sometimes it’s help
ful to have someone from the out
side like Bill Sizemore call us to
But Smith said that just because
he’s supporting Sizemore, it does
n’t mean he is incapable of work
ing with Kitzhaber. The two
worked together at one point
when Kitzhaber was starting as
governor and Smith was a state
“He and I disagreed on a num
ber of things,” Smith said, “but we
accomplished a remarkable
amount together by emphasizing
areas where we could agree, com
promising appropriately.”
Smith admits, though, that he is
a competitive person. And that, he
says, combined with his satisfac
tion with the job, may influence
him to seek re-election in four
But Smith also hinted that
Washington, D.C., stifles the abili
ty to follow his own creed.
“My motto in life is to work
hard and to play hard,” he said.
But is that something Smith can
do in D.C.?
“No,” he chuckles, “1 just work
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