Volleyball Continued from Page 11A Ducks faced perhaps one of their toughest challenges — No. 8 USC. Oregon came in a bit shell shocked after the UCLA match, Nelson said, and USC took ad vantage downing the Ducks 15-2, 15-6,15-7. Despite 15 kills by Ernst and a team attack percentage of .206, the unseasoned Oregon team could not compete with the high caliber play of USC, which fin ished with a .431 attack percent age. Seven of USC’s eight players finished the match .300 or better. “I think battling inexperience is part of it,” Nelson said. "At one point in this match I looked out there, and the only person on the floor that had played last year was Madeline. We have some interest ing line-ups out there with a lot of people who haven’t played at this level.” While Oregon gets steady out put from players like Ernst and White, Nelson said the Ducks need to come together as a whole to accomplish the goals they have set. They now have experience playing a top team away from Mac Court and realize the caliber of ball that has to be played every day. “We did not practice well last week, and that carried over to how we played,” Nelson said. “We need to make sure that every day we come out and play great and not just on game day.” Ernst’s 15 kills against the Tro jans brought her kill total to 1,018, making her the sixth player in school history to record 1,000 or more kills. Ernst and the Ducks host Ari zona State at McArthur Court on Oct. 2. LOOKING TO ENHANCE YOUR UNIVERSITY EXPERIENCE? Your opportunity is coming October 12 The Delta Chi Fraternity, one of North America's finest college fraternities, is looking for men who want: • leadership opportunities • improved interpersonal skills • exciting challenges • new friendships, and • much, much more. This is your chance to be a Founding Father of the Oregon Chapter. Don't miss it! For more information, please call Corey Rasmussen at (888) 827-9702 ext.4008 or email at coreyr@deltachi.com Also, check out our web site at www.deltachi.com COMPLIMENTARY PASSES EXCLUSIVELY FOR AMERICAN EXPRESS- CARDMEMBERS. WHEN AND WHERE. October 1 Cinema World WHAT. Cardmembers get jwg complimentary passes to a preview screening of Universal Pictures' new film Antz to be released Oct 2nd. HOW. Just bring your American Express* Card and your student ID to the location listed below to pick up your passes. SPECIAL OFFER JUST FOR APPLYING. Receive 2 complimentary passes when you apply for the new American Express Credit Card for Students (stop by the location listed below). MORE TO COME. Antz is one in a series of ..iree major motion pictures to be previewed on your cam pus this year, compliments of American Express. PICK UP YOUR TICKETS HERE. Outside the Bookstore September 28 - October 1 01997 American Express Travel Rented Services Company. Inc. See the world from a whole new perspective. www.pepsicom/anu • _HCR; R Cards -AH Entertainment Want A Challenge? OFFICER TRAINING SCHOOL Start your career off on the right foot by enrolling in the Air Force OfficerTraining School. There you will become a commissioned officer in just 12 weeks. From the start you'll enjoy great pay, complete medical and dental care, 30 days of vacation each year, plus the opportunity to travel and aim high see ^e world. To discover how high ^|P ^ a career in the Air Force can take you, call 1-800-423-USAF, or visit . , our website at www.airforce.com Save $$$8 on Textbooks! By i tig) ’out• textbook information to Smith Family Bookstore *■ Author • Title • Kclition We'll help you find used copies that will save you $$$ Sell us those texts, paperbacks & magazines you no longer use. Smith Family B o o k s t o r c One block from campus (above Rainbow Optics) 768 E. 13th* (541) 345-1651 ATTER HOW FAR YOU E ALWAYS CLOSE TO Oregon daily emerald now on the world wide web www.uoregon.edu/~ode