004012! w wpwa “I'M AFRAID YOU DID COMMIT ALL THESE SIN£ SIR. WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE THE VIDEOTAPE^ WWWWWWWWMWOOWWOWWWWWWOWWWW' New Celebration 9:45am First Christian Church 1166 Oak • 344-1425 Traditional Service 11:00am Order the Wells Fargo Student Banking Combo! ► Student ATM Checking ► Student MasterCard ► Online Banking Sign-Up is Quick and Easy • On campus — University of Oregon —September 21-25 • Or visit one of these nearby branches: — 682 E. 13th — 99 E. Broadway — 350 East 40th (inside Safeway) • fot complete swopstofo foiot visit tlw numt Writs Fargo toutton. No purduw iwmuit to «rtw. SwMpUtesm*1VJ1/M. 0« T-shirt pw customer wM« suppttos list. Must open i Writs faqo kcouM to raohit ftMT-dikt. WELLS FARGO MmborKHC New Hanford cleanup only two years away The K Basins cleanup is considered a top priority at the nuclear waste site The Associated Press RICHLAND, Wash. — Contrac tors could begin moving 2,300 tons of spent nuclear fuel from pools of radioactive water to a storage site near the center of Hanford nuclear reservation by November 2000. The U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency said Sept. 10 they had reached agreement on key dates for the K Basins cleanup project, which is considered a top priority at Hanford. The K Basins are two indoor pools 400 yards from the Colum bia River. They are a big concern because the pools have leaked millions of gallons of radioactive water over the years, contaminating ground water that flows into the river. They are well past their design life as fuel cooling basins for the defunct K Reactors, and there are worries about earthquake safety. Hanford’s plan is to remove the fuel, process and package it and move it to a huge underground vault near the center of the 560 square-mile reservation. Under the proposed deadlines, fuel removal would begin on Nov. 30, 2000, at K West Basin and a year later at K East Basin. Fuel removal would be com pleted by Dec. 31, 2003, and cleanup of the basins would be finished by July 31,2007. Hanford’s modern-day mission is cleanup of the accumulated ra dioactive and hazardous waste from four decades of plutonium production for the nation’s nu clear arsenal. The agreement also includes steps to improve contractor perfor mance on the project, said Randy Smith, director of EPA's environ mental cleanup office in Seattle. Earlier this summer, the federal government approved a one-year contract extension for DE&S Han ford, a subsidiary of nuclear con struction giant Duke Engineering of Charlotte, N.C. DE&S Hanford is working with Fluor Daniel Han ford Co. on the spent fuel project. The project was reorganized this year because of technical de lays and increasing costs. Estimated project costs have gone from $740 million in 1995 to $1.4 billion, and now the comple tion date has been pushed back from the original target of2001. “There must be continued im provement in efficiency and effec tiveness if the K Basin cleanup is to succeed,” Smith said. "Today’s agreement does not solve all the problems, but it does provide a framework that gives Energy, EPA and the contractors a sharper focus on how to get the job done.” After a 45-day public comment period on the K Basins timetable and other parts of the agreement, final changes will be made if nec essary and the plan will become part of the Tri-Party Agreement administered by DOE, EPA and the state Department of Ecology. The K Basins project was not in cluded in the 1989 Tri-Party agree ment — the legal pact that is sup posed to hold DOE to cleanup standards and timetables at Han ford. When the three parties had dif ficulty reaching agreement on the K Basins project, a dispute resolu tion process was used to break the impasse. 004143 A weekly gathering of music and message exploring the issues of your life in a Christian context. • Live music from the band “Taken” • Fun people • New perspectives on your life Tuesday nights at 9:00 18th and Potter Open to all interested in exploring life from a Christian perspective. • Worship: Central Lutheran Church (ELCA), 18th &r Potter, Sundays, 8:15 &r 10:45 a.m. Grace Lutheran Church (LC-MS), 18th &r Hilyard, Sundays, 8:30 & 11:00 a m. • Pastors: John Reutter-Harrah, Ron Barth (Central, 345-0395) Phil Schoenherr (Grace, 342-4844) • Counseling available Back-to School Campus Ministry Barbecue: Food, Live Band Sunday, Sept 27th, 6:00 - 8:00,18th & University Lutheran Campus Ministry Warmly Welcomes You!