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Includes 5 megs of disk space for personal websites, email, and news feed for over 30,000 groups, .ibmpi,.. m/si/as Best Prices in the Area! unlimited use • no setup fees high speed (56 Kbps’): $22.50/month, as low as S 18/month for full year individual (33.6 Kbps): $17/month as low as, $15.33/full year, e-mail only: $5/month call today for details (541) 465-4743 28 East Uth Street, Eugene, OR 97401 e-mail: sales@cyber-dyne.com web: http://www.cyber-dyne.com/ Open Mon.-Fri 10:30..-6:00,. & Sat. U:30„-S:00,. An artist’s rendering shows LTD’s planned extra bus lane on West 11th Avenue. COURTESY LTD: Public meetings planned ■ Continued from Page 1C capacity for LTD. The agency has seven specific steps to achieve a goal of reducing passenger travel time. The service features are: exclusive rights-of-way; few er stops than traditional transit service; signal prioritiza tion technology to reduce delays; increased service fre quency; smaller, neighborhood friendly buses that can improve service coverage; easy access, low-floor, multi ple-door buses; and prepaid fare instruments. The project has begun by planning a pilot corridor that extends from Springfield through Franklin Street and Broadway and down West 11th Avenue. This corridor has the highest LTD ridership, Bergeron said. “If we don’t do anything, as it gets worse for cars, the buses are going to slow down, too,” he said. This program, which will not affect local taxes be cause it is paid for by a government grant and LTD sav ings, is being engineered on light-rail transit principles even though it involves buses. According to LTD, this gives a more overarching perspective to the project. In addition, with this program, LTD is setting itself up for light rail if it is ever necessary in the hiture, Bergeron said. An early study conducted by LTD found that light rail would not be a feasible or cost-ef fective transportation option for Eugene and Spring field right now, but could be by 2015. This would put the Eugene area in line with many other major metro politan areas in the United States. Because BRT is being planned for busses with light rail in mind, the project is being engineered with those future needs in mind. LTD has held earlier public meetings in Eugene and on the University campus to get community feedback, Bergeron said. By giving feedback, the public will es sentially dictate the actions taken to solve Eugene’s transportation problems. Students ride for free on LTD as a part of the incidental fees The optional refund was discontinued last year because it was too expensive to administer By Michael Hines and Michael Burnham Oregon Daily Emerald The University and Lane Tran sit District, the local public trans portation agency, will this year continue the contract that subsi dizes student rides. Essentially, each student is charged $6.87 per term to ride LTD as often as he or she wants. Law stu dents pay $10.31 per semester. This is expected to generate about $340,000 for LTD. There has been one recent amendment to the con tract, and that was to eliminate the stipulation that allowed students who did not ride LTD to get a refund. “It was costing more to adminis ter the contract,” ASUO Vice Presi -- dent Morgan Cowling said. “Not enough students were using it, and this year we took out the clause. ” Additionally, section nine of the contract, which is signed by Diane Hellikson of LTD, ASUO President Geneva Wortman, Cowling and University Vice President for Ad ministration Dan Williams, stipu lates that “LTD will provide de tailed information to U of O students regarding its services and schedules, and will actively mar ket its services to students through out the academic year, to encour age bus ridership in support of the program objectives. In marketing its services, LTD will make stu dents aware that their incidental fees are funding this program. ” “We do a variety of things,” said LTD spokeswoman DeLynn An derson. “Radio and print ads, print stories and information at bus stops themselves. We do a real mix of mediums.” According to Anderson, LTD spent about $14,500 in its 1997-98 budget promoting bus service to University students, faculty and staff. The budget number includes promotion for ridership to Univer sity events such as football and basketball games. “We are doing some radio spots specifically targeted at students through September,” Anderson said. “Our focus for this year, I’ve been told, is not as much on print ads, but on outdoor display units and radio in general." Specifically, LTD is focusing its radio budget on KDUK FM, KNRQ AM/FM, KKNU FM, KMGE FM, KEHK FM and KZEL FM. Although the focus for LTD’s student-oriented advertising will not be in print media, the agency will use print advertising for spe cific events, Anderson said. Salsas ♦ Bean Dips ♦ Hummus Kitchen Box 23236, Eugene. OR For People Who Choose Their Food As If Their Life Depended On It. Organic Ingrepients ♦ 17. Sales to Humanitarian & Ecology Projects Any Yogurt* % (*F.xr(»nt «mall 'V (•Except small cones and tinies. N Expires 12/11/98) Campus SUBSHOP Mon.-Fri. lOam-lOpm Sat. 1 lam-9pm Sun. 12pm-9pm 1225 Alder 345-2434 Not valid with any other discounts or coupons. One coupon per customer. jjHOflEY HILL RftRMS«