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"How to honor, respect and cherish.” “From my experience, women sometimes get more out of it than men do,” said Rev. Larry Whittle sey, a Eugene pastor and local event manager for the Promise Keepers. Halbert explained that what is taught is the ability to recognize the uniqueness between men and women, and even though it’s a men’s movement, it is not isolating women or trying to be exclusive. “It’s a men’s conference,” said Whittlesey. “There are no restric tions at all. However, the focus is toward men.” Promise Keeper officials have been open to having Goldman and Kintz' class attend the confer ence, Goldman said. According to Whittlesey, Promise Keepers do not directly mention political issues in con ferences and readings. “[Promise Keepers] are a strong group of conservative-minded cit izens,” Whittlesey said. “Nothing political is coming from the orga nization as a whole.” Although many issues have risen from the Promise Keeper movement, those who are adamantly opposed have never really listened to the message, Whittlesey said. The class on the men’s organi zation will take into account that most people get their information about the Promise Keepers’ mes sage from the media, Goldman said. Promise Keepers truly are ema nating political messages, she ex plained. “By focusing on the organiza tion itself, people don’t realize it’s reflecting deeper concerns,” Goldman said. LAURA GOSS/Emerald A special “Commissioning Service” was heldfor volunteers on Tues day evening in the Casanova Center. Men: Planners see event as uplifting and creative M Continued from Page 1 that the focus is evangelism. “Having a totally free conference makes it hard to plan for,” said Rev. Larry Whittlesey, a Eugene pastor and local event manager for the Promise Keepers. “However, the purpose of the conference is to help men of integrity become bet ter husbands, citizens, employees and churchgoers—basically what they’re doing in their lives.” “(Our focus] is to reach out to men who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and God,” Halbert said. “Whatever barriers exist between men and their relationship with God, we want to break them down.” On-site preparations for the conference began July 25. “It’s a bustle of activity,” Whit tlesey said. “Lots of things are go ing on.” Prayer opportunities have been offered throughout the week. These opportunities include AFTER OCTOBER 3% THE PAPER AND PENCIL DAT IS DEAD October 3rd is the last paper & pencil DAT exam! After October 3rd, the DAT will only be given on computer...so good-bye familiarity. Better be sure to pass now. Call Kaplan and prepare with the #1 prep DAT course. Classes begin August 6th. Call today. Start preparing tomorrow! CZ3> CS> 1 -800-KAP-TEST www.kaplan.com • 720 E. 13th #303 345-4420 PLEASE RECYCLE prayer marches around Autzen Stadium, reading of the entire Bible by volunteers and praying for every single seat in the stadium. “The significance of this is to make prayer a practical and mean ingful experience," Halbert said. The conference will include speakers from all over the country, as well as religious music groups. “The goal of Promise Keeper conferences is to develop a sense of complete acceptance, a sense of opportunity to release ourselves to understand and grow in the things we are being taught,” Halbert said. “It’s an uplifting thing,” Whit tlesey said. “It encourages men to do what they are supposed to do. ” As part of the prearrangements for the conference, the University will be receiving a new “port-a floor,” toward which Promise Keepers donated $30,000. This hard plastic floor will cover and protect the Autzen playing sur face. * PRESENTS ST£V£ JAQUITKS jKing ' Tuf f Wanf Mg Mummy July 28-Aug I, Aug 4-8 Robinson Amphitheatre II A M. (South lawn of the Robinson Theatre) Villard Hall, UO Campus Tickets $3 each for ALL Ages Tickets available at the EMU Bax Office IVaMr up tickets available at the heaige! 3^6-H363 or 3^6-^190 for information