Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, July 28, 1998, Page 6, Image 6

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    USA’s Barnes, Mitchell suspended for steroid use
Barnes could face a life
suspension if his second
sample is also positive
By Bert Rosenthal
The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Two of the
biggest names in U.S. track and
field — shot putter Randy Barnes
and sprinter Dennis Mitchell —
have been suspended indefinitely
for drug use, The Associated Press
learned today.
Barnes, the 1996 Olympic gold
medalist and the world indoor
and outdoor record-holder, and
Mitchell, the 1992 Olympic
bronze medalist in the 100 me
ters, were cited by the sport’s
world governing body for failing
drug tests April 1.
Barnes, who could face a life
suspension, was tested in
Charleston, W.Va., and Mitchell
in Gainesville, Fla.
Mitchell is president of USA
Track and Field’s Athletes Advi
sory Committee, the athletes’
voice in the national governing
body, which has taken a hard
stance against drugs.
His suspension was handed
down last week and represents
his first drug offense.
The International Amateur
Athletic Federation did not offi
cially announce the suspensions,
and the precise terms of the pun
ishment have yet to be deter
These are two of the most
prominent suspensions in track
and field, following Ben Johnson
at the 1988 Olympics, Butch
Reynolds in 1990 and Mary
Slaney in 1997.
Johnson is banned for life.
Reynolds served his suspension
and is now competing. Slaney
was cleared and is also running
IAAF spokesman Giorgio
Reneiri said today from Monaco
that Barnes and Mitchell tested
positive during out-of-competi
tion samples.
So far, only the A samples have
been tested, Reneiri said. Howev
er, that is sufficient for the LAAF
to levy a suspension.
If their B samples are positive,
the IAAF will then rule on the
severity of the punishment pend
ing a hearing by USATF. If the B
sample is negative, they are
Barnes could be banned for life
because this is his second of
fense. He was suspended for two
years starting in 1991 for the
banned substance methyltestos
terone at a meet in Malmo, Swe
den, in 1990. This time, the sub
stance is androstenedione, a
banned nutritional supplement,
Reneiri said.
Mitchell tested positive for
testosterone. If found guilty fol
lowing the B sample, he probably
would receive a two-year ban.
Reneiri did not know the level
of testosterone found in
Mitchell’s sample. The allowable
ratio of testosterone to epitestos
terone (another natural sub
stance) is 6:1. Anything above
that level merits an investigation.
Mitchell’s suspension was
handed down last week, after he
finished fifth in the Goodwill
Games 100 and ran the second leg
on the winning U.S. 400-meter re
lay team at Uniondale.
Mitchell was entered in the
U.S. Open at Edwardsville, 111.,
Saturday night, but was a late
scratch without explanation by
meet organizers. It now turns out,
the IAAF would not allow him to
compete because of the ban.
Reneiri said the IAAF asked
Mitchell to “give some medical
explanation” for the findings.
“A few days ago, the explana
tion was received and the doping
commission decided to suspend
the athlete,” Reneiri said.
The five-member commission
is headed by Arne Ljungqvist of
Sweden and includes vice chair
man Frank Greenberg of the Unit
ed States.
Jill Pilgrim, a lawyer for the US
ATF in Indianapolis, could not
confirm or deny any of today’s de
Neither Barnes nor Mitchell
was immediately available for
Barnes, 32, set the world indoor
record of 74-4 1/4, at Los Angeles
on Jan. 20,1989, and set the world
outdoor record of 75-10 1/4 at
Westwood, Calif., on May 20,
He also was the Olympic silver
medalist in 1988, the world
championship silver medalist in
1993 and bronze medalist in
1995, and the U.S. champion in
1989,1993,1996 and 1997. At the
1997 world championships, he
failed to qualify for the final, fin
ishing 14th.
Mitchell, 32, finished fourth in
the 1998 and 1996 Olympics,
third in the 100 at the 1991 and
1993 world championships, and
was a gold medalist on U.S. 400
meter relay teams that took gold
medals at the 1992 Olympics and
1993 and 1995 world champi
onships. He also ran on four U.S.
relay teams that set world records
between 1991-93.
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HorOSCOpC by Frances Drake
For Tuesday, July 28, 1998
(March 21 to April 19)
If your energy is feeling blocked,
ask a good friend for some insight.
Once your eyes are opened, an un
pleasant pattern will begin to dis
(April 20 to May 20)
The future looks positively glow
ing. Surround yourself with a little
high brow culture, such as an opera,
and your intellectual horizons will
(May 21 to June 20)
Be prepared for some unexpected
visitors, most likely close relatives.
Should domestic disputes arise, a
third party should be called in to
(June 21 to July 22)
Whether you are a woman, or just
in the company of women, female
energy will be running high. For
now, creativity and practicality are
twin sisters.
(July 23 to Aug. 22)
Remember that other people are
not your tools to command. A good
friend or relative will call upon you
to reassess values that you hold dear.
(Aug. 23 to Sept 22)
If you’ve been toiling behind the
scenes patiently, make sure to get
out in the limelight. People will rec
ognize you for the brilliant inventor
(Sept. 23 to Oct. 22)
If you try to steer events in the
wrong direction, you will endanger
your reputation as a leader. Don't
clutch at straws if a situation throws
you off-guard.
(Oct. 23 to Nov. 21)
You will delight in giving far more
than receiving. Generous gestures,
happily performed, will go a long
way in improving your public image.
(Nov. 22 to Dec. 21)
While your world view may be
quite different from that of your
employer, you will for once see eye to
eye. Make sure that your efforts are
(Dec. 22 to Jan. 19)
Talking about the deeper meaning
of life will help clear your mind of
more mundane worries. You have
the vision to make complex tasks
seem easy.
(Jan. 20 to Feb. 18)
A friendly ear will help cure your
current lack of motivation. If you
take time to redefine your goals,
you'll be surprised at how they’ve
(Feb. 19 to March 20)
If attached, you will find that your
time is not your own. Making con
cessions to a partner’s desires will
be more ei\joyable than you expected.
YOU BORN TODAY often sell
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ties, despite your many talents and
abilities. People respect and admire
your fine mind and sense of humor
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cian; Jim Davis, cartoonist; Rick
Wright, musician.
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