Veggie: Diet education is important ■ Continued from Page 1 Resseguie said the most impor tant thing about being a vegetari an is educating yourself on what you need to eat. “It’s not a very big challenge as long as your diet didn’t consist of twinkies and white bread [before becoming a vegetarian),” Resseguie said. Resseguie said he has noticed most restaurants in town now feature a vegetarian menu or col umn, making it increasingly easy to be a vegetarian in Eugene. There are at least eight natural food stores in the Eugene area, he said. The consensus? It’s easy being green in Eugene. 3 i Cash for books Everyday. Always buying texts, paperbacks, cliff notes, current magazines . . . Smith Family B o o k s t o r e 768 East 13th . 345-1651 1 Block from Campus The Associated Press PORTLAND — A “green tax” movement to cut traffic and pollution is slowly gaining ground in Oregon as a way to link dissatisfaction with taxes and frustration with environ mental regulation. Some European countries, notably Sweden, are moving in this direction, but no Ameri can state has yet embraced tax es on pollution. Minnesota lawmakers are debating a bill that would impose a $1.3 bil lion pollution tax to reduce property taxes for schools. In Oregon, Gov. John Kitzhaber has opened the door to discussion. A committee that reviewed the state’s tax system mentioned the possi bility in its recent report. “I think it’s definitely a chance to air these issues more than they have been and at a higher level than before,” said Jeff Allen, executive director of the Oregon Environmental Council. The idea resulted from the economics of taxation: when ever something is taxed, there tends to be less of it. John Ledger, a lobbyist for Associated Oregon Industries who focuses on environmental issues, said industry already pays plenty of fees related to pollution. expert teachers superior materials smart technology convenient classes Did you know that many top university programs require a 600 TOEFL? Gat the score you need with Kaplan • Learn and apply computer TOEFL test-taking strategies Classes begin July 20th The leader In test perparatlon 1-800-527-8378 720 E 13th Ave. #303 345-4420 *The TOEFL is a registered trademark of the Educational Testing Service. fmllNS restaurant Off All Dishes Over $3.99* ora FREE DRINK with coupon Vw hiding special menu Hxptmjufy 23, 1998 did m*AT THIS SUMMER? Great dealt on airfares; hotels; rail Pastes; studir, work and volunteer programs; travel gear and international identity cards. Couiici [Travel C1EE: Council on International Educational Exchange iicktii. Vi«« ptopU 877 V2 East 13th St., Eugene (541) 344-2263 University of Oregon EMU Building 1222 East 13th St. Eugene (541) 344-2263 We're Students, and we've designed a website for College Students. It's totally free for you to use. No passwords, no logins. We just want to make things a little easier. Here are a couple of things our site has to offer. Hi WIN a new VW bug on our site. Free Classifieds 4 Online Personals Housing Finders Roommate Search Restaurant Guides Drink Specials And More... *Don't forget to check us out on campus during the summer and fall. We'll be passing outprizes,T-shirts, frisbees... Oh, and until August 12th, you can... Also, it isn t too late to get a summer job. Find one Online.