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All real estate advertising in this newspaper is sub ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal for any person to cause to be published any advertisement relating to the transfer, sale, rental, or lease of any housing which expresses limitations, specifi cations or discrimination of any kind. NOT ACCEPTED: Mail-order ads (unless a sample is supplied for review prior to publi cation); Adoption ads by anyone other than a licensed agency; Airline ticket sale ads by anyone other than authorized agents. CLASSIFICATIONS MO Greek Events 085 Greek Announcements 000 Birthdays 095 Personate 100Lost* Found 105 Typtag/Resume Services 110 lnstmtioe/Tatoring 115 Garage/Moving Sales 120 MiscetUneous For Sale 125 FurnitarefAppliances 130 CarVTntcks 135 Motorcydes/Scooter? 140 Bkydes 145 Computers/Electronlcs 150 Tv & Sound Systems 155 Instruments/Music Equip. 160 Pets & Supplies 1(5 Sporl Equipment 170 Photography Equipment 175 Wanted 180 Travel & Lodging 185 Business Opportunities 190 Opportunities 195 Recruiting 200 Work Study Positions 205 Heip Wanted 210 Houses for Rent 213 Houses for Sale 215 Apartments (Furnished) 220 Apartments (Unfurnished) 225 Quads 230 Rooms for Rent 235 Duplexes for Rent 238 Sublets 240 Garage/St orage Space 245 Roommates Wanted 250 Boarding Houses 255 Housing Wanted 250 Announcements 2*5 Elections 270 Meetings 275 Club Sports 200 Counseling 205 Services 290 Health & Fitnem 295 Food & Drink 300 Campus Ministry 305 Campus Events 310 Arts & Entertainment 315 What's Happening? -RATES/DEADLINES UNIVERSITY RATES (Mutfbean enrotkd UO atudent or affiliated UO Group or Dept) 3 line minimum $2.70/day Additional lines $.90/line PRIVATE PARTY RATE (non-universlty/non-businett related) 3 line minimum $3.00/day Additional lines $ 1.00/line • (approximately 35 spaces or 5-6 words per line) • Boxed Ads-Adds one extra line daily to cost of ad • Deadline: I p.m. ONE business day prior to publication University Display Classified $5.75/col. inch. (Deadline: l :00 TWO business days prior to publication.) CaH (541) 346-4343 for BUSINESS RATES. 080 GREEK EVENTS Attention Greeks! Last chance to order photos from last weekend's events. Be sure to turn your envel opes in today. Wally Kempe & Asso ciates 344-6750 ) BIRTHDAYS Happy 21st Birthday Amy Lieberg! 105TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS: | Dial-A-Typist 683-3066 | Verbatim TRANSCRIPTIONS Fast, professional, confidential, reasonable rates. RESEARCH SUPPORT SERVICES 687-9276 110 INSTRUCTION/TUTORING Spanish, Fr., Ger., ESL: Interpreta tion, translation, instruction: Group, individual. Good rates. 718-9940 SUMMER SCHOOL HOLLAND? 7/27-8/21/98 Maastricht-Holiand • European Business & Politics; 3 cr. • Dutch or German Language: 4 cr. US$3500-tuition,room,board, books MAASTRICHT SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT Fax: +31 433618330 Tel.+31 433618318 Website: http://www.msm.nl Inquiries & E-mail: Erckens@msm.nl 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Lost and Found Sale Today in the EMU Fir Room from 10 am - 4 pm. Stock up on mugs, umbrellas, calculators and more, nothing over $5. Tomorrow hours j are 10 am - 2 pm and everything is i 50% oti. Everyone in our house is moving which means great deals for you! Single twin mattress & frame, $30. Single twin mattress, $25. Upright iridge-size freezer, $150. Stic-vac. $20. TV/VCR carl, $15. 683-4293 Full-size bed, $150/obo. Chair, $5 StarWriter word processor, $50. Sony Stereo, $25. Radio alarm clock, $15. Answering machine, $10. Mi crocassette recorder, $40. TI-82. S50 343-0674. The ingredient for a reallv fine wardrobe Hie Clothes Horse Buy. Sell, Trade '20 E l ^th • 545-5099 Monday is Magic. Arena Nig^t at E'nerald City Comic? 770 E. 13tn 345-2566 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $$Give Me Five!55 Run your “FOR SALE" ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn't sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! ^Student/Private Party Ads Only * No Refunds ^ 125 FURNITURE/APPLIANCES 6' White, armless sofa Folds out into 3/4 size bed. Nice. $100 OBO. 689-0138 eves, and weekends. 130 CARS/TRUCKS For sale: Chevy Cavalier Coupe '97, black, 2 air bags, ABS, A/C. 10,500 miles, perfect condition. 346-9502. CARS FOR $100 Upcoming sales of gov't seized, and surplus sports cars, trucks, 4x4s. 1 800-863-9868, ext. 1552 '88 Chrysler Lebaron, silver, great condition, very reliable, 142,000 miles. $1600 obo. Call 349-9393 '84 Nissan Maxima 4 door, air, cruise, power windows and locks, V6, 132K, runs excellent $1500/ obo 465-8957 74 Volvo 142, ylw, 2dr, 4cyl, manu al, complete records, runs well, clean. 190K, $1000. 683-3170 '91 Ford Escort 3 door, air, cruise, 5 spd. Excellent condition. Only 84K $3500/obo 342-6405 '80 Toyota P/U SR5, longbed, 2 wd, 5 spd, starts, runs & drives great, good tires, not fancy, |ust serviced. $995 302-3473 '91 Isuzu Trooper w/ rebuilt engine and transmission. Looks and runs great. $4900 684-4605 or 346-2530 1995 VW Jetta GL Green, tinted windows, sunroof, air bags, $10,500/OBO. Call 683-4489 '97 Hyundai Sonata GL Auto., fully loaded. 3 year warranty, 10K miles almost new. $11,500/obo 686-0777 140 BICYCLES Men's Bridgestone 500 road bike, full Shimano components, Ma vic wheels, great shape, give away $150 302-3473 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Multimedia PC, 200 Mhz, 32 Mb, 3.1 Gb,Video 4Mb, Monitor 15", 56 kbps All for $850. mortemir@giadstone 486 computer CD ROM, modem, software/games, HP color printer $750/obo, must sell. 686-5464. Mac Powerbook 145 with cany case, $400. new boogie ooard $20. lea'-'e hiking boots $20. jade 343-4514. Mac Powerbook model 165C, 16 RAM. 80 nard drive, internal modem $575. 302-690" 150TV & SOUND SYSTEMS CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR’s and Stereos Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 180TRAVEL & LODGING EUROPE-SUMMER '98 $239 (each way plus taxes) Mexico/Caribb.-$209-$249 R/T HAWAII-S119 o/w CALL 800-834-9192 http://www.airhitch.org THREE STUDENT POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER TERM Want to earn som^^fc while being in the sun Office ol Research jrfWjjjtration is looking for two sto^pifTo run errands and make deliveries on campus this summer. We are also looking for someone to do simple typing, filing, daia entry and general office work. Interested? Call Michelle 346-5133. 205 HELP WANTED 200 WORK STUDY POSITIONS Campus Recycling Now Hiring for Fall Term 1998! Student recycler positions available for Work Study/Tech Fee only begin ning Fall term. Leave message with a mailing address to obtain applica tion. Contact Campus Recycling at 346-1529 Want to work with people? Gain good experience? Now hiring for summer and 98-99 academic year receptionist positions in Academic Advising and Student Services. Must have work/study for 98-99 (not nec essary for summer). Applications available in 164 Oregon Hall. 205 HELP WANTED STUDENT COMPUTING SUPPORT POSITIONS Looking lor students with computer experience tor different consulting positions. Some may start summer others on 9/1/98. Applicants need excellent customer skills, network expertise (especially if the terms TCP/IP, MacTCP, Remote Access, PPP mean something to you), and DOS/Windows and Macintosh ex perience. Must commit for at least one year. Starting pay ranges from $6.00/hour to $7.00/hour dependent on the position. Raises are contin gent upon a successful review of work done. Apply in Room 250 Com puting Center. SOCIAL SERVICES - Alvord-Taylor is accepting applications lor direct care positions in our group homes serving adults with developmental disabilities. The homes are located in Springfield and near bus lines Full, pari time and overnight shifts avail able. Excellent benefits, vacation plan and comprehensive training provided. Position provides a great opportunity to gain experience in so cial services. If interested, apply in person at Eugene office, 315 E. 13th Ave. Mon-Fri, 9-4. EOE/AA 205 HELP WANTED Summer Jobs! NOW HIRING University of Oregon Annual Giving Program APPLY TODAY! start at $7.50 per hour PLUS BONUS! Agate Hall, room 124 applications available !2 p.n: 5 p m. Call 346-2059 Annual Giving Hroeram • University o f Oregon 205 HELP WANTED Do You Need Summer Work? Apply today... work tomorrow' Apply with Selectemp and work for the best employers in your area. We have production, assembly, clerical, and high tech jobs offering: • Top wages • Bonuses • Weekly Pay Apply at the Location nearest you: Albany 575 Pacific Blvd. • 967 6881 Beaverton 9011 SW Beau-Hills Hy * 296-9670 Eugene 2131 Centennial Plaza • SAO-6200 Medford 897 Royal Ave. • 775-5755 Salem 1665 25th St. SE • 581 1748 Wilsonville 25195 SW Parkwy • 682-9862 (NO FEE EOE) SELECTEMP. 205 HELP WANTED 205 HELP WANTED Get Paid to Exercise The Oregon Daily Emerald is now hiring for morning newspaper delivery. Starts at approximately 6:30a.m. everyday the Emerald is published 2 to 2‘/t hours per day (varies with the size of the paper). Some j afternoon work. Requires your own RELIABLE vehicle Apply now for fall. Work Study OK. Apply in person, Mon-Fri, M, 300 EMU. The Oregon Daily Emerald is an equal opportunity employer committed to a culturally diverse workplace ON-CALL RELIEF STAFF Seeking for Looking Glass' Station 7 program, a 24-hours-a-day crisis in tervention center, and emergency snelter for runaway and homeless youth and their famines. Entry level skills. Behavior monitoring, part-time. Flexible hours. Overnights available To apply cal' 586-2588. AA/EOE 205 HELP WANTED w COORD anted Applications and Job Descriptions are now available. Please call 346-4351 tor more information. Experience Empowerment Leadership The Community Internship Program is an ; equal opportunity, affirmative action orp’anization c