Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1998, Page 8 and 9, Image 8

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Cast Your Vote for Your ’98-'99 Bookstore Board
May 13th & 14th at the UO Bookstore and the EMU
Open to all current UO faculty, students and staff
Candidate Statements
Jason Bennett
I believe that I possess the best qualities needed to serve on the
University of Oregon Bookstore Board of Directors. The position
requires a business background, as many decisions will be made
that will affect the Bookstore financially. Since I am a business
major here at the UO, I have the skills needed to fulfill this part
of the job description. Another ability that a Board member
must have is the skill to communicate with the people the
Bookstore serves: the faculty, staff, and students of the Univer
sity of Oregon. As a member of the current ASUO Executive
Staff and a Resident Assistant in the residence halls, I feel that I have gained the
experience of working with a wide variety of people. By using the skills that I have
gained through these positions, I will be able to interact with everyone the Book
store caters to in the most productive way possible. Through the use of the skills
mentioned above, as well as others that I possess, I believe that by electing me to
the sophomore position on the Board of Directors you will help ensure the success
of the Bookstore for many years to come. I plan on doing my best to maintain the
standard of excellence that has come to be expected from the Bookstore today.
Kenneth Best
The University of Oregon Bookstore has a tradition of excel
lence, success, and dedication to the students. The responsibil
ity of maintaining this tradition lies in the hands of the stu
dents and faculty on the Bookstore Board of Directors. Because
the Bookstore is the primary source of coursebooks, it has be
come an integral part of all university students' lives and edu
As I walk among my fellow students, especially around the
beginning of the term, I hear many comments about the Book
store, borne ot these comments are good, and some of them are bad, but all of them
are useful in making the Bookstore a better place for all students. I am concerned
with making students aware of just how special our Bookstore is, and also let them
know that it is their comments and complaints that will make it an even better
I believe I would be good for the Sophomore position for two reasons. First, I
have a strong desire to get involved with the community which effects me and my
peers, and the Bookstore is an ideal place to accomplish this. Second, I am willing
to devote any amount of time necessary to improve the Bookstore to better fit the
needs of students, because the students are what really matter.
Jenny Dubrow
A good leader is one who is willing to guide and direct others
and encourage them to follow. My name is Jenny Dubrow and I
am running for the two-year sophomore position on the Uni
versity of Oregon Bookstore Board of Directors. I am a leader
who is able to communicate, listen and understand others'
views and ideas. If elected, I would do my best to represent the
student body and help make the voice of the students be heard.
I feel that my leadership skills would enable me to be a dedi
cated member of the Board. I stronqlv support the student dis
count that is available at the Bookstore and would do my best to maintain it. I
know that if I was elected, I would successfully represent the ideas and opinions
of the student body by using my leadership and communication skills to the best of
my ability.
Campbell Kidd
The Bookstore Board is an important position and it needs well established individu
als with drive and determination to help it grow. I feel that I would be a good candi
date for this position because I have those qualities. I have just recently been elected
to the EMU Board of Directors and I am well connected amongst both the student
body and faculty of the University. I am always available to listen and help those
with problems or concerns. My intent for this position is to voice what the students
want. I will always bring your issues to the table and promote not only what I think
is right, but what is right for the University.
Jennifer Krupoff - no statement
Krista McGrath
My name is Krista McGrath and I am running for the sophomore position of
the UO Bookstore Board. I feel that I possess all the necessary skills and quali
ties, such as being a good listener, good communicator, and leader. This will enable
me to be a good representative for our student body and dedicated member of
the Board. If elected, I will make every effort to take all students' ideas into
account and reach out to them as a liaison. I strongly believe in our student
discount at the Bookstore and will make every effort to maintain this and pos
sibly increase it. I am very excited for this opportunity as your representative
and hope to provide a great deal of insight and leadership to our Bookstore Board.
Tracy Suwardi - no statement
Whitney Williamson
My name is Whitney Williamson and I am excited about becom
ing more involved in the community and the University. For
these reasons, I have chosen to run for the two-year Sophomore
Position on the U of 0 Bookstore Board. The U of 0 Bookstore
is one of the most important parts of the University atmos
phere. I intend to help the students and the faculty to continue
to reap the benefits of the 10% discount. I also find it impor
tant to expand the technology that is available to the students
and faculty. Technological assistance to students and faculty is
very important, as well as assisting those with limited resources. As a member of
the Greek system and a leader within my chapter, I understand the importance of
good representation. I am enrolled in the Journalism and Communications School,
with a Fine Arts minor, and I feel that I will represent the University of Oregon stu
dents well.
Diane Downing
me u or u Bookstore is one or rew, nationwide, to allow stu
dents to serve on the Board of Directors. Thus, student involve
ment becomes a crucial part of the organization and provides
us [the students] an opportunity to share our knowledge while
learning and growing together.
Here at the University I am currently a member of Kappa
Delta sorority and involved in an International Teaching Orga
nization called Camp Adventure, while finishing up my junior
year as a Psychology major, Business minor. I am a hard work
ing, responsible individual with an intuitive personality. In short, I care about how
things are run on this campus and feel that my contributions to the University
Bookstore will not go unnoticed.
Get involved in your campus community, make a difference in the way things
happen around here. It's a shame to just stand around watching your college years
zoom by.
Vote for a gal who doesn't let talking about action replace taking action. Vote
Diane Downing for Bookstore Board.
Joshua Gold
I was not so sure about running for the Bookstore Board until after the April 22
Annual Meeting. At the meeting I found out that the Bookstore is a non-profit
company and that the store is doing good things for the students. After learning
this, the outgoing and current Board members encouraged everyone in attendance
to run for positions. Then I realized the Board would be a great thing to become a
part of. So here I am, a junior English major looking for ways to be productive. I
have not held an elected position or been part of a board before, but I hope to
learn the intricacies as I go. Further questions, concerns or ideas?Please write
James Hastings
The University of Oregon Bookstore has always been an inte
gral part of being a student. Not only for coursebooks and
school supplies, but also increasingly as the most convenient
location on campus to find just about anything a student could
need. The continued focus of the Bookstore in meeting the
specific needs of the University community is a mission I hope
to further through my participation as a Board member.
In my candidacy for the Board, I bring with me a wealth of
experience I have achieved throughout my university career
and not always as a student. I have continued with my academic goal of an account
ing degree through the Lundquist College of Business and have had the oppor
tunity to apply the skills I have learned in an internship position with a CPA firm.
I took a year away from school and remained in the Eugene area employed as a
Director of Customer Service, a position involving sales and contact with many
prominent businesses.
I have a unique knowledge of the Bookstore as a former employee as well
as through research projects I have undertaken which examine the organiza
tion structure. I am familiar with many of the management staff and have an
understanding of the goals toward which the Bookstore strives as well as the cul
ture that enables the actualization of these successes. However, as a student, I
am sympathetic to the issues and concerns of the student body and of the Uni
versity in general. As a member of the Board, I feel I could successfully address
the issues of students through an effective understanding of the Bookstore and
it's staff by way of my business background and work experience.
Norine Madden
I am running for the University of Oregon Bookstore Board of
Directors because I can help continue its long tradition of pro
viding services to the student community. I am a General Sci
ence major in the Honors College. I am active in many groups
on campus including the Student Alumni Association, Presi
dential Student Scholars Association, and the Ancient Order of
the Druids (the junior honors society). I also have administra
tive experience serving on the Student Health Advisory Com
mittee. This committee helps the Student Health Center make
executive and financial decisions, just as the Board of Directors does for the Book
store. You should vote for me for the Board of Directors because I have a strong in
terest in the business details and the future of the Bookstore and because I have
the experience and the drive to do an excellent job.
Shawn Menashe
My name is Shawn Menashe and I am a sophomore double ma
joring in political science and sociology and a minor in busi
ness. I believe I am a good candidate for the Bookstore Board
of Directors. I, like many other students, have the same con
cerns with rising book costs and the Bookstore's decisions ef
fecting my fellow students and faculty. I am outgoing and per
sonable and easily approachable. I would have no problem
voicing my concerns or answering questions posed to me by fel
low Bookstore members. I have had enjoyable past experiences
working in groups and would greatly value the opportunity to serve on the Board. I
am a hardworking, ambitious and motivated individual and would like to make a
positive impact during my years at the University of Oregon. Please vote for me.
Thank you.
Graduate -1 Year
Tom Cassidy
As a Board member I would have two priorities: (1) Affordabili
ty. Our Bookstore provides a crucial service, and therefore must
offer products that students as well as faculty can afford. I will
work to maintain the high standards of efficiency and econo
my in the management of the Bookstore. (2) Variety. As the
University community grows, the Bookstore must meet the
needs of an ever more diverse base of customers. I am commit
ted to ensuring that the Bookstore is useful and accessible to
the entire University. I will bring to the Bookstore Board a fo
cused and rational approach and a preference for simple, effective solutions.
Christopher Hirth
I will bring a diverse range of experience to the UO Bookstore Board of Directors.
This includes experience working in both large and small businesses and in a not
for-profit, non-governmental organization. After graduating from California State
University at Los Angeles with a BA in Japanese in 1989,1 worked for six years in
Japan, as a teacher, an environmentalist, and a translator. I entered the UO in Fall
1995, so I am amply familiar with the Bookstore and the community. Currently, in
addition to being a GTF and a full-time Ph.D. student majoring in Political Science,
I also operate a successful small business.
I do not claim some special ability to "lead" you; I do hope to represent your
interests on the Board. My goals for the Bookstore are simple:
1) Sell books cheaply
2) Buy back books at a fair price
3) Provide high-quality services to the UO community
If you share these desires, please vote for me for the one-year graduate posi
tion. Thank you.
Dhananjay Ramasubban - no statement
Graduate - 2 Year
Ramon Fisher — no statement
Zach Fruchtenaarten
My name is Zachary Fruchtengarten and I am currently a first
year law student. Next year I will be enrolled in the M.B.A. pro
gram at the business school. I am running for the Graduate (2
year) position of the Bookstore Board of Directors. I have both
the experience and the necessary skills to be a good Board
member. I served as past President of the University of Oregon
Bookstore Board of Directors as an undergraduate. I really en
joyed the experience and would like the chance to serve as a
Board member again. This is another chance for me to get in
volved and have a positive impact while at the University of Oregon. I feel I am
very approachable and am not afraid to speak my mind. Students and faculty are
all members of the Bookstore and it is important that the Bookstore make deci
sions in our best interest. If the Bookstore is not making the right decision it is
our responsibility to let it know. I would have no problem acting as the middleman
to communicate and answer your questions and concerns. Please vote for me.
Thank you.
Tami Posnanski
I am interested in the Board position to better balance my edu
cational experience at the UO. I have been an active member of
external affairs, program marketing, investment club and grad
uation planning in the MBA. As a business student, I aim to be
more involved in a business setting outside the Lundquist Col
lege of Business.
Being a student with consumer retail experience and five
years in the "working world", I feel that I can bring realistic
and significant student perspectives to the Board. As a former
professional in the retail service industry, I have strong ideas on how customer ser
vice and convenience cm improve customer satisfaction and enhance operations.
Listening to the needs of the members is essential to planning a strategy and a de
livery to meet those needs. I am anxious for this opportunity to observe operations
of this organization and in return offer to share the knowledge I have gained
through my studies. I feel this position is a natural fit for my business background
and goals. Please help me to realize this opportunity.
Classified/Officer of Admin.
Coleen Ebert
As I complete a term of service as a Bookstore Board member, I
appreciate having the opportunity to work with a staff and
board whose main concern is to be increasingly responsive to
the University's academic retail needs. I've been a member of
the UO community for a decade now as student, instructor, and
administrator. My best contribution to the Board continues to
be that I have a first-hand understanding of what the UO con
sumer wants and needs from its university bookstore. I will
work to help the Bookstore anticipate the growing needs as the
University changes and redefines itself and to maintain a partnership that en
hances the UO mission of service to its community.
Shelley Sutherland
wnen l first became a member or tne Bookstore Board, l did so
because I thought I could be helpful in implementing the new
ly developed, long range plan. As a faculty representative, 1
thought the components of that plan were important to my
I thought it was essential to address the over-crowded facil
ities and to be responsive to the technological needs of both
students and faculty. Tremendous improvements have been
made in these and other areas. However, a transition phase still
exists with much more to be done to make our Bookstore a truly first class facility.
I want to continue to be a part of this progress.
I have some goals that I desire to pursue. These include the assurance that our
new branches in the Casanova Center and the Law School meet the needs of the
users of these state-of-the-art facilities. I also want to provide both students and
faculty with increased discounts and I want to provide faculty with a comfortable
place to examine and choose curriculum materials.
My experiences, my interest and my willingness to contribute to the continued
progress of the Bookstore qualify me for another term.
Susan Thelen
l nave Been patronizing tne uu Booxstore ror tne past nineteen
years. Since then, I have become acquainted with the Bookstore
i as a student, community member, vendor, and now as a facul
r ty/staff member. If chosen for this Board, I will be excited to
work with the management and other Board members to pro
mote the position it holds on this campus and in our commu
Inity at large. Because I have lived and worked both on and off
this campus, I will bring a unique and well rounded perspective
to the table. Of all the board positions and community involve
ment I do in our community, 1 would value the opportunity to give back to an or
ganization that has given me so very much over these years, our UO Bookstore.
Did You Know?
Your non-profit Bookstore has always been governed by
a board of directors of students, faculty and staff?
895 E. 13th Avenue • 346-4331 • M-F 7:45-6. Sat 10-6 • Sun 12-6