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EUGENE 461-7834 THURSTON COED A WOMENS ONLY SOSO MAIN ST. SPRINGFIELD 746-3533 GATEWAY COED A WOMENS ONLY OPEN 24 HRS. 2270 GATEWAY ST.. SPRINGFIELD 726-5220 344-4200 COTTAGE GROVE FOR WOMEN 172 GATEWAY PLAZA. COTTAGE GROVE 942-7427 344-1028 L OPEN 24 HRS _World Iraq, U.N. reach agreement Officials say members of the Security Council will be the first to review details of the agreement By Robert H. Reid The Associated Press BAGHDAD, Iraq — U.N. chief Kofi Annan and Iraqi leader Sad dam Hussein settled the last ma jor obstacle Sunday to opening presidential palaces to U.N. arms inspectors, which is the main condition for avoiding a U.S. at tack, Annan’s spokesman said. The agreement came during a three-hour meeting between An nan and Saddam at the Republi can Palace, one of eight presiden tial sites that Iraq had declared off-limits to U.N. weapons inspec tors, said U.N. spokesman Fred Eckhard. “We’ve reached an agreement,” Eckhard said. “We have a text.” One Iraqi official, who insisted his named not be used, was asked whether there was a deal. He replied, “Yes.” Eckhard said “we expect the text will be acceptable to all 15 members of the Security Coun cil,” including the United States, which has said it would refuse an agreement that it believes under mines the inspectors’ authority. White House spokesman Mike McCurry said preliminary ac counts had been received from Baghdad, but he refused to assess them. “We’ve got a lot of serious questions. It’s a very serious mat ter at a serious time, and we want to get some questions answered,” he said. Annan and Iraq’s deputy prime minister, Tariq Aziz, met late Sunday to agree on the precise wording of an agreement the sec retary-general will take back to the Security Council. Annan was scheduled to return to New York on Monday and brief the Security Council on Tuesday afternoon. The crisis over weapons in spections has brought the Persian Gulf to the brink of war. The United States has sent a naval armada and 25,000 troops to the region to mount air strikes unless Iraq agrees to open all sites, including eight presidential palaces, to the U.N. weapons in spectors. Pro-Iraq protests have erupted across the Arab world — Jordan had to send out tanks in one desert city to contain them — and sent Israelis scurrying for gas masks and diplomats there preparing to leave. Israel also de cided Sunday to distribute antibi otics to protect against a biologi cal attack, despite Annan’s news. Britain, America’s strongest backer for a military strike, react ed cautiously. “The expectation is that Kofi Annan will make an announce ment in the morning whether a deal has been brokered,” a spokesman for Prime Minister Tony Blair said on customary anonymity. “Even then, he will report back to the Security Coun cil the details of that.” Annan briefed Blair by tele phone on his discussions with Saddam, the spokesman said without elaborating. Annan met with the Iraqi leader after talks with Aziz since Friday failed to resolve the last major obstacle — Iraq’s demand for a time limit on inspections of presidential compounds. Eckhard said that time limits were not part of the agreement, but that details of the deal would first be presented to the Security Council. FBI search home for biological weapons Tests show the material is an animal vaccine, not ingredients of a biological weapon By Dara Akiko Tom The Associated Press LOGANDAI.E, Nev. — FBI agents in surgical gloves removed boxes full of materials from the home of a researcher Sunday, a day after he was released from jail when tests showed he possessed a harmless animal vaccine, not a biological weapon. More than a dozen agents de scended on William Leavitt Jr.’s property in this small farming community 50 miles northeast of Las Vegas. Neighbors said the agents had been searching the home and an adjacent shed since Wednesday, when Leavitt was ar rested along with Larry Wayne Harris. Leavitt’s lawyer, Lamond Mills, called the search "a fishing expe dition” and said he planned to visit the home to “see what kind of shape the house is in and what they’ve taken.” "1 think they’re embarrassed, and I think they’re looking for anything they can find to bring charges against Bill Leavitt," Mills said. FBI agents at the scene declined to comment. Agents, some wearing surgical gloves, were seen removing boxloads of materials from a building next to the house. The boxes were placed in a large rental truck. The search came on the eve of Monday’s detention hearing for Harris, who remained jailed over the weekend on biological weapon charges. A government lab on Sunday was still testing material seized from Harris’ Ohio home to deter mine if it is a dangerous — and il legal — biological agent, federal sources have said. Harris is on probation for a 1995 conviction for illegally obtaining the bubon ic plague bacteria. The FBI says its investigation into both men is continuing, even though authorities announced Saturday that a substance once feared to be the ingredients of a bi ological weapon turned out to be a harmless anthrax vaccine. The material was seized from Leavitt and Harris on Wednesday in Henderson, Nev. 002491 Pick up packets at the Election Board Desk in the ASUO Executive Office. EMU Suite 4. Candidate Filins March 6: Filins Deadline March 12: Candidates Mandatory Meetins April 15,16: Primary Election April 22, 23: General Election