957 Willamette 687-0898 Coupon Expires 1/2/98. I_I poppiY _y4nark>li&. T? "The Land East" Traditional '’I'GrKk & Indian Food Lunch Monday through Saturday Dinner 7 Nights a Week 992 Willamette Eugene. Or 97401 343-96GI i Janus 5 t < !W availlhl,. 8 HEALTH CENTER Open daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., except Tuesdays (9 a.m.) and Sundays (10 a.m.). Appointments : 346-2770 • After hours: 346-4441 • Web: ‘Greetings!’ is a warm-hearted play The Actors Cabaret will present a holiday play about family conflict By Thomas Valinoti Freelance Reporter The Actors Cabaret of Eugene will present a warm-hearted holiday play called “Greet ings!,” directed by Michael P. Watkins. The plot centers around a sto ry of family conflict: The Gorski family is Catholic, but the eldest brother, Andy (played by Bruce McArthur), brings home a Jew ish fiancee. Andy’s mother is a sweet, Catholic woman with an understanding heart, but his fa ther is a bitter man who can’t ac cept the fact that Andy’s fiancee is a Jewish atheist. To make matters worse, Andy brings Randi Stein (played by Erika Jane Johnson) home to meet his family on Christmas Eve. On top of this problem, the family must cope with the fact that Andy’s brother, Mickey Gorski (played by Joe Stipek Helm) is mentally handicapped. When Andy brings home his fiancee, the cohesion within the Gorski family begins to break up. In the middle of the destruc tion, however, Mickey surpris es the entire group. Up until this point, his extremely limit ed vocabulary has consisted of “oh boy” and “wow.” Sudden ly, he bellows out “Greetings!” and the play begins to take shape. Apparently, Mickey’s body has been temporarily inhabited by an ancient, wise and witty spirit who is determined to ex tinguish the negative situation that is brewing. This adds a comedic twist, which sends the audience on an improbable ex ploration into human nature. The Off-Broadway produc tion of “Greetings!” was hailed as “a surprisingly effective comedy [that] ... glows with good-natured, warm-hearted emotion" by the Associated Press. The Berkshire Eagle said, “‘Greetings!’ should become as much a part of the fabric of win ter holiday season as ‘It’s a Wonderful Life,’ and ‘A Christ mas Carol.’” The Actors Cabaret will pre sent this comedy, written by Tom Dudzick, on Thursdays, WENDY FULLER/Emerald The Gorski family comes togeth er in Tom Dndzick’s Greetings!' Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through December. A Sunday matinee will take place at 2 p.m. on Dec. 14. Tickets are $9 in advance on Thursday and Sunday, $11 in advance on Friday and Saturday and $15 the day of all shows. Call ACE from 1 to 5 p.m. Tues day through Saturday at 686 4346 for tickets. Resale Clothing NEED CHRISTMAS MONEY? We buy used clothes Call for Appointment 344-7039 Mon-Fri 10-6, Sat 10-5 • 360 E. 11th. keep in touch D _ D D I JsjCSSSeHe] 343-4480 GEN ADMISSION Th-Sa $6 • DISCOUNT SHOWSSrSfeTRnMSSsrsSSuSO^dTlHnSS^S^I BARGAIN PASSES ON SALE NOW - 5 MOVIES FOR S20.00. 10 FOR S35 • GIFT CERTIFICATES AVATT AM Ft I f LIMITED ENGAGEMENT DON 7 MiSS U ^ 5D 9 :5 Ni(11111v M.u a 2 ",0 f>rh/AMiTtr -Oovid Fritke. IOUINC SIONI ★★★☆! A FINE TVNE5 avalanche: Ttte RoR.Se tw.«mttLive LRJ HELD OVER! 5:15, 7:10 & 9:00 Nightly ^ Sun Mat £ 3:15 HI FINAL? DAYS! DON'T MISS m 5:00 & 7:20 Nightly \ 492 E 1 3th 686 2458 12 00 Nightly MAT e 2:45 ^ JOHNTOMOUA SEANPBM RCSNM«3HT-PBM SHE'S SO ILOVIEYI MJ NHELD OVER! 11 00 Nightly SAT MAT 3:15 YOUVE GOT TO SEE IT ON THE BIG SCREEN! Robin Wright Mandy Patinkin Princess Bride CO»iNG: PICTURE PERFECT in town # Hear the **** _ *» a ->«*-* »* # This is 2222 Centennial Blvd . Eugene . 343-4734 with this coupon Saturday only Valid at 10:45pm W expires Dec. 6,1997 I