Sara Ali, an undeclared freshman, and Tara Nikzi, a freshman majoring in a petition in favor of economic sanctions against Burma. MICHAEL CRISP/Emerall international studies, sigh Boycott: Company buys teak wood ■ Continued from Page 1 Clinton’s executive order by limit ing the city’s right to do business or engage in contracts with any company with Burmese business ties. Although Shaw said he felt the meeting with Case went well, he has not received confirmation on an additional meeting date. According to Case, she and oth er city officials have not yet had a chance to pore over the specifics and the future implications of such an agreement. However, she said she will pass the draft to the city’s administrative director War ren Wong for further review as soon as the initial evaluation is done. But she said if the agree ment seems feasible, it eventually would require a City Council vote to change the existing code for city contracting. But Shaw said if he does not get any further cooperation from Case, he will go to the council with a drafted plan and a petition with approximately 100 signa tures from University students and other Eugene residents. Shaw said he and other stu dents are also in the process of or ganizing a postcard campaign to urge the city to consider a selec tive purchasing agreement, and he said he is attempting to get City Council member Bobby Lee to sponsor the bill. But as of Dec. 3, Lee said he had not had time to look into the mat ter because of the flurry of recent council action. “I think [the petition] is the kind of thing Eugene citizens would want,” Shaw said. “It should give us a sense of pride that we’re joined in an international civic movement.” Shaw said Portland is attempt ing to enact a similar selective pur chasing agreement, and 15 cities, one county and one state already have similar agreements of their own. These include San Francis co, California’s Alameda County and Massachusetts. Some of the ethical question; surrounding Burma involve the government forcing the enslaved Karen to log and destroy the Burmese rain forest, which is home to the endangered teak tree Shaw said a Eugene company uses teak wood from the Burmese rain forest. The Eugene company with ties to Burma is the U.S.-based Scan/Design Furniture Company, which sells Danish furniture con structed from the wood oi Burmese teak trees. Scan/Design manager Brian Pedersen said the company does not use teak wood mined from the endangered rain forest, and it only buys wood from sustainable forests, pointing to an Oct. 1990 statement from the Danish Timber Trade Federation stating that the harvest of Burmese teak is limited to trees meeting national mini mum girth limits. “That’s a flat-out lie," Shaw said. COMING SOON... THE U.S. MATHEMATICA EMPOWERMENT TOUR! Wolfram Research is bringing the stunning brilliance of Mathematica 3.0 to you. Climb aboard our colorful traveling display and experience what makes Mathematica indispensable in fields such as science, technology, engineering, finance, medicine, research, education, and many, many more. Come and try our interactive computer display, see interesting projects, and talk with the Wolfram Research staff about the power of Mathematica 3.0 and our many specialized application packages. You'll be inspired to use Mathematica for your next project! Check out our wob site for information on this and other Empowerment Tour stops! Where: University of Oregon — 13th Street (Between University & Agate) When: Monday, December 8,1997 Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm WOLFRAM RESEARCH The First Friday Loffee douse proudly presents: Ui lues sensation DAVID JACODS-STRAIM and EAGI I: PARK SLIM FREE ADMISSION inside the Collier House presented by the UO Cultural Forum and the alcohol prevention team Little Ocean * Fish Tank Setup IMCLWPES; S' * 10 Gallon Tank •* Heater * Hood Gravel > Undergravel Filter :> Thermometer > Air Pump * HiO Conditioner ^ Air Hose The perfect gift for any room on or off campus. Everyone needs companionship. COME IN AND SEE TONKA gM. • ^ *49” STUDENT CHRISTMAS SPECIAL 1920 FRANKLIN BLVD. / M-SAT9am-7ph- 687-0682