_Your Comer Store UO Bookstore 16th Annual Two Days Only • November 4 & 5 ARTISTS ONCE A YEAR DISCUSS •Art Media Properties •Watch Demonstrations •Try New Materials •Learn Latest Techniques SHOW SALE PRICES Discounts on lots of art media and equipment, prize drawings, free information and samples. Solutions to problems from representatives of over 60 art and media supply companies. 20% OFF ALL ART & CLASS SUPPLIES! NOV. 4 & S BRING US YOUR HALLOWEEN PARTY PICTURES! We have One-Hour Processing, Next Day Processing and Enlargements. 'XowAwl . Frequent Phot* o \if pfcotoP'W*»»»91S tiwwt 1 and <**rt tt* i Boo! Get your Frequent Photo Card. Use our photoprocessing 15 times and get the 16th FREE! Buy 2 Hallmark Greeting Cards and get 1 FREE!* »e^ Ou; '"t I L - ***** ****** I .« V*«« I Buy 2 Hallmark Greeting Cards and get a FREE Hallmark Shoebox card of your choice. —*w'^ C0U*30n ava^a^e 'n store- Expires 10/31. _Booksigning_ Patrick McManus Sunday, November 2 ♦ 3:30-5:00pm • Upstairs at the Bookstore Pat's premiere play has been cancelled due to actor illness, but Pat will be in our store to sign copies of his hilarious books about the great outdoors, including his most recent, Into the Twilight Endlessly Grousing. Don't miss this one! Did you know? A We provide over 60 temporary jobs to students at the start of each term to help with book rush. Reading & Booksigning Walt Curtis Thursday, October 30 • 7:30pm * Knight Library Browsing Room • J]Q Campus S -+o 'Hu T^-ta/ /