WALK TO CAMPUS ALDERWOOD MANOR 1884-1860 Alder Studios, 1 & 2 bedrooms $395, $495, $595 Call John 686-0743 BLACKSTONE MANOR 1750 Alder 2 bedrooms$595 Call Brandy 687-0684 TALISMAN 888 East 18th 2 bedrooms $650 Call Mark 342-7373 FLINTRIDGE 800 East 18th 2 bedrooms $615 Free basic cable TV Call Lewie 687-5996 vonKlein Property Management, Inc. 485-7776 1301 Ferry #2 FURNISHED 215 APARTMENTS Campus apartment, 2 bdrm, new carpet. Available now. $550+$400 deposit 343-8545 220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED HILYARD HOUSE 725 East 14th New Upscale Apartments 1 bedroom! 1 bath 2 bedroom/2 bath • Paid Internet Service • Secured Front Entrance • Secured Covered Parking • Washer/Dryer in Each Unit for more information contact: Eric or Daylene 302-9088 vonKlein Property Management, Inc. 485-7776 1301 Ferry #2 220 APARTMENTS WMiUililHiljiB Nice, dean 1 bdrm. apt. avail. 12/10 1 block from campus w/ paiking. Only $395/mo. Call 686-3422 Near UO. Renovated 2 bdrm, 1 bath upstairs apt. $500 + dep., some util, paid. No pets or smoking. The Neel Management Team 686-2174 1 1/2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studio with on-site laundry facilities, free water, sewer and garbage. $385/month 484-6346 MILLRACE APARTMENTS 1805 Garden Ave. Large 2 bedroom. Available November 1st — $065. On site laundrv. Accross from the UofO. Call Kim 344-569$ or 729-2766 Cel. for showing. JENNINGS & CO. 683-2271 24 hr info line 911 Country Club Rd., Suite 1 SO 3 bedroom on campus. $690 Marilyn or Steve 687-8768 2 BEDROOM Spacious, freshly painted, coutyard setting, off street parking. Close to UO. 525 & 541 E. 19th. Open Mon day- Saturday 11-4 or call 485-7776. von Klein Properly Management, Inc THREE BEDROOM $645 Spacious, clean,one block to UO. No smoking/pets.750 E. 18th. 349-9151. TWO BEDROOM $545 Spacious, clean,one block to UO. No smoking/pets.750 E. 18th. 349-9151. ONE BEDROOM $495 Spacious, clean,one block to UO. No smoking/pets.750 E. 18th. 349-9151. 914 E. 18th Partially furnished 1 bedroom across from UO. Laundry. $425 534 1/2 E. 14th Small 2 bedroom. $475 includes all utilities. Laundry. 1432 Orchard 2 bedrooms. Nice deck. Excellent condition. $525 1844 Kincaid Partially furnished 2 bedroom. Laundry, 1/2 block to UO $550 For more details stop by our office for a FREE list. Sorry, no pets. Shown by appointment. Spyglass Associates 345 W. 10th Ave. 686-1130 FIRTREE 1149 Ferry St. 1 & 2 bdrni apts. Walk, bicycle to classes, security gate, W/l) on site, $475 & $575. JENNINGS & CO. 683-2271 24 hr info line 911 Country Oub Rd., Suite 150 Studio and 1 bedroom apartments in Springfield. $325-$365 + deposit. No pets. Available now. Close to bus and shopping. 741 -2504 |220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED AVAILABLE NOW University Manor 745 E. 15th 1-2-3 bedroom $495 $650 $695 Call Ryan 485-9773 Maple Arms 1345 Ferry 1 bedroom $425 Call Lewie 687-5996 Garden Terrace 1893 Garden Ave. 2 bedroom $545 Call Larry 344-6861 FlRCREST 630 E. 14TH 2 bedroom $615 Call Lewie 687-5996 College Side 737 E. 16th 2 bedroom $550 Call Dave 344-1827 1365 Ferry 1-2 bedroom $525 $650 Call Lewie 687-5996 1340 Mill 1-2 bedroom $450 $550 Call Morgana 686-8883 Von Klein Property Management, Inc 485-7776 • 1301 FERRY RIVERTOWNE 597 Country Club Rd. • 485-1422 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms starting at $505. Covered parking, on-site laundry, beautiful courtyard setting, fire places, pool, close to everything. 225 QUADS Carpeted, off street parking, alt utili ties paid, on-site laundry. $245/mo. 1750 Hilyard. 741-2504. SUNDIAL QUADS Quad Units. $295/mo. Shari* common areas of kitchen and bathroom. On-site laundry facility, on-site parking Water, sewage, garbage, hot water are paid. Call or leaie a message forJim at 687-9644. JENNINGS & CO. 683-2271 24 hr info line 911 Country Club RdL, Suite 150 The Quad-ratic Equation Let us solve your housing problem! 5 locations next to campus. School year: $285-5325 Call 344-2816 or 344-2657 Visit us at www.talray.com ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder St. • 345-5949. Clean, tumished, full service quads. Quiet policy, parking. $275/mo fall, RESERVE NOW! 230 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM FOR RENT in 3 bedroom apt. Less than 1 block (rom campus. Share kitchen & bathroom. On site parking & laundry. $275 or $230 w/ lease. Call 461-0199 INTERNATIONAL FRIENDSHIP HOUSE. ROOM TO RENT in his toric 11 bedroom house within block of campus. You must see this to appreciate. Beautifully furnished living room/dining room. All utilities paid. A great atmosphere for serious but amiable people. International Friendship House. $275 or 250 with 11 month lease. Call 461-0199 Furnished room in private home. Cable TV, kitchen, laundry and utili ties included. $350/mo. 485-4158. 2 rmmates wanted to share 4 bdrm, 3 bath house. Clean, spacious with W/D. $295 Vanessa 344-3992 Eugene Christian Fellowship Cam pus house. Room & board avail, rates start at $300/mo. For applica tion and information call 344-3380. Unfurnished rooms for rent. $215 & up, utils included, near UO, phone and laundry. No Smoking. 341-9434 Great House! Spacious, clean, quiet, view, decks, 5 min to UO. Share w/ one. $380/+utils.Call 683-7346 eves. 245 ROOMMATES WANTED Room available in 6 bdrm house 3 blocks from campus. $310 Available 11/1 Contact Dan or Brian 684-7862 Room in new 3 bdrm apt. Fireplace, W/D, balconies , all amenities, $270/ mo+1/3 utilities and $150 deposit. Available now. 349-9751 To share cute, cozy, quiet (not too quiet) apt w/ Soph, female. Committed to school, but still fun. Must be open minded and contribute to comfortable atmosphere. $325/mo + 1/2 electric 484-2384 after 4 pm Block from Campus 245 ROOMMATES WANTED Roommate wanted to share 3 bed room town house with 2 females. Ap ply by Nov. t. $208/ month + $200 nonretundable cleaning deposit. W/ D, hardwood floors, fireplace. Cats ok. Michelle or Carley at 683-9655 t room in 2 bdrm furnished apt in Duck's Village. Clean, non smoking person wanted. Call 684-8214 275 CLUB SPORTS U of O Crew is looking for an assis tant coach. Monthly stipend avail able. Questions call 346-3912. Submit resume to EMU Club Sports by Nov. 7. RACQUETBALL Try something fun and exciting. Join the Racquetball Club. All levels wel come. Meet Wednesday 10/29 at 8pm at Esslinger courts. Questions? Call Brian @465-9019 285 SERVICES Problems? Call the U of O Crisis Line for free, anonymous counseling. M-F, 5 pm-8 am 24 hrs/day weekends. 346-4488 Pregnant? Worried? We can help. Confidential, caring support. Free pregnancy tests, 1 st Way 687-8651 Abortion Services to 21 weeks. Free pregnancy tests. All Women's Health Services. 633 E. 11th, 342-5940 300 CAMPUS MINISTRY Wesley Night Fellowship Wednesdays at 7pm Wesley Foundation 1236 Kincaid Street (Next to UO Bookstore) Rev Janet Crormvell Pastor 305 CAMPUS EVENTS GENERAL ADMISSION T1__ COUNT SHOWS Su-W. 14 SO/Malm.*. $3 ifg«in 5 movm toi 920. goo 5:00, 6:50, 8:45 Nightly The most critically acclaimed film of the year! 5:25. 7:20, 9:15 Nightly HELD OVER! DON’T MIsS IT! THE £Ull MONTY Off the mark by Mark Parisi ITV^t.-.X 14fe>. CRAMSTort [ goWN'r^STR^T/SGWiAlG L our PuUrGRoVIN rtiC£.~ IX WWW offthemark com _^ll^ijgjj_^IkANIiCFEAruRE © 1997 mark PARisi:$$S5S&S$:::::.: MarkParisi ©aol.com 310 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT w/rental of equal or greater value* 'Valid Wed & Thurs only. 1 star movies only J Extensive cult & foreign films I i Not valid with any other otter I Expires 10/31/97 R E C Y C L E E 315 WHAT S HAPPENING? it 315 WHAT'S HAPPENING? Multicultural Center Presents... Thursday Night Halloween Special. October 30th Join MCC for a Halloween Movie Marathon Only $1 to get in Admission includes Free Popcorn and Drinks Feature Films; Halloween, Friday the 13th, Psycho, Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, Hellraiser.Candyman We'll play scary movies tor as long as you can take it! Scare begins at 7:00 pm in Suite 33, EMU Prizes Awarded lor Best Costumes HerOa Thought! ImL * f m Place your Classified Ad thru the Internet! Try it... 315 WHAT'S HAPPENING? hallomccn ItfMW __ partyT® costume contest [win prizes; draq show contest If?«Ma!Wroun^ November 1st ISaturday] 8pm to midnight [FREE admission with ISA coupons] coupons can be picked up everyday ® ISA office (206 EMU) from 9am to I 5pm or ISA coffee hour. Fridays from I 4pm to 6pm in the Taylor Lounge EMU [free refreshments provided] presented by International Student Association I email: asuoisa@gladstone uoregon edu sponsored | (ISA] and R.ley hall tel 3464387 I by PA R I Y lund and Riley hall CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 1 Clears the deck 5 Lun cheonette 8 Un escorted 12 Touch 13 Scull need 14 El# 15 Eastern or Central 17 Portent 18 Throws forcefully 19 Jim Varney role 21 Put away 22 Lily variety 23 Morsel 26 Pioneered 28 Unlikely trick-taker 31 -Mila 18 author 33 Fun 'n' games 35 Pack 36 Pacific island group 38 Gulf st. 40 Observe 41 Therefore 43 Essen expletive 45 He doesn't treat anyone well 47 Repre sentations 51 Jai follower 52 Sci-fi plot device 54 Telegram 55 Prop for Markham’s 56 Arab potentate 57 Starts to fall asleep 58 Conclude 59 Say it isn't so DOWN 1 It figures 2 Stage statuette 3 Big cat 4 Actor Buscemi 5 Renewal injection 6 PC interlink 7 Kilmer opus 8 They're full of holes 9 Breaks Solution time: 21 mins. Yesterday's answer 10-29 10 Dismisses 11 Ibsen hero 16 Fervor 20 Roulette bet 23 Clear the tables 24 Play wright Levin 25 Workday record 27 Alphabet 29 Miler Sebastian 30 Baaed girl? 32 Raids 34 Alleged 37 Past 39 Pinnacle 42 The Lady — Tiger?" 44 Hemmed and — 45 Daybreak 46 Medley 48 Ready for action 49 Green acres 50 Agile 53 lliescu of Romania