Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Call 346-4343 or stop by Suite 300 EMU to place your ad today mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm s 100 LOST & FOUND FOUND: Set of keys in front of Columbia. Bike key & pocket knife also on ring. Claim at Lost & Found in EMU. A lost love letter from my Sweet P. Outside Eslinger last week. Obvious sentimental value. 343-0674 105 TYPING/RESUME SERVICES At 344-0759, ROBIN is GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. 20-year thesis/dissertation background. Term papers. Full resume service. Editing. Laser pr. ON CAMPUS! Pro/Edit Editing • Writing Assistance • Typing Graphics/Text Scanning • Resumes 741-7553 110 INSTRUCTION/TUTORING Foreign language tutoring. Conver sational and idiomatic. German, Ru mantsch and Italian. Single or groups. Susanna 937-2051 120 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE $$Give Me Five!$$ Run your "FOR SALE” ad (items under $1,000) for 5 days. If the item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at 346-4343 and we'll run your ad again for another 5 days FREE! Student/Private Party Ails Only • No Retunds t Tuesdays 4 Saturdays are Gaming Nights from 6pm to9pm at Emerald City Comics. 770 E. 13th. 345-2568. Beyond Resale j as you | know it - { The Clothes Hone Buy, Sell, Trade 720 E. 13th-345-5099 130 CARS/TRUCKS '90 Nissan Sentra, blue, automat ic, stereo, bike racks, looks good, runs great. $3800 Ale* 338-9073 1988 Honda Civic. 4 door, trunk, stick shift. Good condition and reli able. $3600. 338-7808. '85 Olds Cutlass Supreme V8, Air, brougham, blue, new tires, well maintained. $2500 484-9918 87 Integra LS white 2 dr, 5 sp, AC, CD, alarm, moon roof, custom rims, runs perfect. $4350/obo 431-3896 080 GREEK EVENTS IK LOLLIPOP SALE IK proceeds benefit: ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE RESEARCH Tuesday Oct. 21 UO Bookstore 8 a.m.-5 p.m. $1.00 Friday Oct. 24 W. 11th Fred Meyer 11 a.m.-4 p.m. $1.00 Help EK make Alzheimer's ZK disease a memory! ZK Horoscope by Frances Drake For Tuesday, Oct. 21, 1997 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A pleasure engagement may have to be put off because of pressing work concerns Anyway, too much is on your mind for you to be the best of company TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Concern about a relationship with a friend could undermine work effi ciency Things have gone on long enough Come to terms with prob lems with assigned duties GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) There’s so much you’d like to say to a close tie, but you could be some what locked into yourself. Getting your head straight remains your priority. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You’re probably not as outgoing as you’d like to be. You're right to cut down on being extravagant. You don’t, however, have to become a ™LEO (July 23 to Aug 22) Serious thought must be given to the costs involved with a trip. Economy and prudence are key words for the day For some, it’s an educational matter that causes con CC VIRGO (Aug. 23 to Sept. 22) You could be very distracted early in the day, causing some confusion. Concentration is needed to aort the wheat from the chaff, the relevant from the superfluous. LIBRA (Sept. 23 to Oct 22) As much as you would like to have company over, it may not be fair to a family member. What’s fair to you is likely a secondary consideration at the moment. You are up to this chal e 1997 Mac f— SCORPIO (Oct 23 to Nov. 21) There’s too much left unsaid be tween you and a close tie. laying your cards on the table can be done without issuing ultimatums or mak mg demands. Exercise candor SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21) The workload seems heavy Moods and sensitivities will have to take a back 6eat to the job that needs to be done Be less concerned about ego requirements CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 to Jan 19) It seems as if your duty does lie with a partner, but there could be some strain about a proposed expen diture. Do what you can to minimize stressful relations. AQUARIUS (Jan 20 to Feb. 18) You're not likely to work out the best deal regarding business inter ests and loans Necessity may die Late some compromises. Scrutinize the fine print. PISCES (Feb. 19 to March 20) Travel for business reasons doesn't sit well with a family member For some, it'6 a problem with in-laws that arises. Company would be an inconvenience for the time being YOU BORN TODAY are both ambitious and community-minded You might foster political ambitions and be drawn to a career service You’d make a good patron of the arts and may be artistically talented your self. Home is important to your hap^ pin ess like many members of your sign. You thrive on large enterprises and may be somewhat acquisitive Law. medicine and music may also appeal to you. Birthdate of: Ursula LeGuin, au thor. Carrier Fisher, actress; Joyce Randolph, actress. uth S/tadicaU lac 130 CARS/TRUCKS '94 Honda Civic 3 door, AC, ster eo, alarm, very low mileage 1.1 KM $9500/obo Michiko 345-4047 '90 Accord EX 5spd $6995! /obo Looks beautiful, drives like new, all luxuries, leather seats. 155K hwy mi. 30K service done. Larry 686-5636 140 BICYCLES Cannondale Men's Mt. Bike 18", complete Deore XT components, Top ol the line, New tires, Rock ring, Great Shape! $650/obo 345-0701 10 speed Peugeot Excellent work ing condition, new tires, blue. Good commuter $75 484-9918 145 COMPUTERS/ELECTRONICS Packard Bell Legend 2015 CD ROM, internal modem. $300 686 2703 Acer P75, 40 MB 28.8 Modem, 8x CD, MS Office, Norton Software, Acer 14” monitor, Hewlett-Packard Printer, all for $800 Call for more info. 683-4994 Mac Powerbook 190 CS Color 8x CD ROM, Ethernet card. $700/obo Andy 683-6226 Student Ready Upgraded HP 233 8mg ram w/ modem, Windows 95 $350/obo 343-2732 15QTV & SOUND SYSTEMS CASH! We Buy, Sell & Service VHS VCR’s and Stereos. Thompson Electronics, 1122 Oak, 343-9273 155 INSTRUMENTS Pearl drum set w/ bass, floor tom, snare, high hat and a crash. All with stands, sticks, seat. $200 338-2973 170 PHOTOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT Cameras-Buy & Sell-Student to Pro Hundreds to choose from!!! Dick McRIIIs Cameras 688-7739 180 TRAVEL & LODGING FLY CHEAP!!! ♦Courier Air Fares* I London ‘299 Mexico ‘250 Rio ‘2501 Tokyo ‘350 Sydney ‘420 (ALL RT) f \IL l \RI S Air Courier International \ 1-800-298-1230 24hr Get involved and make a difference! The ASUO Executive will begin re viewing applications for: 1-ASPAC position representing Int'l, Law or grad, LGBT and Non- Traditional students. Pick up applications in Suite 4 today! Call Sadie Rogers at 346-0621 .The ASUO is a AA/EOE/ADA employer, committed to a culturally diverse workplace. WANT TO GET INVOLVED? Volunteer for Saferide- For 2 hours a week you can make a difference. Drive or work in the office. It's a great experience and fun, too! For info, call 346-0653 or stop in the Women's Center. Off the mark by Mark Parisi vMa-t's -tW/s?? 6Novj wHir£i FooR STaRS, RAPO^Z^L : FOUR STARS. •. at^o^LLk ftosrs PmcfakmtiG 190 OPPORTUNITIES Australia New Zealand ADVENTURE Pacific Challenge *98 Spend this winter in the sunshine down under as we again explore the spectacular natural environments of Australia and New Zealand. A full term of university credit combining cultural and environmental education with the adventure experience is available through this amazing travel study program. Outdoor activities include: Rock climbing,rafting, kayaking, backbacking, scuba diving, surfing and much more! For info: Call Dr. Dave Wright at 343-4124 or see Council Travel on campus. Collect Tarot raffle cards for good. Door prizes at the Graduate School & Career Fair Nov. 5, 11 a.m.-3 p.m„ EMU Ballroom Check out for details._ We want YOU for the New Student Telephone Project! Looking for eight motivated students interested in an exciting leadership opportunity. Call admitted students and answer questions about UO. Project runs Jan.- May 1998. $6.00/ hr. 10-12 hrs/wk. Possible travel op portunity. For more info, attend IN TEREST MEETING: Oct. 21st 7:00 pm 360 Oregon Hall. TONIGHT! Of fice of Student Orientation Pro grams. 346-1167. Apps. available 372 Oregon Hall. |220 APARTMENTS 205 HELP WANTED HOME TYPISTS, PC users needed $45,000 income potential. Call 1 800-513-4343 ext. B-9642 RECREATION Willamalane Park & Recreation Dis trict seeks Coaches and Activities Leaders for the following activities: volleyball, basketball, soccer, drama, music, choir, language, dance, field trips, and general sports and a Country Line Dance In structor. Applications available at Willamalane, 765 A St., Spfld., 97477. Drug-free workplace. EOE. Part Time front desk position avail able at tennis and fitness club, for evenings & weekends. Apply in per son. Willow Creek Tennis and Sports Center 4201 W. 13th Ave, Eugene. Looking for people who are patient, loving and want to work with child ren. Must have flexible schedule, PT 15-20 hrs/wk after 2 weeks of inten sive training. Tutoring position for in home program for 2 young autistic children. Long term commitment necessary. MUST be reliable. Previ ous work in child related field a plus. Must have a car, Elaine 485-7760. Baker Bring resume to French Horn Bakery 1591 Willamette. No phone calls please. Office Assistant for small nonprofit research institute. Half time starting November. Phones, photocopying, filing, correspondence, errands, etc. MAC familiarity, strong language skills essential. Graphics experience desirable. $7-9/hr. to start. Resume and cover letter to Matt Cranor at ERI. 132 E. Broadway, Suite 747, Eugene, 97401 by Monday, Oct. 27, 5:00pm. Papa Murphy’s Take -N- Bake Pizza Opening November 13th 2780 River Rd. Hiring for day and afternoon— evening employment <) A.M.-9 l\M. Monday thru Sunda> Flexible Student Schedules Send resume to: Beth Hamlin 28920 Stahlbush Is. Kd. Corvallis, OK 97333 Phone (511) 734-1248 with questions. 111111 |220 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE NOW University Manor 745 B. 15th 1-2-3 bedroom $495 $650 $695 Call Ryan 485-9773 Maple Arms 1345 Ff.rry 1 bedroom $425 Call Lewie 687-5996 Garden Terrace 1893 Garden Ave. 2 bedroom $545 Call Larry 344-6861 Fircrest 630 E. 14th 2 bedroom $615 Call Lewie 687-5996 College Side 737 E. I6th 2 bedroom $550 Call Dave 344-1827 1365 Ferry 1-2 bedroom $525 $650 Call Lewie 687-5996 1340 Mill 1-2 bedroom $450 $550 Call Morgana 686-8883 Non Klein Properly Munaucmcnt. Inc 4S5-7776 • 1301 KKKRY Dilbert By Scott Adams SPORTS ^tttCAABIlIA TUTS IS THE BEST PRICE I’VE SEEN FOR A &ASE3AU AUTOGRAPHED fry BABE ROTH. 5 i OUT I DON'T SEE COHERE THE AUTOGRAPH IS. r fn GET5 AUTOGRAPHED^ (U.TER TONIGHT, _J I'LL T^t THIS \ \ *N0 THREE OF IJ THt HONUS !| jJA&NiER CARDS '/ . * Job Opportunities^Apartment#, Pets, Roommates, Furniture, Personals, Counseling Services, Work Study, Computers, Sikes, Care rmAvt>t rvp^rprnenT/S, revs, K.oomma«?s, rurmvure, rersonais, counseling services, worK otuoy, Come And Get Yt\ Everything you want is in the ODE Classifieds. To place an ad, call 346-4343. Lost & Found, Televisions. Travel Opportunities, Houses, Club Sports. Entertainment, Stereos. Concerts, instruments. Movies. Lectures