Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 01, 1997, Page 3, Image 3

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Quotes confusing
As a Presbyterian campus
minister anti director of the
Koinonia Center (14th Av
enue and Kincaid Street), I
find it a curious thing to pick
up the Oregon Daily Emerald
the first day of classes and
have biblical quotations on
the Perspectives page. No by
line, no comment, no context.
Not even what translation (al
though it appears to be the
King James version). Nothing,
just words on the page.
Are these given to the Uni
versity community as a novel
or provocative gift? Discus
sion starters? A laugh or filler
for the page? It’s hard to
know. Sacred texts (at least to
some of us) taken out of con
text, taken out of the worship
ing community that ponders
these words together, taken
out of the historical memory
of the Christian faith, mean
nothing to no one.
There are many of us
around the edges of the cam
pus that would be glad to
write articles, editorials or
give interviews about what
scripture means to us. You
could do a series on sacred
texts from many religious tra
You could support a dia
logue among representatives
from the world religions
about the use and abuse of sa
cred texts. There is much you
could do in a more imagina
tive and thoughtful way be
sides throwing words on a
page. It is a curious thing.
Rev. Tiare Mathion-Bowie
Koinonia Center director
Mail grades
The Emerald hit the nail on
the head in its Sept. 29 editori
al about the absence of student
involvement in the adminis
tration's decision to stop send
ing schedules and grades to
students in the mail. Students
should have the option to have
their schedules and grades
sent to them upon request, pe
Students currently must get
their schedules and grades
from DuckCall or DuckWeb.
Students who need to send
their grades away for scholar
ship purposes must now pay
for a transcript when before
they simply tossed their report
card in the mail to be sent off.
The grades that are dis
played on DuckWeb are unac
ceptable because they can easi
ly be made into an HTML
document with new and im
proved grades.
Herb Chereck, the Universi
ty’s registrar, has made a big
mistake in his decision to stop
sending grade reports to stu
dents. If the Office of the Regis
trar can send students bills in
the mail, it should certainly be
able to send us our grades too.
We urge any students who
have a problem with the new
policy to contact Chereck at
346-3297 and tell him.
Chereck, give the students the
right to view their grades and
schedules without having to
deal with busy signals on the
telephone and online.
Autumn De Poe
ASUO communications director
Brian Riehm
ASUO state affairs coordinator
and ten co-signers
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