[220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED Large 1 bedroom, 1840 Agate, newer updates. Edge of campus. 9/1 to 6/30 lease, $450, lease signing special $100 oft. Call JLT Invest ment Services 485-6606. OVERSIZED 2 BDRM APTS walk/bike to UO Clean*Fresh Paint*some balconies*bus line*private parking... from $595 13th & Lawrence, 451W. 13th Ave JENNINGS & CO. 683-2271 24 hr info line 911 Country CU> Rd, Suite 150 CLOSE TO CAMPUS • Very Quaint 1 bdrm $425 610 E. 8th #3 • 1 bdrm, excellent location $520 1452 E. 19th #3 • 1 bdrm, acr. from music bldg. $395 1831 Kincaid #18 • Huge 1 bdrm $445 1825 Harris 3A • Large 2 bdrm & 1 1/2 bath $550 1825 Harris 3C Call 343-6000 285 SERVICES [220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED PEARL GARDEN APARTMENTS 135 E. 19th #1 Exceptionally spacious and nice 2bd w/patio or balcony. Quiet, parking, laundry, no pets. Close to UO and Saleway. Summer from $495 lease. 345-5949 or 343-0131 3 bedroom- $645 Campus 1 Block Spacious, very clean, carpets, drapes. No smoking/pets. Very nice. 750 E. 18th 349-9151. RIVERTOWNE 597 Country Club Rd. • 485-1422 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms starling at $505. Covered parking, on-site laundry, beautiful courtyard setting, fire places, pool, close to everything. 2 BEDROOM Spacious, freshly painted, coutyard setting, off street parking. Close to UO. 525 & 541 E. 19th. Open Mon day- Saturday 11-4 or call 485-7776. von Klein Property Management, Inc 3 bdrm-S595 Campus 10 blocks Spacious, clean, laundry, No smoking/pets. 2045 Willamette 349-9151 448 E. 18th Classic 2 bedroom with hardwood floors and coved ceil ings, spacious, on site laundry, off street parking, great campus loca tion, some utilities paid, $545 plus deposits, non pet/non smoking. One year lease. 688-2060 454 E. 18th Great 2 bedroom unit, light and bright, spacious, large bal cony, off street parking, great cam pus location, some utilities paid, $495 plus deposits, non pet/non smoking. One year lease. 688-2060 1/2 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS * 1 + bedrooms $550 Laundry room on premises, no pets. First, last & 1 month security. 1 year lease. Available now. Call 343-4474 CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1 + bdrm 1452 E. 19th #3 $520 1831 Kincaid #18 $395 Call 343-6000 3 BEDROOM APT. with in block of campus. Parking and laundry on site. New carpet. $795 or 690 with lease through Aug. 31. Call 461 0199 3 BEDROOM APT. with In block of campus. Parking and laundry on site. New carpet. $795 or 690 with lease through Aug. 31. Call 461 0199 3 bdrm, 1 bath Less than 1 block from UO. Parking garage, laundry facilities 461-0199 Belter Properly Management 285 SERVICES * Academic Learning Services Tutorial Support - Fall 1997 $80 per group Tutorial support is available this term at the scheduled times and days: CH 221 EC 201 PHYS 201 FR 101 FR 201 SPAN 101 SPAN 201 MATH 095 MATH 111 4:00 pm MW 4:00 pm MW 4:00 pm MW 5:00 pm MW 4:00 pm MW 5:00 pm MW 3:30 pm UH 5:00 pm UH 4:00 pm MW 5:00 pm MW 4:00 pm MW 5:00 pm UH MATH 112 MATH 241 MATH 242 MATH 243 MATH 251 MATH 252 MATH 253 MATH 105 3:00 pm MW 4:00 pm MW 5:00 pm UH 4:00 pm MW 4:00 pm MW 5:00 pm UH 4:00 pm MW 5:00 pm MW 3:30 pm UH 3:30 pm UH To participate in these groups register and pay fees ($80/course) at Academic Learning Services, 68 PLC. Laurel Valley- Near UO. Quiet, peaceful. 1-2 bdrm, decks, patio,am ple parking and open space $450 525 Call 541-344-6540 I PM Co. 225 QUADS ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder St. • 345-5949. Clean, furnished, full service quads. Quiet policy, parking. $275/mo fall, RESERVE NOW! SUNDIAL QUADS Quad Units. $295/mo. Share common areas of kitchen and bathroom. On-site laundry facility, on-site parking. Water, sewage, garbage, hot water are paid. Call or leave a message for Jim at 687-9644. JENNINGS & CO. 683-2271 24 hr info line 911 Country Club Rd, Suite 150 The Quad-ratic Equation Let us solve your housing problem! 5 locations next to campus. Summer: $175-S220 School year: $285-$325 Call 344-2816 or 344-2657 Visit us at www.talray.com Carpeted, of! street parking, all utili ties paid, on-site laundry. $245/mo. 1750 Hilyard. 741-2504. 230 ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM TO RENT in historic 11 bedroom house within block of campus. You must see this to appre ciate. Beautifully furnished living room/dining room. All utilities paid. A great atmosphere for serious but amiable people. International Friendship House. $275 or 250 with 11 month lease. Also. ROOM FOR RENT in 3 bedroom apt. less than 1 block from campus. Share kitchen & bathroom. On site parking & laundry. Furniture avail able if needed. $275 or 230 w/ lease through Aug. 31. Call 461-0199 International Friendship House Rooms available in a beautiful, his toric house. Less than 1 block west of UO. 715 E. 16th. ALL UTILITIES PAID. Call 461-0199 lor appointment or stop by apt #5 located in apt com plex directly behind house at 715 1/2 E. 16th. 230 ROOMS FOR RENT Wanted: 3 people to share a beauti ful and spacious 4 bdrm and 3 bath home. Washer and dryer included. Please call Vanessa @ 344-3992. Beautiful, spacious house. Clean, quiet panoramic view, decks, 5 min to campus. Share w/ 2 grad stud ents. S380 +util. Patricia 683-7346 Unfurnished rooms for rent. $215 & up. utils included, near UO, phone and laundry. No Smoking. 341-9434 Room for rent in two bedroom con do. with female grad, student. $325 per month. Clean, quiet, near bus line. No smoking. 684-0381 245 ROOMMATES WANTED Share 2 bdrm apt. Open minded, friendly atmosphere. On bus line. 1/2 rent, 1/2 util. Call Melissa 349-9247 Share large 4 bdrm town house w/ 3 females. Coburg area $225/mo + util. No smoke/pets. Call 684-8222 1 Room available in quaint 4 bdrm house 5 blks from campus, w/d, no smoking or pets $312/mo + dep Call 345-9251 1 roommate wanted to share cool 4 bedroom, 2 bath house w/ 3 others. 1/4 block from campus. $325 + 1/4 utilities. Call 343-9425 or 484-3609 Female to share 2-bed, 2-bath New, prime Chase Village apartment. Pool, spa, weight room. On bus line. $350 International student wel come! 344-8056. 1 room in 3 bdrm/1.5 bath house. Lg. yard. No smoking. Avail 10/1 $230/ mo. 1st/last, $100 dep. 465-8852. 250 BOARDING HOUSES Home stay in south hills. $450/ month. Room and board. 15 minutes to UO. Call 344-9894 190 OPPORTUNITIES WRITERS’ WORKSHOP ! with Profassor Suzanne Clark Open to Honors College, Honors Track and Departmental honors students of all majors ENG 399 Honors Track Writing CRN: 16266 Days/Times: UH 17:00-18:00 Place: 184 PLC Credits: 4 credits, graded l http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/-scla rk/eng399/eng399.html off the mark Iwwwoffthemark. com by Mark Parisi MarkParisi@aol.com ArLANTJCFEATUREC^M7MARKWRjSI^ ODE 346-4343 CLASSIFIEDS If you’ve got something to sell, someone to meet, something to find - we can help you out!!! 260 ANNOUNCEMENTS P.A.R.T.Y. Funds are back! Mini grants are now available for late night events. For more information stop by the Office of Student Life. 364 Oregon Hall. Don't miss out! 285 SERVICES PRESCHOOL SPACES AVAILABLE: Preschool spaces are available in the EMU Child Care and Develop ment centers (CCDC, EMU and Westmoreland sites). Phone 346 4384 or stop by 1511 Moss st. for in formation. Free Pregnancy Tests Confidential. Tues. - Fri., 10:00-5:00 and Saturday by appointment only. Lane Pregnancy Support Center, 134 E. 13th #5 34543400 Problems? Call the U of O Crisis Line for free, anonymous counseling. M-F, 5 pm-8 am 24 hrs/day weekends. 346-4488 Abortion Services to 21 weeks. Free pregnancy tests. All Women's Health Services 633 E. 11th, 342-5940 285 SERVICES 285 SERVICES Because people care... FREE pregnancy testing. Call 1st Way 687-8651 310 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT DISCOUNT SHOWS Su-W« |4 •O/lletineee ^rgem passes i mown* tor 120 good Su-Th, 4, BIJOU LATE NITE 4, 285 SERVICES Academic Learning i Services Helping Faculty and Students Succeed Test Preparation Workshops Fall 1997 LSAT $150 Nov. 4,6.11,13,18,20 3:30pm - 5:00pm Practice Exam Nov. 25 3:30pm - 7:00pm GRE $125 Oct.7,9,14,16,21,23,28 3:30pm - 5:00pm Practice Exam Oct. 25 8:00am -11:30am For more information or to register contact: Academic Learning Services,68 PLC,346-3226 Requests for accommodations related to disability should be made to Kim Lllley (6-3226) one week prior to event. CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS 1 Toe woe 5 Links stat 8 Silents vamp 12 Emana tion 13 Author Buscaglia 14 OPEC member 15 New York Stock Exchange 17 Chap 18 157 1/2 degrees on the compass 19 Resort destina tion 20 Emulates Ella 21 William Master son 22 Scroog ean cry 23 — fever 26 New Orleans, with The" 30 Give — up (help) 31 Irritate 32 Villa d — 33 “So what?" 35 “Non sense!" 36 B&B 37 Caviar 38 Trades 41 Court 42 Circle section 45 Light provider 46 Musical about Huck Finn 48 Peak 49 Pal of Tarzan 50 Admoni tion to Nanette 51 Churlish sort 52 Neverthe less 53 Be sure of DOWN 1 Chatters 2 Overseas agree ments? 3 Incite 4 Bill 5 Braid 6 Re planes 'n' stuff 7 Serling or Steiger 8 Honcho 9 Region 10 Carry on 11 picnic intruders 16 Algerian port 20 Droop 21 Ursa Major cluster 22 Cometist Beider becke Solution time: 27 mins. 9-30 23 Carriage for hire 24 — Baba 25 Command to Fido 26 — canto 27 Blond shade 28 Depot: abbr. 29 Archery bow wood 31 Johnson or Heflin 34 Type units 35 Deserving aD 37 Man of many words 38 Statue, before? 39 City on the Brazos 40 Magazine articles? 41 Use a sponge 42 Bard's waterway 43 Oddly, it’s farther west than LA. 44 Exult 46 San Francisco area 47 Well fill?