Flower: Weevils plav dead when shaken ■ Continued from Page 8A cupies about 7 million acres of Western Oregon lowlands and a few areas in Eastern Oregon, ac cording to the department. The Bonneville Power Admin istration has furnished a heli copter for the weevil-drops. “There’s yellow everywhere,” said Eric M. Coombs, an ento mologist with the department. Coombs said the broom has spread steadily since it was im ported from Great Britain to Cali fornia in 1861 for use as an orna mental plant. Oregon s battle with it didn’t begin until the early 1980s. “Initially, everybody thought it was pretty,” Coombs said. But now, with broom growing every where, “It outcompetes desirable flora.” Because it came from a differ ent ecosystem, the plant has few natural enemies in Oregon. The broom-eating weevils orig CiWe want insects that will eat the (broom) flowers. We want insects that will eat the leaves. We’re looking for insects that will burrow into the roots and eat the plant from the ground up. Eric Coombs Oregon Department ot Agriculture inally were imported from Eu rope, too. But at best, they only can slow the broom invasion. Each broom plant produces thou sands of seeds. Coombs said other insects need to be found that will eat other parts of the broom without harming native species and crops. “We want insects that will eat the (broom) flowers,’’ Coombs said. “We want insects that will eat the leaves. We’re looking for insects that will burrow into the roots and eat the plant from the ground up.” Oregon biologists are working with researchers from the Britain, Australia and New Zealand. When the state needs weevils, workers go to “nursery sites” where the bugs are abundant. They shake broom plants over insect nets. The weevils, which play dead when confronted, fall into the nets along with assorted other bugs. Workers then must sort the bugs. The weevils are put into biodegradable paper cups with plants and toilet paper for climb ing and await their big drop. It could take decades to control the broom if it can be done at all. “It will continue to get worse,” Coombs said. Warmest Congratulations to the Graduating Students of The University of Oregon At KinderCare, we know you take pride in your education! Alter all, we understand the value of educa tion. We’re the nation’s largest provider of child care and pre school services — dedicated to quality curriculum and materials. KinderCare If you are thinking about employment in Early Childhood Eduation, contact alumnus Sherri Baker about employment in the Portland area: (503) 639-8530 To work at KinderCare, we require at least 20 ECE credits or one year experience in a licensed child care facility. We provide competitive benefits and compensation. EOE Have a great summer! Come and visit us in Portland C.ardroom & Cafe S W 3rd & Salmon/ 227-6 1 85 BELLEVUE COMPUTER Call Us For A QUOTE! Pentium, Pentium Pro, AMD K5-K6, Mac Compatibles Academic Software Source # Bellevue Computer, Inc. 1020 Green Acres Rd, Eugene 342-3571 (fax) 342-3701 (right by Gl Joe’s) WHEN YOUR BRAIN NEEDS A BREAK, WDEKItUffi BODY! Come in to BETTER BODIES and blow off stress while getting in shape. It'll make you feel good and look even better. f- STUDENT SPECIAL I 6 MONTHS FOR 1 $99 • Some terms apply. Must have valid student ID. SEVEN LOCATIONS! ONE LOW PRICE! TVTTpTAT I EUGENE/FRANKLIN BLVD. JLM JLlI VV . 1475 FRANKLIN BLVD. 344-1028 WEST EUGENE COED & WOMENS ONLY 2370 W. 1 Ith AVE., EUGNE 686-2633 SANTA CLARA COED & WOMENS ONLY 2025 RIVER ROAD, EUGENE 461-7834 GATEWAY COED & WOMENS ONLY OPEN 24 HRS. 3270 GATEWAY ST.. SPRINGFIELD 726-5220 VALLEY RIVER PLAZA FOR WOMEN 1101 VALLEY RIVER DR., NO 109, EUGENE 344-4200 COTTAGE GROVE FORWOMEN 172 GATEWAY PLAZA, COTTAGE GROVE 942-7427 THURSTON COED & WOMENS ONLY 5630 MAIN ST, SPRINGFIELD 746-3533 PLEASE RECYCLE