NEAR CAMPUS Summer rates: Quaint studio—$295/ mo. 2 bdrm—$450/mo. 3 bdrm— $600/mo. Parking. 343-6000 Near Campus! Exceptional 2 bdrm townhouse, small, quiet complex. Avail June. Will go fast. Private patio, car-port. No Pets! Lease $485/smr, $535/fall. 1437 High. 344-7434. PEARL GARDEN APARTMENTS 135 E. 19th #1 Exceptionally spacious and nice apartments Quiet, parking, laundry, pet free. Close to UO and Safeway. $475-$675 fall, $375-$575 summer. 345-5949 or 343-0131 35 E. 24th Place • 1 bedoorm townhouse $525 ($625 furnished) 2960 Willamette • Studio $325 • 1 bedroom $375/$385 1247 W. 6th 1 bdrm $365 Property Management Real Estate 1339 Oak St., Suite 1 344-1235 SUMMER RATES FALL RESERVATIONS * Furnished ^Unfurnished studio, one, two and three bedrooms some with balconies Contact our office now for the best selection von Klein Property Management Inc. 485-7776 1301 Ferry 285 SERVICES |220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED ******* 1/2 block from campus Lg 1 bdrm. Very quiet. $450/mo. Parking. 344-4619. ******************* ONE BLOCK FROM CAMPUS 1&2 bedroom apartments, Summer rates $300/mo; 3 bedroom, $450/ mo; All with washer/dryer in each. Free water, sewer and garbage. On site parking, 484-6346. 1 &1/2 BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studios, on site laundry facilities, tree water, sewer, and garbage. Summer rates $295/mo; 2 bedroom loft, part of house, Summer rate $300/mo. 684-0224. 1135 1/2 Mill Street 2 bedroom. $635/mo. Sun Rm-living mi combo. Upstairs unit. Carpet. Directly west of U-Lanc-0 Credit Union facing Mill St. 1128 Alder Street, Unit B 1 bedroom. $495/mo. Nice, Clean, Carpet. 60 steps from U of 0 Law School. Walk to Class^Campus. Located on the south side of the Alder St. Market. 794 E. 11th 1 bedroom. $435/mo. Above Alder St. Market. Sundiai Quads Quad Units. $285/mo. Share common areas of kitchen and bathroom. On-site laundry facility, on-site parking. Water, sewage, garbage, hot water are paid. Call or leai>e a message for Thom at 338-0659. rjl 683-2271 911COUNIHYCUJBRD.,SUni 150 JENNINGS & CO. RESERVE NOW for fall Less than block from UO. 3 bdrm/1 bath. Parking garage, laundry facili ties. $795/mo. 461-0199 or 607 1259. Better Property Management. 285 SERVICES |220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED Spacious 3 bdrm. Reserve now for summer. Less than block from cam pus. Parking garage, laundry facili ties. $350/mo. 461-0199 or 607 1259. Better Property Management. MILLRACE APARTMENTS 1805 Garden Ave. Large 2 bedroom available now for $635. On site laundry. Across from the U of 0. Call Ed 344-5695 or 554-8069 Cel. for showing nm 683-2271 911 COUNTRY CLUB RD., SUITE 150 JENNINGS & CO. Across from the Music Building SUMMER FAIL 2 BDRM $395 $480 3 BDRM $575 $840 4 BDRM $650 ' $1120 Ridgewood Apartments 343-6000 942 E. 18th. 1831-41 Kincaid Reserving for summer or summer and fall only pOREST VILLAG rAPARTMENTS Pool • Saunas • Weight Room • Quiet ^ • Bus to Campus 2 Bedrooms, 1-1/2 Baths 687-1318 On Spencers Bude. Comer of ( Donald & to Hollo*. S.E Eugene <j III l 285 SERVICES WHEN FINALS ARE OVER. THE w BEGINS.9 Save $5.00! Save 1/3 off! See below for details. MAIL BOXES ETC. Can help you do your own boxing or gladly package any and all your items. BIG OR SMALL, WE SHIP THEM ALL! Authorized UPS shipping outlet. • SAVE $5.00 on UPS shipments over 25 pounds. • SAVE 1/3 OFF the retail price of moving, shipping and storage boxes. • SAVE 1/3 OFF the retail price of packaging supplies. • FREE DELIVERY of boxes ($20 or more). • FREE LOBBY PICKUP (25 pounds or more). For free delivery of boxes or free pickup. Call: 687-2836 RAOtO SHACK Hours: M-F 8-6 • Sat 9-5 nHEIOTS HAUMMK I-I j U-LANE-O | WILLAMETTE PLAZA 299\ STREET i Willamette Plaza 2852 Willamette St. 687-2836 MAIL BOXES ETC some restrictions apply Offers expires Aug. 30, 1997 Santa Clara Square 65 W-1 Division Ave. 461-0710 [220 APARTMENTS (UNFURNISHED PROSPECT PARK 484-6553 Country quiet in the city One and two bdrm apartments avail. Many amenities plus private decks, views, pool, tennis court, playground and more. 1710 Northview Blvd. (right past 25th and Chambers). RIVERTOWNE 597 Country Club Rd. • 485-1422 1, 2 & 3 bedrooms starting at $525. Covered parking, on-site laundry, beautiful courtyard setting, fire places, pool, close to everything. 225 QUADS ALDER STREET QUADS 1360 Alder St • 345-5949. Clean, furnished, full service quads. Quiet policy, parking. $275/mo fall, $175/mo summer. RESERVE NOW! Large university quads. $175/mo. Rooms in house. $200-225. Begin ning 6/15/97, 18th and Harris. Ken 687-1155. The Quad-ratic Equation Let us solve your housing problem! 5 locations next to campus. Summer: $175-$220 School year: $285-$325 Call 344-2816 or 344-2657 Visit us at 230 ROOMS FOR RENT Large room in ARTISTIC HOME. Share bath, kitchen w/female. Stor age, close to all. $345/mo+$275 dep. includes utils. Avail July 1. 686-^4528 Room available mid-June & July. $230/month. Close to campus. Great (or first session Summer Student. Call Sarah, 687-7550. Female to share house with 3 oth ers. 32nd & Onyx. $250/mo + utilities. June 15- Aug 31.484-9451. No pets. Room for lease starting 6/15. 4 rooms total. Corner of 19th & Oak. $275/mo. For info, Hugo 343-2002. Room for rent in beautiful downtown house. High ceilings, large kitchen and bedroom. Lots of skylights! Laid back, responsible student house hold. Avail. July-Sept. 15. Ask for Grace or Stuart 343-7511. 2 rooms available in 8 bdrm, 2 bath house. Starting at $225. VANGUARD 683-9044 Unfurnished rooms for rent. $195 & up, utils included, near UO, phone and laundry. No Smoking. 341-9434 RESERVE FOR FALL Rooms for ladies, less than 15 min from campus and a world apart. LG Furn rms in 1908 mansion on 3 acre private estate. Student rate $300 $325/mo. 741-1867. No smoking. 285 SERVICES 235 DUPLEXES FOR RENT 3 BDRM DUPLEX South Eugene, fireplace, DW, wash er/dryer, fenced yard, garage. Bus to UO. No pets. Summer $625-$650. Fall $825-3850. 3990 Potter/3995 E. Amazon. Appt. only. 345-5949. 240 SUBLETS Great summer sublet. 4 blocks from UO. 3 bdrm. Big rooms. Call Leighanne 346-8166. Beautiful 2 bdrm house needs 1 subletter June - Sept. Good location, 17th & Mill. Big backyard, pets ok, hardwood floors. Call 687-0356. Wanted ASAP. 1 female to take over a 1 bdrm lease in a 4 bdrm in Duck’s Village. Starting July or Sept. Call NOW 345-7170 For summer! 2 bdrm house. W/D, enclosed yard, fireplace, hdwd floor, furnished. Avail June 15. 345-4948. Large room with walk-in closet. 1 1/2 blocks to campus. Available end of June. $310 + deposit + 1/3 utilities. No dogs. Call Keli or Emily at 484-6867. Roommate for summer and/or fall. Large 3 bdrm house. 4 blocks from UO. Call Leighanne 346-8166. Roommate wanted for summer, possibly fall. Male preferred. 1 bdrm in a 3 bdrm house, close to campus. Apprx $200/mo, summer + 1/3 util. Terri 345-3360 or rachel, 431-0452. Roommates wanted for summer. 7 bdrm house 18th & University. $220/ mo+ utils. 344-7191 or 687-7553. Wanted: Active male grad student w/ friendly dog to share clean 2 br house in quiet area. 5 blocks to UO. Parkinh, fenced backyd, wash/dry. $350/mo + util. $300 dep. 338-8440. 1 bdrm in 3 bdrm house. 6 blocks from campus. $300 + 1/3 utilities. Washer/dryer. 686-6702/431-0802. 2 roommates wanted for large 3 bdrm house for sum. w/d, nice back yd. $200/mo. 19th & Will. 343-0722. 3 rooms available until 8/25. 2045 Willamette. Next to Civic Stadium— Em's Games! $200/mo. Call Craig or Mark 683-3774 Student seeks 2 house mates for 3 bdrm for fall term or August 1st. Quiet street with large backyard, washer/dryer, no smoking, consider it! $300/mo. Call 746-1347 Lg room in 2 bdrm house. W/D, backyard, dishwasher, S. Eugene. $300/mo. June-Sept. 344-9741 285 SERVICES Cftgg body & PAINT AUTO CRAFT Body & Paint (fiu&litif, co+n&4. fosi&t 411 E. 8th • EUGENE 1775 Main • SPRINGFIELD 342-5501 747-1616 310 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 310 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Friday, ^une 13 th Painu ^t)au Cdcde Presents A • f . / / / ../ evening of percussive funk rock with Purple Weed Show starts at 9:30, $2 cover EMMMMNffl One or two roommates wanted to share spacious, clean, nice 3 bed room house with w/d and dishwash er. Nice neighborhood, close to campus. $200/mo (summer), $300/ mo (fall). 345-3618. Sublet room in 3 bdrm Chase Village apt. $300/mo.+ 1/3 utils. Avail June 22 until Sept. 1 687-5695. 255 HOUSING WANTED Recently completed graduate work at OSU, now working in Eugene. Seeks shared housing, preferably with grad students. Steve 343-5593. Problems? Call the U of O Crisis Line for free, anonymous counseling. M-F, 5pm-8am 24 hrs/day weekends. 346-4488 Abortion Services to 21 weeks. Free pregnancy tests. All Women's Health Services. 633 E. 11th, 342-5940 Sexual Assault Support Services 24-Hr Crisis Line: 484-9795 HAULING & CLEANUP Dan at 747-3589. Pager at 710-1583. Free Pregnancy Tests Confidential. Tuesday - Friday, 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday by appointmentLane Pregnancy Support Center. 134 E. 13th #5. Call 345-0400. Private help from friends. FREE pregnancy testing. Call 1st Way 687-8651 :li*9IP - “ ART CINEMAS “ ■ 492 E. 13th - 686-2458 m 5:20 7:05 Nightly THE DAYTR1PPERS rJohn Waters' 9:00 Nightly Pink Flamingos U~NC-17| O j HOME PAGE httc://www.biiou-cinflmfls com 4, BIJOU LATE NITE J, PINK t soimitmui EESTI IVII.VIIMII 8th & Lincoln ■ Wednesday, June 11th • Ronnie Davis and Idren ■ Thursday, June 12th ■ Phoenix Dance Company with The Klezmonauts ■ Friday and Saturday ■ •June 13th and 14th • Ska Against Bigotry ■ Sunday, June 15th • Todd G., Al C, Duck, Dl Chill All Ages Welcome • 6S7-2746